Five true accounts of events with durian sellers all over Kuala Lumpur:-
1) I myself was approached with the same modus operandi when having dinner with my family in a restaurant in Melawati. But when the durian seller quoted me the price can't remember how much but it was a ridiculous amount.
It was so unbelievable, I walked away in a huff, back into the restaurant, ignoring all the frantic cries of the durian seller. It was lucky I did so.
2) DO NOT entertain or approach any durian seller whom you do not know at all, especially pasar malam, an event which they move from one place to another ....
Personally, I had a similar experience at Raju's in Petaling Jaya sometime early this year, 2010. As we had finished our roti canai at Raju's, a "decent" looking youth came up to me with a durian with a "window" opened to show a nice and tempting durian flesh inside. Yummy, so I thought.
He led me to this van half-filled with durians and promptly told his burly buddy that this boss (that's me) wanted to buy. This fellow just picked a huge durian and proceeded to open it.
Then in quick succession, he had already opened 3 fruits. I frantically stopped him and said that I actually wanted one only. The usual concluding statement from him was, "What am I going to do with these 3 opened durians?"
I asked how much? He answered, "RM280.00"!!
I uttered, "That's robbery."
Sensing that I had just been conned and cornered, I said sternly that I am only willing to pay RM120.00 max for the durians. To cut the long story short, I settled for RM200.00.
3) Dear all,
My daughter just related this true incident that happened to her friend's mother.
She was eating breakfast at a makan stall in a wet market. A man approached her and asked if she would like to buy some fresh durians. Being a durian lover, she said yes. The man then asked her to follow him to his stall nearby.
At his stall, there were lots of durians. The man opened some fruits to show her the freshness of the durian. She was quite taken aback that he opened quite a few, so she said only wanted 5 durians.
Suddenly, the man asked, "What am I going to do with the opened durians?!" He insisted that she buy all the opened fruits. At this point, two big men with tattoos appeared at the stall.
The frightened woman decided not to buy and quickly walked to her car. But just as she opened the car door, the 'durian seller' came up behind her and slammed her door shut!
He waved the parang he had used to open the durians and demanded RM400 for the 5 durians she had wanted to buy.
The lady tried to protest about the price, but the man shouted at her, waving the parang threateningly close to her head. So, after some 'bargaining' (pleading), the three men settled on a price of RM 300 for five durians!
This incident happened in Cheras, but a robbery scam can be set up anywhere.
Beware, because they pretend to be legit traders, and durian sellers do carry parangs in broad daylight, so they have an alibi. If the cops show up, they'd just deny everything.
Times are hard now, and criminals are cooking up creative ways to rob the more vulnerable ones in surprising ways.
4) Dear neighbors,
Beware of durian van seller (3 young guys with red hair + tatoo) who come to our neighborhood promoting "branded" grades of durian at RM10 - 18/kg. I chosen 2 BIG "mau san wong" durians after being offered at RM15/kg, used his scale weight the reading was 14kgs = RM210.00. I was shocked and refused to take the durians but he said both durians are already opened and checked by me; therefore I have to take it because he will not able to sell to others. Then all 3 durian guys keep persuade me..+ the driven of my durian-addict... has made me lost sense and bought both durians. After paid & back into my house I use own weight and found both durians are only 9kgs........SHIT ! Kena tipu liao...
So dear fellows please take my lesson and do not follow my step.
5) They striked again. I saw the durian sellers this evening about 5:30pm. Two of them managed to lure a resident at jalan xxxxx and managed to cheat her of RM180 for a big durian weighing about 5-6kg, but the scale was showing a higher reading. By the time I could go and rescue her, they managed to harass her that she had to buy it cause they already opened it to show her. So i just stood there and stared at them while they quickly gave her the balance and reversed the car out of our lane.
Now i managed to get the number plate of the van - WSL6975. Can the committee inform the guards not to let in all these impromptu sellers? Also, I am paying the monthly RM100.00. Can i get contact details of these guards, in case i need to chase away these pests from our neighborhood, in the future.
Tags: Durian Seller, Cheating Durian Seller, WSL 6975, Fresh Durian, Parang, Man With Tattoo
Showing posts with label Kuala Lumpur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kuala Lumpur. Show all posts
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Conmen Striked Again
The following dialogue was re-constructed by the old folks' son. His old folks were conned and this blogpost is to serve as a lesson and information for all Malaysians.
Yesterday at around 11.30am, Ma received a phone call. There was a male voice crying at the other end of the line, saying “he is in pain, got beaten up by people and asking Ma to help him”. When Ma asked who he is, another male Chinese voice said:
Cbinese Male (CM): He is your son, We got him with us.
Ma: What happened? Why is my son with you? What have you done to him?
CM: He owed us (Ah Long) a lot of money.
Ma: How come my son got owed you money. He never borrow from Ah Long.
CM: He got football debts.
Ma: My son don’t gamble, how come got owe you debts.
CM: He stood as guarantor for a friend’s loan. Now that friend runs away, so we got your son to settle the loan. We have been watching your son for 2 weeks.
Ma: How much is the loan?
CM: RM40,000. You bring money to get your son back or we will kill him. Chop him up into many pieces.
Ma: How is my son now? (She already assumed the crying voice is my voice, and she is panicky, fearing for my safety.)
CM: He felled down and knock his head. Got some bleeding on the head. We will take him to the clinic afterwards. You quickly bring the money to bail your son or he will die.
Ma panic and screamed for Pa.
Pa then talked to the CM on the phone. CM warned Pa & Ma not to make police report, or talk to anyone or inform the neighbours or call other people. Demanded Ma to stay near the phone.
CM then instruct Pa to withdraw money RM12,000 from bank to bail his “son”. CM asked Pa where he stays and where is his bank he will take money from. (Amount was later reduced to RM10,000)
Pa told him they stay where they stay and his bank is Hong Leong Bank.
CM then instructed Pa to go to Hong Leong Bank to withdraw RM10,000 and to go to the bus stop in front of the fast food restaurant at the main road and wait for further instructions.
CM warns Ma not to go out of the house. She also cannot put down the phone or cut off the line. She is to hold the phone and keep listening to CM’s instruction.
PA then rode his motorcycle to HLB and withdraw RM10K from his FD. HLB Officer was courious as to why Pa wants to withdraw so much cash. Kept asking him what he wants so much cash for and is there anything wrong? She noticed Pa looked worried and nervous. The Officer noticed that the FD was joint-name with me and she called me from her office (that time was around 1.00pm) to ask if I am aware why my Dad needs to withdraw so much cash. I told her I am not aware of any reasons, and if he needs money, then let him take it.
After a while, I felt it a bit strange that Pa wants to take so much money, so I called home to check. But the house phone was engaged. I tried a few times and then I just forgot about the matter.
(Little did I know that Bank Officer was an angel send by God to try and intercept and stop Dad from giving the money to those confidence tricksters. But I was not sensitive enough to realize that God was doing something to save us from being cheated.)
Pa then took the money all RM10K inside an envelope and walked towards the bus stop. There were some people waiting for bus. Pa sat on the bench and another CM was sitting at the other end of the bench talking on his hp. CM2 then walked towards Pa and said “got call for you”.
Pa took the hp and CM1 asked if Pa has withdrawn the money. Pa said “yes” and CM1 told Pa to pass the money to CM2. CM1 told Pa on the phone, that after they counted the money and found correct, they will release his son in about 20 mins time. Then they will come and talked about “how to settle the balance amount”.
Pa gave the envelope to CM2 and he walked away, climbed up the overhead bridge and cross over to the other side of the road.
Pa went home and waited. After waiting for about 30 mins, and I still didn’t appear, Ma got worried and called my hp, and asked where I was and did I go anywhere in the morning. I told her I was in the office the whole day and got no time to go out.
There are a few things we can learn from this episode.
1. Don’t panic when we received such phone calls. Try to stay calm and rational. Ma wanted to call my wife to find out where I was actually, but the CM warned Ma not to go out of the house. CM got Ma to hold onto the handset all the while when Pa went to the Bank to withdraw money. CM kept talking to Ma to prevent her from going out to make phone calls or seek for help.
2. If we are confident of our children’s activities outside of the house, then we can confidently ignore the caller and can even challenge him to show proof.
3. Make an effort to contact another family member to verify the facts.
4. Demand to speak to the “victim” to verify their claims. Try to stall for time and seek help from police, neighbours, family members.
5. Don’t hand over cash without seeing the “victim” first.
6. There has been many similar cases circulating in the internet. Do take note and warn our children.
7. If there is someone claiming to be from the mobile operator company asking you to shut down your hp for 3-4 hours for “up-grading/maintenance of network / system”; please ignore them. Once your hp is switched off, no one can contact you. That’s when they will move in and try to con your family members to pay money to bail/rescue you. Since your hp is unreachable, family members may be misled into believing that you are being caught by them and the threat is real. You will then succumb to their tricks/demands.
Tags: Conman, Trickster, Fraudster, Con
Yesterday at around 11.30am, Ma received a phone call. There was a male voice crying at the other end of the line, saying “he is in pain, got beaten up by people and asking Ma to help him”. When Ma asked who he is, another male Chinese voice said:
Cbinese Male (CM): He is your son, We got him with us.
Ma: What happened? Why is my son with you? What have you done to him?
CM: He owed us (Ah Long) a lot of money.
Ma: How come my son got owed you money. He never borrow from Ah Long.
CM: He got football debts.
Ma: My son don’t gamble, how come got owe you debts.
CM: He stood as guarantor for a friend’s loan. Now that friend runs away, so we got your son to settle the loan. We have been watching your son for 2 weeks.
Ma: How much is the loan?
CM: RM40,000. You bring money to get your son back or we will kill him. Chop him up into many pieces.
Ma: How is my son now? (She already assumed the crying voice is my voice, and she is panicky, fearing for my safety.)
CM: He felled down and knock his head. Got some bleeding on the head. We will take him to the clinic afterwards. You quickly bring the money to bail your son or he will die.
Ma panic and screamed for Pa.
Pa then talked to the CM on the phone. CM warned Pa & Ma not to make police report, or talk to anyone or inform the neighbours or call other people. Demanded Ma to stay near the phone.
CM then instruct Pa to withdraw money RM12,000 from bank to bail his “son”. CM asked Pa where he stays and where is his bank he will take money from. (Amount was later reduced to RM10,000)
Pa told him they stay where they stay and his bank is Hong Leong Bank.
CM then instructed Pa to go to Hong Leong Bank to withdraw RM10,000 and to go to the bus stop in front of the fast food restaurant at the main road and wait for further instructions.
CM warns Ma not to go out of the house. She also cannot put down the phone or cut off the line. She is to hold the phone and keep listening to CM’s instruction.
PA then rode his motorcycle to HLB and withdraw RM10K from his FD. HLB Officer was courious as to why Pa wants to withdraw so much cash. Kept asking him what he wants so much cash for and is there anything wrong? She noticed Pa looked worried and nervous. The Officer noticed that the FD was joint-name with me and she called me from her office (that time was around 1.00pm) to ask if I am aware why my Dad needs to withdraw so much cash. I told her I am not aware of any reasons, and if he needs money, then let him take it.
After a while, I felt it a bit strange that Pa wants to take so much money, so I called home to check. But the house phone was engaged. I tried a few times and then I just forgot about the matter.
(Little did I know that Bank Officer was an angel send by God to try and intercept and stop Dad from giving the money to those confidence tricksters. But I was not sensitive enough to realize that God was doing something to save us from being cheated.)
Pa then took the money all RM10K inside an envelope and walked towards the bus stop. There were some people waiting for bus. Pa sat on the bench and another CM was sitting at the other end of the bench talking on his hp. CM2 then walked towards Pa and said “got call for you”.
Pa took the hp and CM1 asked if Pa has withdrawn the money. Pa said “yes” and CM1 told Pa to pass the money to CM2. CM1 told Pa on the phone, that after they counted the money and found correct, they will release his son in about 20 mins time. Then they will come and talked about “how to settle the balance amount”.
Pa gave the envelope to CM2 and he walked away, climbed up the overhead bridge and cross over to the other side of the road.
Pa went home and waited. After waiting for about 30 mins, and I still didn’t appear, Ma got worried and called my hp, and asked where I was and did I go anywhere in the morning. I told her I was in the office the whole day and got no time to go out.
There are a few things we can learn from this episode.
1. Don’t panic when we received such phone calls. Try to stay calm and rational. Ma wanted to call my wife to find out where I was actually, but the CM warned Ma not to go out of the house. CM got Ma to hold onto the handset all the while when Pa went to the Bank to withdraw money. CM kept talking to Ma to prevent her from going out to make phone calls or seek for help.
2. If we are confident of our children’s activities outside of the house, then we can confidently ignore the caller and can even challenge him to show proof.
3. Make an effort to contact another family member to verify the facts.
4. Demand to speak to the “victim” to verify their claims. Try to stall for time and seek help from police, neighbours, family members.
5. Don’t hand over cash without seeing the “victim” first.
6. There has been many similar cases circulating in the internet. Do take note and warn our children.
7. If there is someone claiming to be from the mobile operator company asking you to shut down your hp for 3-4 hours for “up-grading/maintenance of network / system”; please ignore them. Once your hp is switched off, no one can contact you. That’s when they will move in and try to con your family members to pay money to bail/rescue you. Since your hp is unreachable, family members may be misled into believing that you are being caught by them and the threat is real. You will then succumb to their tricks/demands.
Tags: Conman, Trickster, Fraudster, Con
Friday, August 13, 2010
Koreans Invaded Kuala Lumpur
Forgotten about these photos all this while. Was busy during the World Cup period with office works and the need to follow up with the daily matches.
During the World Cup, I had five South Korean friends in town and knowing that they are fanatic about their national football team, the thought of bringing them to watch a World Cup match that involves their national team came up.
Need to find a place with a giant screen and with lots of football kakis around. That will make the atmosphere superb. After googling around, I confirmed the place.
Off we went to Little Korea. What Little Korea? You didn't know? It exist right in KL.
Drove them from Corus Hotel to Ampang Avenue area, where Hotel De Palma and Ampang Point are on your left and this place is on your left.
First time coming to this part of KL and was pleasantly surprised to see soooooo many Korean restaurants and mini markets catering to the likes of the South Koreans' taste. Apparently, the condos in this area are filled with lots and lots of South Koreans.
We were slightly few minutes late for the South Korea vs. Uruguay match and a giant screen was set up at the car park area.
You don't need to go to South Korea to drool over their beautiful ladies and macho guys, they are all right here in KL. But my eyes were glued to the big screen .... ahem. We stood for the first half of the match and it was quite humid on that night.
You could find a person shouting into a microphone singing those South Korean songs that you would have heard them singing when South Korea hosted the 2002 World Cup. The cheers were loud and the South Koreans actually cheered and shouted the name of the particular player when that player lost the ball or concentration. It was so emotional.
It's like a stadium atmosphere with the people singing the South Korean songs.
There's the lady moving around with a drum trying her very best to drum up the support for their national football team who was thousand of kilometres away.
They will never jeer their players but cheered so loudly for them at all times whether they were attacking, defending or playing badly for a moment.
The crowd got up to their feet to cheer when a South Korean player almost scored.
As the heat was quite unbearable, my South Korean friends suggested to go into one of those nearby restaurants for a meal and watch the second half there.
Can't remember the name of this shop but ensured that I have a good view of the TV first. Yeah, the ceiling has those funny looking exhaust pipings hanging down to cater for those Korean steamboat meals.
The owner, who is a South Korean, came over to our table to serve us and asked for orders. He spoke to me with enthusiasm (in Korean language of course). I looked at him blur blur.
Then my South Korean guest spoke to him (I could guess what was being communicated and laughed about).
The restaurant owner then spoke to me in English. He said this "I thought you were a Korean and your five friends were local Chinese". My South Korean friends laughed and I told them "You see, I told you so. It's even happening in KL".
Wait till I post my photos of my trip to Seoul recently and will tell you those funny travel stories.
Yummy, Korean food. I eat whatever is placed right in front of me (edible stuff lah). This stuff was only for two fellas. Well, forty minutes to finish it off.
My friends didn't have a happy ending as South Korea lost the match to Uruguay eventually.
As we were leaving, I saw a friend trying to pay for the meals. I grabbed her credit card and gave mine instead.
What a commotion at the cashier. Two Korean guys grabbed my hands and shoulders and pulled me out, one lady took back my credit card and the other lady paid for it. Then the lady friend (who paid for it) said this "You are our guest!".
Me? A guest to the South Koreans in a Korean restaurant in the land of Malaysia? Where did it go wrong?
Tags: South Korea, South Korea Football Team, Little Korea, Ampang Avenue, Korean Restaurant, Korean Food
During the World Cup, I had five South Korean friends in town and knowing that they are fanatic about their national football team, the thought of bringing them to watch a World Cup match that involves their national team came up.
Need to find a place with a giant screen and with lots of football kakis around. That will make the atmosphere superb. After googling around, I confirmed the place.
Off we went to Little Korea. What Little Korea? You didn't know? It exist right in KL.
Drove them from Corus Hotel to Ampang Avenue area, where Hotel De Palma and Ampang Point are on your left and this place is on your left.
First time coming to this part of KL and was pleasantly surprised to see soooooo many Korean restaurants and mini markets catering to the likes of the South Koreans' taste. Apparently, the condos in this area are filled with lots and lots of South Koreans.

You don't need to go to South Korea to drool over their beautiful ladies and macho guys, they are all right here in KL. But my eyes were glued to the big screen .... ahem. We stood for the first half of the match and it was quite humid on that night.

There's the lady moving around with a drum trying her very best to drum up the support for their national football team who was thousand of kilometres away.
They will never jeer their players but cheered so loudly for them at all times whether they were attacking, defending or playing badly for a moment.

As the heat was quite unbearable, my South Korean friends suggested to go into one of those nearby restaurants for a meal and watch the second half there.

The owner, who is a South Korean, came over to our table to serve us and asked for orders. He spoke to me with enthusiasm (in Korean language of course). I looked at him blur blur.
Then my South Korean guest spoke to him (I could guess what was being communicated and laughed about).

Wait till I post my photos of my trip to Seoul recently and will tell you those funny travel stories.

My friends didn't have a happy ending as South Korea lost the match to Uruguay eventually.
As we were leaving, I saw a friend trying to pay for the meals. I grabbed her credit card and gave mine instead.
What a commotion at the cashier. Two Korean guys grabbed my hands and shoulders and pulled me out, one lady took back my credit card and the other lady paid for it. Then the lady friend (who paid for it) said this "You are our guest!".
Me? A guest to the South Koreans in a Korean restaurant in the land of Malaysia? Where did it go wrong?
Tags: South Korea, South Korea Football Team, Little Korea, Ampang Avenue, Korean Restaurant, Korean Food
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Pay More To Drive Into Kuala Lumpur
This is only applicable those Kuala Lumpur ("KL") working folks and especially if you drive to work.
The Land Public Transport Bill 2010 will introduce the "area congestion pricing scheme". It's something like the pay as you drive hehe but it's not going to be a laughing matter when it's implemented.
Firstly, most KL working folks are forced to take those tolled roads coming into KL city centre. Why forced? Because the government didn't build those roads but allowed the private sectors to take over. A friend of mine will always say "you pay toll to get into a traffic jam at a faster rate".
This so called Land Public Transport Bill 2010 will come under the purview of a new division, the Land Public Transport Commission / Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam Darat (also known as SPAD in short).
I like the way the government is trying to justify this new pricing scheme, not new as they tried to moot this before but under a different name only, by saying that Singapore and London have similar schemes and if they can, Malaysia Boleh also.
But the numskulls didn't compare other factors such as the good transportation system at those two places. In Singapore, even if you see the bus that you need to board leaving the bus stop/station, you need not worry as the next bus will come along the way within the next five minutes. In Malaysia, you have the faintest idea of when the next bus will come.
Singapore's MRT and London's Tube do not breakdown as often as KL's LRT.
KL tried to allocate a bus/taxi lane on certain roads for the public transportation to travel at a faster rate but many private cars used it at the same time. No enforcement here.
Friends coming from faraway places like Shah Alam, Klang, Kajang, Seremban complained that the buses or trains are sooooooooo congested and irregular timing/schedule really pissed them off.
Government tried to encourage the car pooling idea. I have a colleague working in the same group of companies in the same building. Our job demands are quite different and if one party was to work late, what about the other person. What if you need to go off urgently during mid day due to personal reason?
How do you expect people not to drive into KL then?
Give us the reasons, not one, but many reasons to leave our cars behind.
It has been mentioned many many times that the public transportation has to improve at a sky high rate otherwise any ideas/schemes to charge (penalise lah in a way) cars being driven into the city centre is incomprehensible.
The government did mention that by reducing the subsidy for petrol prices will not only cause the petrol prices to rise up but the money saved will be pumped into improving the public transportation. Who said this? It was the previous prime minister. Has the money been spent on improving then?
Or it was used to buy dozens of non-functioning buses that were then left to rot away in the end? (referring to two articles found in Bernama and Malaysia Today)
I'm not against the new scheme but please show me that the public transportation is worthed my time travelling in it.
And if you KL working folks are going to keep quiet from today onwards, you have disqualified yourself from complaining when the scheme is finally implemented in due course.
When will you know about how much you would need to pay if bill's approved? Bill will be tabled next Monday!
Tags: Land Public Transport Bill 2010, Area Congestion Pricing Scheme, Land Public Transport Commission, SPAD, Pay As You Drive, MRT, Tube, LRT, Public Transportation, Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam Darat
The Land Public Transport Bill 2010 will introduce the "area congestion pricing scheme". It's something like the pay as you drive hehe but it's not going to be a laughing matter when it's implemented.
Firstly, most KL working folks are forced to take those tolled roads coming into KL city centre. Why forced? Because the government didn't build those roads but allowed the private sectors to take over. A friend of mine will always say "you pay toll to get into a traffic jam at a faster rate".
This so called Land Public Transport Bill 2010 will come under the purview of a new division, the Land Public Transport Commission / Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam Darat (also known as SPAD in short).
I like the way the government is trying to justify this new pricing scheme, not new as they tried to moot this before but under a different name only, by saying that Singapore and London have similar schemes and if they can, Malaysia Boleh also.
But the numskulls didn't compare other factors such as the good transportation system at those two places. In Singapore, even if you see the bus that you need to board leaving the bus stop/station, you need not worry as the next bus will come along the way within the next five minutes. In Malaysia, you have the faintest idea of when the next bus will come.
Singapore's MRT and London's Tube do not breakdown as often as KL's LRT.
KL tried to allocate a bus/taxi lane on certain roads for the public transportation to travel at a faster rate but many private cars used it at the same time. No enforcement here.
Friends coming from faraway places like Shah Alam, Klang, Kajang, Seremban complained that the buses or trains are sooooooooo congested and irregular timing/schedule really pissed them off.
Government tried to encourage the car pooling idea. I have a colleague working in the same group of companies in the same building. Our job demands are quite different and if one party was to work late, what about the other person. What if you need to go off urgently during mid day due to personal reason?
How do you expect people not to drive into KL then?
Give us the reasons, not one, but many reasons to leave our cars behind.
It has been mentioned many many times that the public transportation has to improve at a sky high rate otherwise any ideas/schemes to charge (penalise lah in a way) cars being driven into the city centre is incomprehensible.
The government did mention that by reducing the subsidy for petrol prices will not only cause the petrol prices to rise up but the money saved will be pumped into improving the public transportation. Who said this? It was the previous prime minister. Has the money been spent on improving then?
Or it was used to buy dozens of non-functioning buses that were then left to rot away in the end? (referring to two articles found in Bernama and Malaysia Today)
I'm not against the new scheme but please show me that the public transportation is worthed my time travelling in it.
And if you KL working folks are going to keep quiet from today onwards, you have disqualified yourself from complaining when the scheme is finally implemented in due course.
When will you know about how much you would need to pay if bill's approved? Bill will be tabled next Monday!
Tags: Land Public Transport Bill 2010, Area Congestion Pricing Scheme, Land Public Transport Commission, SPAD, Pay As You Drive, MRT, Tube, LRT, Public Transportation, Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam Darat
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Frantic Life
I think this is the longest break I have taken from blogging, since 15 Dec 2009. Life in KL office was filled with tight schedules. Need to submit a number of assignments within short periods. It was way past 8pm daily. Once back home, it was more planning for the new house.
Left KL for Sudan on 11 Dec 2009 and this is the period that I don't mind being in Sudan. Reason is that winter has set in. When I inserted the quote of "Sudan winter has set in" in my msn chat, many friends queried me on that sentence.
Most friends were blur about the weather in Sudan and some asked what sort of winter am I having here. One friend even said "don't tell me there's snow in Sudan".
Let me clear this. Winter season doesn't snow here. And who says that it must snow during winter. Normal day time weather would be above 40 degree centigrade. Now, it's hovering around 32 to 35.
Night time reading on normal days would be around 30 plus. During winter season, it's 22 and below. You need a jacket on a windy night if you were having a drink at those opened cafe.
On 17 Dec 2009, I left Sudan for KL. Arrived at KL home around 4pm and straight off to new house.
On 19 Dec 2009, friends arrived around 9am plus to assist in the shifting to the new house. Was so busy with the shifting till I have forgotten to take any pictures. Many thanks to the friends and relatives that came to give a hand on that day itself.
My bro-in-law and sis-in-law came all the way from Malacca to lend a hand in cleaning the house. They did it from Thurs till Sat (the day I moved in). Just by saying thank you is not enough.
Come Sunday, 20 Dec 2009. Met up with the drama team to confirm the Christmas drama. My script came out quite late this time and caused all the last minute arrangements. Had a drama practise on Tues night to firm up the loose parts.
From 20 Dec 2009 till 26 Dec 2009, it was havoc at new house. Various suppliers are still coming in to intall this or that. A supplier's lorry hooked onto my new auto gate and broke it (left side of the gate). What to do? That poor guy is getting a pay cut for that. Cost of repair came up to RM550. Need further alignment on the left gate now.
Washing machine delivered to my house without being installed. How do you expect my family to use it then? And when the technician came, he said my water tap is different. The plumber, technician and me looked at each other. I called the supplier and gave them a good piece of my mind on that afternoon. Enough is enough.
Carpenter was slow in his work and it delayed the kitchen cabinets. Power sockets can't be installed at those areas and my fridge and water treatment system can't be switched on as well. One thing led to one another.
Some friends asked "Why did you move in then?". Good thing I moved in the week before as I was not expected to be in Sudan this weekend. Coming weekend would be the new year. Just need to finalise many stuff at the condo for the handover too.
On 26 Dec 2009, the night where I'm supposed to leave for Sudan, I was still purchasing some lightings for my house. This was not last minute but more of no time to do so.
On Wed afternoon (23 Dec), received a phone call from a colleague saying that I'm expected to be in Sudan on Sunday. What a week! Never mind, one thing at a time. Christmas came and all went by smoothly before some tension in the beginning of the service. The wire connection from the projector and two laptops couldn't fit in ...... my my.
Will blog again with a few pictures on Christmas Day.
Tags: Frantic Life
Left KL for Sudan on 11 Dec 2009 and this is the period that I don't mind being in Sudan. Reason is that winter has set in. When I inserted the quote of "Sudan winter has set in" in my msn chat, many friends queried me on that sentence.
Most friends were blur about the weather in Sudan and some asked what sort of winter am I having here. One friend even said "don't tell me there's snow in Sudan".
Let me clear this. Winter season doesn't snow here. And who says that it must snow during winter. Normal day time weather would be above 40 degree centigrade. Now, it's hovering around 32 to 35.
Night time reading on normal days would be around 30 plus. During winter season, it's 22 and below. You need a jacket on a windy night if you were having a drink at those opened cafe.
On 17 Dec 2009, I left Sudan for KL. Arrived at KL home around 4pm and straight off to new house.
On 19 Dec 2009, friends arrived around 9am plus to assist in the shifting to the new house. Was so busy with the shifting till I have forgotten to take any pictures. Many thanks to the friends and relatives that came to give a hand on that day itself.
My bro-in-law and sis-in-law came all the way from Malacca to lend a hand in cleaning the house. They did it from Thurs till Sat (the day I moved in). Just by saying thank you is not enough.
Come Sunday, 20 Dec 2009. Met up with the drama team to confirm the Christmas drama. My script came out quite late this time and caused all the last minute arrangements. Had a drama practise on Tues night to firm up the loose parts.
From 20 Dec 2009 till 26 Dec 2009, it was havoc at new house. Various suppliers are still coming in to intall this or that. A supplier's lorry hooked onto my new auto gate and broke it (left side of the gate). What to do? That poor guy is getting a pay cut for that. Cost of repair came up to RM550. Need further alignment on the left gate now.
Washing machine delivered to my house without being installed. How do you expect my family to use it then? And when the technician came, he said my water tap is different. The plumber, technician and me looked at each other. I called the supplier and gave them a good piece of my mind on that afternoon. Enough is enough.
Carpenter was slow in his work and it delayed the kitchen cabinets. Power sockets can't be installed at those areas and my fridge and water treatment system can't be switched on as well. One thing led to one another.
Some friends asked "Why did you move in then?". Good thing I moved in the week before as I was not expected to be in Sudan this weekend. Coming weekend would be the new year. Just need to finalise many stuff at the condo for the handover too.
On 26 Dec 2009, the night where I'm supposed to leave for Sudan, I was still purchasing some lightings for my house. This was not last minute but more of no time to do so.
On Wed afternoon (23 Dec), received a phone call from a colleague saying that I'm expected to be in Sudan on Sunday. What a week! Never mind, one thing at a time. Christmas came and all went by smoothly before some tension in the beginning of the service. The wire connection from the projector and two laptops couldn't fit in ...... my my.
Will blog again with a few pictures on Christmas Day.
Tags: Frantic Life
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Chicks Used To Entice Customers
Dead chickens being hanged outside to dry up or to collect dust before being cooked. How unhygienic.
Tags: Chickens

Tags: Chickens
Monday, September 28, 2009
To Report Child Abuse?
Parents nowadays really have hard time to take care of their kids. If they can't afford a maid (an Indonesian maid may cost you RM800 per month in time to come), the unfortunate parents may just have to drag their kids to do some shopping.
Kids being kids, when they want to sleep they will just sleep wherever they are.
That three cushions in which the child was sleeping on were items from the shelves. How convenient and considerate of the hypermarket to provide trolleys (the right size) and the cushions.
Well, you can't push a trolley and a pram at the same time, right?
What option do you have left?
Do you consider these actions as child abuse? Hehe
Tags: Child Abuse, Sleepy Child, Hypermarket

What option do you have left?
Do you consider these actions as child abuse? Hehe
Tags: Child Abuse, Sleepy Child, Hypermarket
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Crazy Saturday Traffic
Was required to be at PJ Old Town this morning by 10.30am. When I got to the roads within my Taman Desa garden, I found that the traffic was a bit too heavy. The next thought that came was "don't tell me the roadblocks caused the traffic to overflow into my garden area?".
Very true indeed!
The moment I exit Taman Desa heading to PJ via Old Klang Road ("OKR"), the opposite traffic heading to KL was totally chaotic. My way of traffic going to PJ was also caught in it. How come? Traffic coming out from Kuchai Lama, United Garden and OUG into OKR stopped in the middle of the traffic junction causing cars heading to PJ unable to move across. Oh my ......
As my car crawled slowly heading to PJ Old Town, I noticed a police roadblock on the opposite traffic just after the Taman Sentosa traffic light junction. No cars were being stopped for suspicious characters.
In Malaysia or maybe in KL only???? the traffic on my side will slow down to see what's going on on the other side of the road. It was smooth right after I managed to turn right into Jalan Othman from OKR .... phew .... it took me almost one hour.
By the time I have to leave PJ Old Town, I headed back to the Jalan Othman roundabout. The traffic jam started from the town itself with no sight of the roundabout ...... my my. All because of that same road block. By the time I passed the roadblock, six police personnel just stood there beautifully (female police) and handsomely ....... no cars were stopped for suspicious characters too.
From there, I need to head to Happy Garden. Traffic was smooth till the OUG traffic light junction. Still as chaotic. Traffic heading down to KL literally stops right after this traffic light junction. My assignment done by 11am plus. Now to head back to Taman Desa. Few roads to take.
Exit via OUG traffic - out!
Exit via Pearl Point - out!
Exit via Kuchai Lama - the jam started from within Happy Garden itself right from the morning market area so - out too!
Exit via Kuchai Entrepreneurs' Park - I took the new uphill road to this area thinking it could be smooth ....... nope, the traffic jam started from the flats area - out!
Turned into the flats area and connected with the new road that is parallel with the new Putrajaya highway ..... yeah I'm smart I'm smart. No jam no jam all the way to the traffic light. I can connect to the Salak South highway and then up to the Federal Highway from there.
The moment I turned into the highway heading to Federal Highway, the jam started from there. How did the jam end up here??????????
It took me about twenty five minutes to turn into Taman Desa area.
Heard from friends about their experiences in other police roadblocks.
My conclusion on this police roadblocks - the police personnel were not looking for thieves or robbers today but are occupied with their best efforts in trying to identify common people who wants to go to the city centre to join the pro or anti ISA campaign.
Were the roadblocks successful? Total failure as news reported that up to 20,000 people managed to gather in the city centre causing total road closure. The roadblocks caused hundreds of thousands of people to be stuck for no reason when the people they intended to stop are already inside the city centre.
Did the police stop all the commuter trains, the LRT and public buses heading into the city centre? The roadblocks only delayed people heading into various places but it didn't manage to stop people from gathering for the campaign.
This is really crazy!
Tags: Kuala Lumpur, Traffic Jam, Police Roadblock
Very true indeed!
The moment I exit Taman Desa heading to PJ via Old Klang Road ("OKR"), the opposite traffic heading to KL was totally chaotic. My way of traffic going to PJ was also caught in it. How come? Traffic coming out from Kuchai Lama, United Garden and OUG into OKR stopped in the middle of the traffic junction causing cars heading to PJ unable to move across. Oh my ......
As my car crawled slowly heading to PJ Old Town, I noticed a police roadblock on the opposite traffic just after the Taman Sentosa traffic light junction. No cars were being stopped for suspicious characters.
In Malaysia or maybe in KL only???? the traffic on my side will slow down to see what's going on on the other side of the road. It was smooth right after I managed to turn right into Jalan Othman from OKR .... phew .... it took me almost one hour.
By the time I have to leave PJ Old Town, I headed back to the Jalan Othman roundabout. The traffic jam started from the town itself with no sight of the roundabout ...... my my. All because of that same road block. By the time I passed the roadblock, six police personnel just stood there beautifully (female police) and handsomely ....... no cars were stopped for suspicious characters too.
From there, I need to head to Happy Garden. Traffic was smooth till the OUG traffic light junction. Still as chaotic. Traffic heading down to KL literally stops right after this traffic light junction. My assignment done by 11am plus. Now to head back to Taman Desa. Few roads to take.
Exit via OUG traffic - out!
Exit via Pearl Point - out!
Exit via Kuchai Lama - the jam started from within Happy Garden itself right from the morning market area so - out too!
Exit via Kuchai Entrepreneurs' Park - I took the new uphill road to this area thinking it could be smooth ....... nope, the traffic jam started from the flats area - out!
Turned into the flats area and connected with the new road that is parallel with the new Putrajaya highway ..... yeah I'm smart I'm smart. No jam no jam all the way to the traffic light. I can connect to the Salak South highway and then up to the Federal Highway from there.
The moment I turned into the highway heading to Federal Highway, the jam started from there. How did the jam end up here??????????
It took me about twenty five minutes to turn into Taman Desa area.
Heard from friends about their experiences in other police roadblocks.
My conclusion on this police roadblocks - the police personnel were not looking for thieves or robbers today but are occupied with their best efforts in trying to identify common people who wants to go to the city centre to join the pro or anti ISA campaign.
Were the roadblocks successful? Total failure as news reported that up to 20,000 people managed to gather in the city centre causing total road closure. The roadblocks caused hundreds of thousands of people to be stuck for no reason when the people they intended to stop are already inside the city centre.
Did the police stop all the commuter trains, the LRT and public buses heading into the city centre? The roadblocks only delayed people heading into various places but it didn't manage to stop people from gathering for the campaign.
This is really crazy!
Tags: Kuala Lumpur, Traffic Jam, Police Roadblock
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Public Transportation in a Mess
In 2008, the previous Prime Minister increased the petrol pump prices up to a staggering increase of 40%. The fuel subsidy was reduced as the government said that it will be too expensive to maintain the fuel price below RM2.00 per litre.
The former Prime Minister did mention that with the saving of fuel subsidy, the government will use those saved fuel subsidy to improve public transportation for the general public. As it will be expensive to travel with a personal motor vehicle, the government will try to make it easier to travel with the public transportation.
Then news of extended the LRT lines at both ends reaching populated areas were greeted with gladness.
A year now, allllllllllllllllllllllllllllll were just political talk only.
The government has to cover that and they came out with a new idea now.
What now?
Simple, increase the fare prices for all buses and taxis. Aiyah why didn't the goverment think of this when they increased the petrol price then.
There would be repercussions from motor vehicle users if government increased the petrol price. Now, there will certainly be repercussions from many bus commuters and those who rely on taxis to move about, more of such consumers actually.
Why does the government want to increase such fare prices in this time of economy downturn?
Reason given - an increase in fare would motivate the operators to give efficient transport services.
You know what ................. the reason given is totally bullshit.
Who are those operators that will gain? Kuala Lumpur's bus companies and taxis are generally owned by the private corporate sector and I'm sure those bosses will be laughing all their way to the bank with this implementation.
Why not they improve their services first before you reward them with a fare increment?
What will they think of come next year?
Reading: Fare hike to spur efficient transport services, Nazri says -Edge Malaysia
Tags: Malaysia Public Transportation, Bus Fares, Taxi Fares, Fuel Subsidy
The former Prime Minister did mention that with the saving of fuel subsidy, the government will use those saved fuel subsidy to improve public transportation for the general public. As it will be expensive to travel with a personal motor vehicle, the government will try to make it easier to travel with the public transportation.
Then news of extended the LRT lines at both ends reaching populated areas were greeted with gladness.
A year now, allllllllllllllllllllllllllllll were just political talk only.
The government has to cover that and they came out with a new idea now.
What now?
Simple, increase the fare prices for all buses and taxis. Aiyah why didn't the goverment think of this when they increased the petrol price then.
There would be repercussions from motor vehicle users if government increased the petrol price. Now, there will certainly be repercussions from many bus commuters and those who rely on taxis to move about, more of such consumers actually.
Why does the government want to increase such fare prices in this time of economy downturn?
Reason given - an increase in fare would motivate the operators to give efficient transport services.
You know what ................. the reason given is totally bullshit.
Who are those operators that will gain? Kuala Lumpur's bus companies and taxis are generally owned by the private corporate sector and I'm sure those bosses will be laughing all their way to the bank with this implementation.
Why not they improve their services first before you reward them with a fare increment?
What will they think of come next year?
Reading: Fare hike to spur efficient transport services, Nazri says -Edge Malaysia
Tags: Malaysia Public Transportation, Bus Fares, Taxi Fares, Fuel Subsidy
Friday, July 03, 2009
Tenaga Nasional Electricity Outage
Be warned .................... your house will be out of electricity before you know it.
Tenaga Nasional Berhad ("TNB"), the national electricity provider has announced that a number of electricity outage will happen in Kuala Lumpur from 10pm, 3 July 2009 onwards till 31 July 2009 (ranging from 6 hours to 13 hour).
Reason: To carry out maintenance works or upgrade its services.
As TNB did not specify which exact roads that are served by sub-stations, please make the necessary preparations for each day just in case. If you're planning to use candles, please be vigilant to the risks of fire.
For further information and clarification, you can contact 24 hours TNB CareLine at telephone: 15454.
Tags: Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Electricity Supply, Electricity Outage, Kuala Lumpur
Tenaga Nasional Berhad ("TNB"), the national electricity provider has announced that a number of electricity outage will happen in Kuala Lumpur from 10pm, 3 July 2009 onwards till 31 July 2009 (ranging from 6 hours to 13 hour).
Reason: To carry out maintenance works or upgrade its services.
As TNB did not specify which exact roads that are served by sub-stations, please make the necessary preparations for each day just in case. If you're planning to use candles, please be vigilant to the risks of fire.
For further information and clarification, you can contact 24 hours TNB CareLine at telephone: 15454.
Tags: Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Electricity Supply, Electricity Outage, Kuala Lumpur
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Hectic Work Week
At long last I get to post. Was bogged down with office work for the last two weeks till my brain was restless when back home. In the end, didn't blog about anything at night while enjoying and relaxing in front of the TV. Really needed the rest. Was rushing various documents that were required for my upcoming trip to Sudan. Done all and emailed over to colleague in Khartoum for him to print.
Thanks to the Citibank credit card that I could have complimentary access to the Plaza Premium Lounge at KLIA. Otherwise you may need to pay RM88 for two hours usage. Inside here you have a wide range of magazines (local/international), four desktop of which I'm occupying one of them but limited, out of courtesy to other passengers, to twenty minutes only. Have to type really fast now.
I can't wait to dive into the buffet area ..... haven't seen what's being served today but usually I'm not fussy with food ...... slurp!
Flight is at 2.10am and touchdown around 5.25am at Dubai. Dubai should be hot now as summer is approaching. Will stay put in Millenium Airport Hotel. Wondering whether should I venture out after breakfast. Normally will go to one particular shopping centre, Deira it is. Or should I sleep in and skip breakfast. Or take breakfast and sleep again before waking up to have lunch ........ all provided by hotel.
Flight to Dubai is at 3.00pm, what a long transit time. Will wander around the Terminal 3 this time to see what kind of shops they have there. That's really an international airport ......... superbly packed to the brim at all areas. KLIA? Majority of the shops will close by midnight and very empty.
Expected to arrive at 6.25pm in Khartoum. That's 11.25pm KL time. Almost 24 hours from KL house to Khartoum house. Hello Khartoum guys, don't forget to fetch me and don't let me wait too long in the open ..... you know I know lah.
Thanks to the Citibank credit card that I could have complimentary access to the Plaza Premium Lounge at KLIA. Otherwise you may need to pay RM88 for two hours usage. Inside here you have a wide range of magazines (local/international), four desktop of which I'm occupying one of them but limited, out of courtesy to other passengers, to twenty minutes only. Have to type really fast now.
I can't wait to dive into the buffet area ..... haven't seen what's being served today but usually I'm not fussy with food ...... slurp!
Flight is at 2.10am and touchdown around 5.25am at Dubai. Dubai should be hot now as summer is approaching. Will stay put in Millenium Airport Hotel. Wondering whether should I venture out after breakfast. Normally will go to one particular shopping centre, Deira it is. Or should I sleep in and skip breakfast. Or take breakfast and sleep again before waking up to have lunch ........ all provided by hotel.
Flight to Dubai is at 3.00pm, what a long transit time. Will wander around the Terminal 3 this time to see what kind of shops they have there. That's really an international airport ......... superbly packed to the brim at all areas. KLIA? Majority of the shops will close by midnight and very empty.
Expected to arrive at 6.25pm in Khartoum. That's 11.25pm KL time. Almost 24 hours from KL house to Khartoum house. Hello Khartoum guys, don't forget to fetch me and don't let me wait too long in the open ..... you know I know lah.
Friday, January 02, 2009
Visit to a Packed Mid Valley
On early Thursday morning, I took a cab to Sentul to collect my car which was repaired and went straight into Mid Valley by 10am, which is way before any traffic that will surely happen on a public holiday.
First sighting of Christmas decoration in a shopping centre after coming back from overseas. Such pathetic life of mine eh?
Took these pictures on 1 Jan 2009 in Mid Valley and certain shops are still playing the Christmas songs .......... extended holiday season?
The Super Home Ideas Renovation Expo was the reason that brought me to Mid Valley.
In the expo, I bumped into two friends, both brothers, who didn't know that their brother was in the same shopping centre.
The expo was really packed like mad. Didn't reserve any services or products but it did give me more ideas on how to renovate my home.
I heard from one of the brothers that it was chaotic in the basement car park. Too many cars were roaming in the huge basement car park but still not enough.
When I was leaving, a car spotted me leaving and tailed me to my car. Suddenly, another car appeared from nowhere which stopped just besides me and waiting for me to leave. I wouldn't want to stay to see what's going to happen to that two drivers.
Tags: Mid Valley, Super Home Ideas
The Super Home Ideas Renovation Expo was the reason that brought me to Mid Valley.
In the expo, I bumped into two friends, both brothers, who didn't know that their brother was in the same shopping centre.
The expo was really packed like mad. Didn't reserve any services or products but it did give me more ideas on how to renovate my home.
I heard from one of the brothers that it was chaotic in the basement car park. Too many cars were roaming in the huge basement car park but still not enough.
When I was leaving, a car spotted me leaving and tailed me to my car. Suddenly, another car appeared from nowhere which stopped just besides me and waiting for me to leave. I wouldn't want to stay to see what's going to happen to that two drivers.
Tags: Mid Valley, Super Home Ideas
Monday, October 20, 2008
Theft at Coronade Hotel, KL
Received this via email about a theft that happened while the guests were sleeping in their hotel room.
Dear Friends and travel colleques and travel partners,
As you all know I am an experienced traveler and this is my 15th year in the tourism industry. My company has expanded from a travel agent to sea sports, river cruise, rainforest resort. The following incident happened to me personally, not a story I heard from someone. I DON'T want this to happen to anyone else. Please let your friends, colleques, love ones know about it.
I booked into: THE CORONADE HOTEL KUALA LUMPUR, (Achi Jaya Properties Sdn Bhd), Jalan Walter Grenier, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA (located next to Lot 10) from 6th Sept to 9th Sept 2008.
We (me and a friend) have stayed in this hotel 2-3 times this year. It is in a good location and the cost is reasonable. I booked for "The Summit Room" as they have free internet and a bigger room.
We were busy right from day 1 as we have a long "to do list". On the 8th Septemper morning, when I came out of the toilet, I saw the latch and the lock switch in the "open position. The door is closed. I was sure I closed the latch and lock the security lock. I ask my friend to check if there's anything missing and there wasn't, so we thought its just us being forgetful. After a busy day from 830am to 10pm, we arrived back to the hotel tired and packed up as we are leaving the next day in the morning. We counted the monies and packed everything accordingly. I personally made sure this time the door is locked on the security lock and the latch. we were so tired and went to sleep. I dozed off around 11pm.
At around 7.00-7.20 am, I woke up and went to the toilet. I remember my phone alarm going off at 730am. Coming out of the toilet, I notice again the latch and the lock in the open position (the door is closed). I immediately ask myfriend to check the bags and found our brunei and Malaysian dollars gone except for 30 plus Malaysian ringgit.
I called the manager on duty immediately and he arrived with a security officer to make a report. The Manager on duty, Raj and the security officer, Harun did not apologise nor was symphtatic. They took my report and looked around and leave. After they leave, I realize, my diamond ring, goldchain and watch which was placed on the table is gone, my mobile phone placed on the table is luckily still there.
I called the manager to make the additional report. They called the police and we found out we had to go to the tourist police station which we went to make the report by Sergeant Shahar. As we had to go get our medical report, we went after we got our report. By the time we came back to the hotel, it was already 1140hrs, we have a flght to catch at 1440hrs.
I expect the hotel to act professionally and to clear this matter up but they didn't not even apologise as our lives and safety was compromised. Someone can enter our room even when we latch it and security lock it!!!!
Imagine if the person had a knife or it's a single woman alone in the room. I am still shocked and thank god no harm came to me and my friend. I overheard the police man asking for the security camera and I AM SHOCKED TO KNOW THERE IS NO CCTV CAMERA ON THE HALLWAY ONLY IN THE LIFT AND STAIRWAYS FOR A 4 STAR HOTEL.
Has the hotel compromise cost at the risk of hotel guest's safety/security. Today is the 11th September 2008, I have no response from The CORONADE hotel and also I tried to call the General Manager and was informed he is on leave from 10th sept for a few days!!!!!
I was not put through to anyone else and the Executive secretary Siti hajah Yusof who answered the phone says I can email to her. I fond this strange as there is the security manager and other top management whom usually will be referred to.
MANAGING DIRECTOR OF Sunshine Borneo Tours & Travel Sdn Bhd
All I can say that the thief was very brave indeed to venture into a room with the guests asleep. Surely the thief was armed as the thief could be overpowered with two guys in the room.
Tags: Coronade Hotel, Achi Jaya Properties Sdn Bhd, Anthony Chieng, Sunshine Borneo Tours & Travel Sdn Bhd, Hotel Room Theft
Dear Friends and travel colleques and travel partners,
As you all know I am an experienced traveler and this is my 15th year in the tourism industry. My company has expanded from a travel agent to sea sports, river cruise, rainforest resort. The following incident happened to me personally, not a story I heard from someone. I DON'T want this to happen to anyone else. Please let your friends, colleques, love ones know about it.
I booked into: THE CORONADE HOTEL KUALA LUMPUR, (Achi Jaya Properties Sdn Bhd), Jalan Walter Grenier, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA (located next to Lot 10) from 6th Sept to 9th Sept 2008.
We (me and a friend) have stayed in this hotel 2-3 times this year. It is in a good location and the cost is reasonable. I booked for "The Summit Room" as they have free internet and a bigger room.
We were busy right from day 1 as we have a long "to do list". On the 8th Septemper morning, when I came out of the toilet, I saw the latch and the lock switch in the "open position. The door is closed. I was sure I closed the latch and lock the security lock. I ask my friend to check if there's anything missing and there wasn't, so we thought its just us being forgetful. After a busy day from 830am to 10pm, we arrived back to the hotel tired and packed up as we are leaving the next day in the morning. We counted the monies and packed everything accordingly. I personally made sure this time the door is locked on the security lock and the latch. we were so tired and went to sleep. I dozed off around 11pm.
At around 7.00-7.20 am, I woke up and went to the toilet. I remember my phone alarm going off at 730am. Coming out of the toilet, I notice again the latch and the lock in the open position (the door is closed). I immediately ask myfriend to check the bags and found our brunei and Malaysian dollars gone except for 30 plus Malaysian ringgit.
I called the manager on duty immediately and he arrived with a security officer to make a report. The Manager on duty, Raj and the security officer, Harun did not apologise nor was symphtatic. They took my report and looked around and leave. After they leave, I realize, my diamond ring, goldchain and watch which was placed on the table is gone, my mobile phone placed on the table is luckily still there.
I called the manager to make the additional report. They called the police and we found out we had to go to the tourist police station which we went to make the report by Sergeant Shahar. As we had to go get our medical report, we went after we got our report. By the time we came back to the hotel, it was already 1140hrs, we have a flght to catch at 1440hrs.
I expect the hotel to act professionally and to clear this matter up but they didn't not even apologise as our lives and safety was compromised. Someone can enter our room even when we latch it and security lock it!!!!
Imagine if the person had a knife or it's a single woman alone in the room. I am still shocked and thank god no harm came to me and my friend. I overheard the police man asking for the security camera and I AM SHOCKED TO KNOW THERE IS NO CCTV CAMERA ON THE HALLWAY ONLY IN THE LIFT AND STAIRWAYS FOR A 4 STAR HOTEL.
Has the hotel compromise cost at the risk of hotel guest's safety/security. Today is the 11th September 2008, I have no response from The CORONADE hotel and also I tried to call the General Manager and was informed he is on leave from 10th sept for a few days!!!!!
I was not put through to anyone else and the Executive secretary Siti hajah Yusof who answered the phone says I can email to her. I fond this strange as there is the security manager and other top management whom usually will be referred to.
MANAGING DIRECTOR OF Sunshine Borneo Tours & Travel Sdn Bhd
All I can say that the thief was very brave indeed to venture into a room with the guests asleep. Surely the thief was armed as the thief could be overpowered with two guys in the room.
Tags: Coronade Hotel, Achi Jaya Properties Sdn Bhd, Anthony Chieng, Sunshine Borneo Tours & Travel Sdn Bhd, Hotel Room Theft
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Farewell Dinner for a Close Friend
Will definitely miss him as my team of actors / actresses will lose an outstanding fellow actor. He's absolutely fantastic with his acting talent. Could say that his uniqueness is one and only. All the best in your future venture and we will welcome you back in KL if you have other plans.
Thereafter, we decided to adjourn to another place to chit chat further. Next destination, Look Out Point at somewhere between Cheras / Ampang and Hulu Langat ...... don't know the exact location of that point but could recall how to go there.
One terrible thing about this place (and I really mean this) - it doesn't have enough parking spots. I found a car park spot after waiting for about five minutes. That was very extraordinary for me. Other cars that were behind numbering more than a dozen just have to go back downhill. If you thought of waiting for another to leave, you can wait but no guarantee.
My gang bumped into another group of friends. The next day I found out that one of those guys whom I bumped into had an unpleasant event. He was setting up his digital SLR camera to take this same scenery. By the time he was ready to take the picture, PTT switched off their lightings ...... PTT went into total darkness right after midnight ....... hahaha
Doesn't mean a digital SLR would get a better picture .......... he hasn't a picture to show even with a more sophisticated camera than mine.
Tags: Look Out Point, Unique Fisherman, Jalan Cheras, Gasoline Cafe, Farewell Dinner
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
My Noisy Neighbour at Work
My latest neighbour at work is quite noisy lately. Could hear those squeky sound in each move.
He's the crane operator just outside of my window. If you think your work is stressful, boring, lonely and too routine, do remember him.
This is a posh serviced residences, called My Habitat2, that is being constructed.
I could hear those construction noise daily while doing my office work as the building under construction is just next to my office building.
Tags: My Habitat2, Crane Operator
I could hear those construction noise daily while doing my office work as the building under construction is just next to my office building.
Tags: My Habitat2, Crane Operator
Friday, September 26, 2008
Plaza Ampang Rooftop Blown Off
Strong wind has blown off the rooftop of Plaza Ampang, located next to Empire Tower ... hehe
Actualy, Plaza Ampang (previously known as Yow Chuan Plaza) is undergoing full re-furbishment right from the top down to the bottom. I saw four heavy machineries on the rooftop and were knocking down the walls.
In the first place, how did the four vehicles got up to the rooftop? Hooked up by a much bigger heavyweight crane?
Tags: Plaza Ampang, Yow Chuan Plaza, Kuala Lumpur, Empire Tower, Shopping Centre, Rooftop
Actualy, Plaza Ampang (previously known as Yow Chuan Plaza) is undergoing full re-furbishment right from the top down to the bottom. I saw four heavy machineries on the rooftop and were knocking down the walls.
In the first place, how did the four vehicles got up to the rooftop? Hooked up by a much bigger heavyweight crane?
Tags: Plaza Ampang, Yow Chuan Plaza, Kuala Lumpur, Empire Tower, Shopping Centre, Rooftop
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Ramadan Month
Hello friend, let me try all those sample first before I dare to place any orders ........ I'm very particular on food ..... ahem!
We had Sudanese food as well as a Sudanese brother was willing to cook / share his country's dishes with us Malaysians.
It was a multi-national gathering too, there were people from Malaysia, Sudan, Philippines, India and China.
To my muslim colleagues, friends and readers - Ramadan Al Kareem!
Tags: Ramadan, Ramadan Bazaar, Ramadan Al Kareem, Food, Sudanese Food
Sunday, July 06, 2008
World's 2nd Tallest Building
Was on leave on Thursday and needed to go to Public Bank Berhad to settle my home loan. Sent letters to them but no response at all. Forced me to go to their branch located opposite the Petronas Twin Towers.
Now, I'm waiting for Public Bank to fully execute my loan documentation in order for the loan to be disbursed to my housing developer by 5 August 2008. Thank God that the housing developer has granted me a three months' grace period for me to settle the home loan. But Public Bank is not helping me.
Two months have passed and the loan documentation is still not fully executed. What is going on with Public Bank? One week has passed after I have requested them to update me on the status but still no news.
On Monday I'll be faxing another letter to remind them. Putting up all this letters to put up a case against them in case the housing developer penalises me for late payment.
After Public Bank, I walked over to the Petronas Twin Towers. It's still the world's second tallest building right after Taiwan's Taipei 101.
When Burj Dubai is done, the Petronas Twin Towers will drop down the ranking to number three in the world.
Headed into its base which houses the KLCC Suria shopping centre. Just need to waste a bit of time while waiting for the Archidex 08 exhibition to start at 11am to be held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. While in the shopping centre, I went straight to the post office in order to claim my rebate after having renewed my car's road tax two weeks ago. The thermal paper that came out from the machine reads "1062". Current number being served was 1020. Woooooooooooow! Waited for almost one hour.
All you need to do is to get a queueing number, fill in a designated form which requires your fullname / residential address / identity card number / car registration number, then wait, produce your original identity card, put your thumb print of the designated form and then the for RM625 will be handed over to you. Don't go and spend it. That's an advance payment for you to offset the hike in fuel price.
After settling the rebate, walked over to the convention centre via the underground passage.
While at Archidex 08, I noticed this miniature project created by an architectural firm. Don't know whether the miniature buildings would be built or not. I have heard of this joke - Architects designed buildings where Engineers couldn't build. Don't know who's lousy in this case ..... hehe
Noticed that a number of those exhibitors were the same as those found in HomeDec '08. Nevertheless got a number of ideas in this exhibition and the total number of pamphlets that I have gotten almost broke my arm.
Another tiring day and went to Dome @ Suria KLCC to have my meal (lunch?). Good outcome anyway. Praying hard that all these housing materials' prices won't increase like mad.
Now, I'm waiting for Public Bank to fully execute my loan documentation in order for the loan to be disbursed to my housing developer by 5 August 2008. Thank God that the housing developer has granted me a three months' grace period for me to settle the home loan. But Public Bank is not helping me.
Two months have passed and the loan documentation is still not fully executed. What is going on with Public Bank? One week has passed after I have requested them to update me on the status but still no news.
On Monday I'll be faxing another letter to remind them. Putting up all this letters to put up a case against them in case the housing developer penalises me for late payment.
When Burj Dubai is done, the Petronas Twin Towers will drop down the ranking to number three in the world.
All you need to do is to get a queueing number, fill in a designated form which requires your fullname / residential address / identity card number / car registration number, then wait, produce your original identity card, put your thumb print of the designated form and then the for RM625 will be handed over to you. Don't go and spend it. That's an advance payment for you to offset the hike in fuel price.
After settling the rebate, walked over to the convention centre via the underground passage.
Noticed that a number of those exhibitors were the same as those found in HomeDec '08. Nevertheless got a number of ideas in this exhibition and the total number of pamphlets that I have gotten almost broke my arm.
Another tiring day and went to Dome @ Suria KLCC to have my meal (lunch?). Good outcome anyway. Praying hard that all these housing materials' prices won't increase like mad.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Kung Fu Panda with 26 Kids
By 8.50am I entered IKEA's basement car park and we brought all of them to IKEA's restaurant for the cheap cheap breakfast.
It was friend mee with the spicy sambal on their menu. They enjoyed it and was estatic when they found out that they could refill their drinks without limit.

If you have not watch this animated movie, you have wasted something in your life. It's really hilarious. If you have been suffering at work for past weeks, this is your antidote.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Friend's Flat Up For Sale
Friend's flat is up for sale as she's moving out. The said flat is located right behind the Swiss Garden Hotel, at Jalan Pudu.
Just 3 minutes walk to the happening place at Bukit Bintang (the street where the government is turning into a shopping haven) and Jalan Alor (varieties of restaurants and hawkers).
It's right at the city centre with bus stops nearby with Pudu Raya within walking distance. Status of the land is freehold (you can verify further on this later).
The home is 1,100 square ft with balconies and comprise 4 bedrooms with 2 bathrooms and 1 toilet. A corner unit on the 1st floor and no maintenance fee is required to be paid (good in terms of rising cost everywhere).
As the home is located right behind the KL police heaquarters it's quite safe.
Selling price - RM260,000 (negotiable)

Tags: Flat For Sale, Kuala Lumpur, Swiss Garden Hotel, Jalan Pudu, Bukit Bintang

It's right at the city centre with bus stops nearby with Pudu Raya within walking distance. Status of the land is freehold (you can verify further on this later).
The home is 1,100 square ft with balconies and comprise 4 bedrooms with 2 bathrooms and 1 toilet. A corner unit on the 1st floor and no maintenance fee is required to be paid (good in terms of rising cost everywhere).
As the home is located right behind the KL police heaquarters it's quite safe.
Selling price - RM260,000 (negotiable)

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