Me and 4 other guys put up a short skit during our church's Easter Dinner celebration that was held at Bukit Jalil Golf & Country Club. It was entitled "Two Brothers". Obviously, I'm one of the 2 and a good elder brother too. Came out from the rural village in search for better life and love, both of us ventured out to the metropolitan city.
Upon arriving at the city, both brothers were totally in awe of the high and lows. Mini-skirts that were high up; Blouses with low cuttings. And also high .......... heels this time.
Unsatisfied with the slow progress of life, Ah Loong, the younger brother (in red) took his chances with gambling. Got to know a bookie (in blue) who has every kind of gambling ideas. And a guaranteed SURE WIN!
Even the F1 was fixed by his higher ranked bookies.
Ah Loong had gotten a credit earlier from the bookie and placed a heavy bet. Unfortunately, the bet on Kimi Raikkonen to win was dashed as he crashed (just before the line). In the process of getting the money back, the bookie got into a fight with Ah Loong. With all the kung fu and boxing styles displayed, he was stabbed by Ah Loong without even lifting a finger.
Ah Seng, the elder brother, (that's me) so happened passed by the area and saw the incident.
As both were very lost, Ah Seng demanded the brother to exchange the shirt they were wearing.
He was shirtless.....hehehehehehee and to the bewilderment of the crowd ....hahahaha. Was wondering any ladies fainted during this point of time.
As blood was found on Ah Seng's body, the police arrested the elder brother and brought him to court where he was sentenced to death "Gantung Sampai Mati".
Next scene, Ah Seng appeared hanging, swaying a bit here and there (notice that I was on my toes to have that swaying effect).
Ah Loong found out that Ah Seng was hanged due to him and pleaded to the judge to have him arrested. The judge said that his place has been taken over by the elder brother and Ah Loong was free to go.
Moral of the story: Jesus Christ has died on the cross and the blood that flowed out signified that it has washed away our sins. Jesus Christ died to fulfil the God's plan so that all who believes in Him shall not perish but shall have eternal life (
John 3:16).
Tags: Easter, Bookie, Jesus Christ, Sin, Eternal Life, Skit, Two Brothers