Wednesday, February 20, 2008

No More High Definition HD DVD???

Just when I was targetting to buy a DVD player, this piece of news came about - Toshiba to discontinue HD-DVD business. Toshiba promised to provide continuous technical support to customers who have bought their HD DVD earlier. Why the discontinuation? It seems that it was not selling as well as Blu-Ray DVD.

Pity the earlier purchasers. Even though Toshiba would provide technical supports, movie producers may not be producing DVDs in HD format since there would be lesser HD DVD users, less profitable. So, what's the point of owning one HD DVD when you don't have movies / softwares catering for it which means lesser usage of it, lesser breakdowns. Sometimes I really find such statements by an multinational companies ridiculous.

Looks like the HD DVD would be down the drain. What's the difference between a HD DVD and a Blu-Ray DVD? Read it in Engadget - Blu-ray vs HD DVD: State of the Division.

How did it come about with two different technologies for a DVD? I remembered those days (yeah, during my era and I doubt the young generation could relate to this) there was a war between the VHS and Betamax video format player and Betamax lost the war. This DVD thingy could be the same issue.

Now, what is Blu-Ray? You better read it in

Which consumer electronics manufactures this Blu-Ray DVD? I have to study which of this is the better ones now. It seems that Apple, Dell, Hitachi, HP, JVC, LG, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Pioneer, Philips, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, TDK and Thomson have it in their stable. Too many choices but Sony's DVD player seems to be getting headline when comparison was made against Toshiba's HD DVD.

Alright, I'm heading to the nearest electrical store to buy a Blu-Ray DVD player. What about the HD technology for TVs????? Going to be redundant soon??? Manufacturers, please decide fast as I want to buy a High Definition TV. Please don't surprise me as what Toshiba has done.

Reading: Analysts react to HD DVD demise - MacUser
Reading: HD DVD bids us adieu; Blu-ray triumphs - The Hollywood Reporter
Tags: HD DVD, Blu-Ray DVD, Toshiba HD DVD, DVD, DVD Player, VHS, Betamax, High Definition, Audio Visual Technology, Audio Visual, High Definition TV


sollee said...

So it's not always an advantage for consumers when manufacturers upgrade their products..just like the cellphones that we have right? models cost us too much but after a year or so it has no value anymore...

Johnny Ong said...

wld accept it for mobiles as it's considered an upgrade but to discontinue the manufacturing is like telling the consumers - u bought the wrong product and it's not our fault

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