I have submitted my application for a telephone / broadband line via Telekom Malaysia Berhad at their TM Point, Bandar Puchong Jaya branch on 3 February 2011 under application reference number of 1-73TETA. On the day of registration, the man behind the counter said that my application can't be processed but my application will be recorded in their system.
The reason on why it can't be processed was due to insufficient lines being available in my Phase 2A residential area. Neighbours in Phase 1 and 2 (the nearest Phase 2 house is just five houses away). I took it as it is thinking that they know best. I was requested to call back within the next few working days to check on the application. The following numbers were given; 100 or 1-300-888-123 and all I needed was just to quote my reference number of 1-73TETA.
I called them once three times within the month of February 2011. Called them once at the end of March 2011. Called them once in the month of April 2011. Was given a report number of 1-444220995 but I deemed it as just a formality sake.
All these five calls were useless and futile.
The ladies at those call centres have standard response to each of my calls, that is they will record my concern / complain and will submit a report. That I will be contacted in due course after a few working days or I was requested to call them again if I didn't receive any calls from them.
It's 9 May 2011 today, more than three months since I have submitted my application.
To add insult to injury, my next door neighbour (meaning to say it's a Phase 2A resident) on the left has gotten their phone line installed just after Chinese New Year. I managed to catch the technician who came out from the neighbour's house as I was at home on that weekday. Spoke to the technician who said that there are plenty of lines available for my residential area to cater for the new Phase 3 area that has issued CF recently. I relayed my situation to him and he told me to just tell the people at the call centre to issue an instruction to install a line at my house. Don't need to submit any report anymore. Such a simple task but Telekom Malaysia Berhad made it so hard and cumbersome.
Further to that, a close friend who is living at the next street (it's also in the Phase 2A area) submitted an application towards end February 2011 / early March 2011 (can't recall exact date) has gotten their telephone line by mid March 2011. It took them two weeks plus only. This friend of mine submitted their application at the same TM Point centre as mine.
Then my neighbour (two doors away on the right and also a Phase 2A resident) received their telephone line at end April 2011.
What the heck has happened to my application?
Being a large public listed company, Telekom Malaysia Berhad has really got a lot to answer. Whatever excuse that they are going to give is actually absurd by now and if they do give one, they are actually treating their customers as fools.
Some people just had no sense of pride in their work or plain lazy or has no idea on how to resolve my issue. They can't think out of the box.
Why? Because they monopolise the telecommunication industry.
Recently, they had just talked about having the High Speed Broadband serving the whole nation. Here, a common citizen can't even get a normal telephone line and they are talking about high speed broadband for the whole nation?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm calling them a bluff and just painting the wrong picture.
They have more than a million Streamyx subscribers and even after launching the HSBB servicee more than a year ago, they have only gotten 60,000 Unifi subscribers. I'm not suprised if people are not getting their applications processed at all.
I'm saying that there's no communication system in Malaysia's largest telecommunication company i.e. Telekom Malaysia Berhad. It has been proven with my case here and I'm about to make their sixth attempt to check with them on my application's status.
I bet that they will tell me the same response which is "I will submit this report of yours and our people will call you within a few working days." It's all a bluff and many people should be sacked as they have failed their KPI for three months continuously.
So shameful to see Telekom Malaysia Berhad being a sponsor of Manchester United at the same time. My favourite football team is of world class status and how could it tie itself with a company that is of "First Class Facility But Third Class Mentality".
Tags: Telekom Malaysia Berhad, TM, Unifi, Streamyx, High Speed Broadband, HSBB, Broadband, Telecommunication Company
Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts
Monday, May 09, 2011
Monday, December 20, 2010
First Spaceport Is Ready
You have heard of airport but what about a spaceport.
The world's first commercial spaceport is being built in near Truth or Consequences, New Mexico state and it has been named Spaceport America. It's owned by the state, built at a cost of US$198 million and it's runway is about two miles long.
Yes, that's the name of the place where the spaceport is located haha.
As of now, the only people that have gone up to space at this point of time are the astronauts and the too wealthy cum whom you know people.
But with this spaceport being made available, the reality of flying up to the space is becoming a dream come true for those who has it. Has what? You must be loaded as well as it won't come any cheaper just to have a seat on a 'spaceship' of such nature.
Of course, you need a spacecraft to fly you up from the spaceport too. A company that is eagerly waiting to launch their spaceship? spacecraft? spaceflight? whatever you call it is Virgin Galatic ("VG"). VG, a space tourism company, will be obtaining their spacecrafts from the Spaceship Company ("SC"), partly owned by the Virgin Group, which has been testing their spacecraft since 2004.
SC's spacecraft by the name of SpaceshipTwo is undergoing massive rocket testings to prepare for its maiden flight in nine to eighteen months' time.
VG will be the main anchor tenant at Spaceport America.
The person linked to all this space ventures is none other than Sir Richard Branson.
If you are really keen to be part of this historic space trip, you can register your name with SpaceShipTwo. In order to fly, you have to make a deposit with them. Of course, otherwise any Tom, Dick and Harry will be applying for it and not turning up on that day itself.
Although it's becoming a reality, it will only be a dream come true for the millionaires around the world. According to Forbes, there are about 10 million, I'm referring to the US$1 million cash, millionaires in the world today.
Hmmmmm that's a large market but if not wrong, a lot of them are quite old and not fit to board such flight. I don't mind becoming a proxy to fly on your behalf.
Related post - The Spaceship Company
Tags: Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, Spaceport America, Virgin Galatic, Spaceship Company, Virgin Group, SpaceShipTwo, Sir Richard Branson
The world's first commercial spaceport is being built in near Truth or Consequences, New Mexico state and it has been named Spaceport America. It's owned by the state, built at a cost of US$198 million and it's runway is about two miles long.
Yes, that's the name of the place where the spaceport is located haha.
As of now, the only people that have gone up to space at this point of time are the astronauts and the too wealthy cum whom you know people.
But with this spaceport being made available, the reality of flying up to the space is becoming a dream come true for those who has it. Has what? You must be loaded as well as it won't come any cheaper just to have a seat on a 'spaceship' of such nature.
Of course, you need a spacecraft to fly you up from the spaceport too. A company that is eagerly waiting to launch their spaceship? spacecraft? spaceflight? whatever you call it is Virgin Galatic ("VG"). VG, a space tourism company, will be obtaining their spacecrafts from the Spaceship Company ("SC"), partly owned by the Virgin Group, which has been testing their spacecraft since 2004.
SC's spacecraft by the name of SpaceshipTwo is undergoing massive rocket testings to prepare for its maiden flight in nine to eighteen months' time.
VG will be the main anchor tenant at Spaceport America.
The person linked to all this space ventures is none other than Sir Richard Branson.
If you are really keen to be part of this historic space trip, you can register your name with SpaceShipTwo. In order to fly, you have to make a deposit with them. Of course, otherwise any Tom, Dick and Harry will be applying for it and not turning up on that day itself.
Although it's becoming a reality, it will only be a dream come true for the millionaires around the world. According to Forbes, there are about 10 million, I'm referring to the US$1 million cash, millionaires in the world today.
Hmmmmm that's a large market but if not wrong, a lot of them are quite old and not fit to board such flight. I don't mind becoming a proxy to fly on your behalf.
Related post - The Spaceship Company
Tags: Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, Spaceport America, Virgin Galatic, Spaceship Company, Virgin Group, SpaceShipTwo, Sir Richard Branson
Friday, March 26, 2010
Hyped Up TM Technology
I wrote this email to Telekom Malaysia ("TM") on 8 March 2010:-
From: Johnny Ong
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 2:00 PM
To: 'help@tm.com.my'
Subject: Availability of TM fixed line and internet
Importance: High
Dear TM,
May I know when could I apply and have access to TM fixed line and internet service at the following address –
***, Jalan ***** *
******* ***** ***** ***** **
*****Kuala Lumpur
Please note that in Jan 2010, TM Point staff has indicated that the said TM services are still not available for Phase 2A residents even though Phase 1 and 2 are well connected.
Johnny Ong
Very disappointed that till today, no response from TM.
So, I wrote another email to TM on 25 March 2010:-
From: Johnny Ong
To: tmhsbb@tm.com.my; help@tm.com.my
Sent: Thu, March 25, 2010 8:25:36 AM
Subject: No TM Line Available
Dear TM,
Please don't hype up the HSBB when TM don't even want to commission a simple telephone line at my place of residence. Excuse given was insufficient applicants = to my understanding, profit is more important than providing the necessary service.
Sent an email to help@tm.com.my on 8 March on the same issue and no response after 2 weeks, great isn't it?
Johnny Ong
***, Jalan ***** *
******* ***** ***** ***** **
*****Kuala Lumpur
Yeah, I told TM not to hype up their new UniFi (High Speed Broadband) ("HSBB") service when they can't even provide the basic. I can't even subscribe to their normal internet package, what more this HSBB.
I'm not surprised to read this article Consumers let down by cap on UniFi packages in Star newspaper where it mentioned the following:-
* Some are disappointed over what they feel are expensive charges for the packages for home users: RM149 for 5Mbps, RM199 for 10Mbps, and RM249 for 20Mbps.
* In Singapore, a 1Gbps (gigabit per second) service – which is five times the speed of a 20Mbps connection – only costs about RM200.
* But the real disappointment is the realisation that the UniFi packages have a cap on the amount of data that can be downloaded.
* The consumers bristled when they learned that the 5Mbps service is capped at 60GB of data per month. The 10Mbps service is capped at 90GB while the 20Mbps service has a 120GB cap.
* They were even more disappointed to learn that the data download caps are calculated on a daily basis.
* Consumers were further horrified to learn that if they exceeded their daily download limit, their high-speed broadband connections would be throttled down to about 10% of the purchased speed.
Related post - Poor Telecommunication Infrastructure
Tags: Telekom Malaysia, TM, UniFi, High Speed Broadband, HSBB, TM Fixed Line, Internet Service, TM Point, Gigabit Per Second
From: Johnny Ong
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 2:00 PM
To: 'help@tm.com.my'
Subject: Availability of TM fixed line and internet
Importance: High
Dear TM,
May I know when could I apply and have access to TM fixed line and internet service at the following address –
***, Jalan ***** *
******* ***** ***** ***** **
*****Kuala Lumpur
Please note that in Jan 2010, TM Point staff has indicated that the said TM services are still not available for Phase 2A residents even though Phase 1 and 2 are well connected.
Johnny Ong
Very disappointed that till today, no response from TM.
So, I wrote another email to TM on 25 March 2010:-
From: Johnny Ong
To: tmhsbb@tm.com.my; help@tm.com.my
Sent: Thu, March 25, 2010 8:25:36 AM
Subject: No TM Line Available
Dear TM,
Please don't hype up the HSBB when TM don't even want to commission a simple telephone line at my place of residence. Excuse given was insufficient applicants = to my understanding, profit is more important than providing the necessary service.
Sent an email to help@tm.com.my on 8 March on the same issue and no response after 2 weeks, great isn't it?
Johnny Ong
***, Jalan ***** *
******* ***** ***** ***** **
*****Kuala Lumpur
Yeah, I told TM not to hype up their new UniFi (High Speed Broadband) ("HSBB") service when they can't even provide the basic. I can't even subscribe to their normal internet package, what more this HSBB.
I'm not surprised to read this article Consumers let down by cap on UniFi packages in Star newspaper where it mentioned the following:-
* Some are disappointed over what they feel are expensive charges for the packages for home users: RM149 for 5Mbps, RM199 for 10Mbps, and RM249 for 20Mbps.
* In Singapore, a 1Gbps (gigabit per second) service – which is five times the speed of a 20Mbps connection – only costs about RM200.
* But the real disappointment is the realisation that the UniFi packages have a cap on the amount of data that can be downloaded.
* The consumers bristled when they learned that the 5Mbps service is capped at 60GB of data per month. The 10Mbps service is capped at 90GB while the 20Mbps service has a 120GB cap.
* They were even more disappointed to learn that the data download caps are calculated on a daily basis.
* Consumers were further horrified to learn that if they exceeded their daily download limit, their high-speed broadband connections would be throttled down to about 10% of the purchased speed.
Related post - Poor Telecommunication Infrastructure
Tags: Telekom Malaysia, TM, UniFi, High Speed Broadband, HSBB, TM Fixed Line, Internet Service, TM Point, Gigabit Per Second
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Poor Telecommunication Infrastructure
At last I moved into my new home and almost got all boxes unpacked. Not that I didn't do put efforts into clearing the boxes but having hard time to decide where to put my stuff now. I have to remember where I have put my stuff now. I can tell you that it's not easy. Don't tell me that age is catching up.
Still searching for some household stuff here and there and frequent overseas travel took up my weekends where I could only muster enough time to source for stuff.
One of it is my internet connection. Of late, lots of work in office coupled with no internet connection has lessen my blogging activities.
And when I have time to do so, I took time to read some internet forums on respective internet service providers and enquired on the transfer of existing fixed telephone line to my new place.
Thanks to the Packet 1 advertisement, I have decided to 'cut' or 'potong' the Telekom Malaysia Berhad's fixed telephone line, TM net service and also the Streamyx service.
Not that I have subscribed for Packet 1's internet service but that advertisement was really catchy in a way.
Found out that P1 WIMAX wireless broadband does not cover my housing area. After 'cut' you are left with nothing. So much for their big time advertisement but their coverage is so so poor in my area.
As for Telekom Malaysia or TM, it's a total failure on their part for being unable to provide the service at my new home.
The talk of spending RM1.3 billion on High Speed Broadband in Malaysia does not cover my new home area.
Then they have the urge to advertise "If it's not Streamyx, it's not good enough".
That I know.
What happened? How come I couldn't get a line for my Streamyx?
A close friend of mine who moved into the new area applied for the transfer of the fixed line and Streamyx service. Shockingly, TM told her that they can't connect her at the new home. Reason given was there isn't enough subscribers for TM to connect us. Fantastic, just fantastic. Excellent! Bravo!
I tried too and TM said I have to wait. So, now what? No internet, no fixed line?
When I went to TM Point to cancel all my TM services, the officer told me that Streamyx is having a promotion now and why do I want to cancel. I told her that I'm cancelling because TM does not want to serve at my new home.
She asked whether I have tried applying for it and I told her my friend has already done so and was not entertained (yeah, entertained actually but to tell "Sorry, we can't help you"). I told her my house is part of a new phase of which only three occupants have moved in. She did mention that new housing development may face such difficulties.
You mean to say that with so much of technology investments, TM still can't do it or chose not to do it?
The officer that entertained my close friend, when she went to apply for the transfer, said that in order for her line to be connected TM need more applicants. What does that mean? It's not economical to connect one line?
Our houses are located on the same row of the earlier phase 2 (ours - phase 2A), sharing the same road, drainage, electricity. Phase 1 and Phase 2 owners are having TM lines already.
What's the problem after all? If TM has to wait for more applicants to apply I have to wait for the remaining owners / tenants to move in. By when? In this technology era, we are told to wait by the main internet service provider in Malaysia.
My close friend is already using DiGi wireless broadband service. The neighbours along Phase 2 do subscribe to Maxis wireless broadband too.
Let's say:-
If me and my friend decide to subscribe with other service providers, the next person from my phase 2A that goes to TM will still get the same reply ......... "When we get more applicants, we will inform you". This person will then opt for another service provider. The following person will do the same thing and will get the same response and so forth .......... when will the wheel end?
Not all houses may be occupied that soon as some are trying to dispose off the properties (maybe they are investors). If these houses are not occupied, there will be no applicant from that property then.
With people subscribing with other service providers, by the time TM thinks they have received lots of enquiries and start to call those earlier enquirers, we will tell TM that we don't need your Streamyx now because we have subscribed with other service providers.
In the end, who will lose out? It's TM!
This is what you call monopoly business. Never mind if they monopolised it but they still can't provide.
Reading: Investors put off by Malaysia’s high-cost, low-speed broadband - Malaysian Insider
Tags: Malaysia, Wireless Broadband, Fixed Line, Telekom Malaysia, Packet 1, P1 WIMAX, WIMAX, DiGi Wireless Broadband, Maxis Wireless Broadband
Still searching for some household stuff here and there and frequent overseas travel took up my weekends where I could only muster enough time to source for stuff.
One of it is my internet connection. Of late, lots of work in office coupled with no internet connection has lessen my blogging activities.
And when I have time to do so, I took time to read some internet forums on respective internet service providers and enquired on the transfer of existing fixed telephone line to my new place.
Not that I have subscribed for Packet 1's internet service but that advertisement was really catchy in a way.
Found out that P1 WIMAX wireless broadband does not cover my housing area. After 'cut' you are left with nothing. So much for their big time advertisement but their coverage is so so poor in my area.
As for Telekom Malaysia or TM, it's a total failure on their part for being unable to provide the service at my new home.
That I know.
What happened? How come I couldn't get a line for my Streamyx?
A close friend of mine who moved into the new area applied for the transfer of the fixed line and Streamyx service. Shockingly, TM told her that they can't connect her at the new home. Reason given was there isn't enough subscribers for TM to connect us. Fantastic, just fantastic. Excellent! Bravo!
I tried too and TM said I have to wait. So, now what? No internet, no fixed line?
When I went to TM Point to cancel all my TM services, the officer told me that Streamyx is having a promotion now and why do I want to cancel. I told her that I'm cancelling because TM does not want to serve at my new home.
She asked whether I have tried applying for it and I told her my friend has already done so and was not entertained (yeah, entertained actually but to tell "Sorry, we can't help you"). I told her my house is part of a new phase of which only three occupants have moved in. She did mention that new housing development may face such difficulties.
You mean to say that with so much of technology investments, TM still can't do it or chose not to do it?
The officer that entertained my close friend, when she went to apply for the transfer, said that in order for her line to be connected TM need more applicants. What does that mean? It's not economical to connect one line?
Our houses are located on the same row of the earlier phase 2 (ours - phase 2A), sharing the same road, drainage, electricity. Phase 1 and Phase 2 owners are having TM lines already.
What's the problem after all? If TM has to wait for more applicants to apply I have to wait for the remaining owners / tenants to move in. By when? In this technology era, we are told to wait by the main internet service provider in Malaysia.
My close friend is already using DiGi wireless broadband service. The neighbours along Phase 2 do subscribe to Maxis wireless broadband too.
Let's say:-
If me and my friend decide to subscribe with other service providers, the next person from my phase 2A that goes to TM will still get the same reply ......... "When we get more applicants, we will inform you". This person will then opt for another service provider. The following person will do the same thing and will get the same response and so forth .......... when will the wheel end?
Not all houses may be occupied that soon as some are trying to dispose off the properties (maybe they are investors). If these houses are not occupied, there will be no applicant from that property then.
With people subscribing with other service providers, by the time TM thinks they have received lots of enquiries and start to call those earlier enquirers, we will tell TM that we don't need your Streamyx now because we have subscribed with other service providers.
In the end, who will lose out? It's TM!
This is what you call monopoly business. Never mind if they monopolised it but they still can't provide.
Reading: Investors put off by Malaysia’s high-cost, low-speed broadband - Malaysian Insider
Tags: Malaysia, Wireless Broadband, Fixed Line, Telekom Malaysia, Packet 1, P1 WIMAX, WIMAX, DiGi Wireless Broadband, Maxis Wireless Broadband
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Want To Try Flying a Boeing?
Malaysia Airlines is giving you, yeah you irrespective of your nationality, a chance to be in a Boeing 777-200 cockpit. It's no joke but at a price of course.
A normal person like you and me could at last fly a Boeing 777-200 even though we don't have a licence to fly as a pilot. The MH Flight Simulator Experience ("FSE") is opened to the general public at the Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport, Subang.
If you have played those Flight Simulator pc game before, this would be quite similar just that this is done in a real cockpit set-up for such purpose. That's the same cockpit used for training MAS pilots. I remembered those yesteryears in trying to fly a small plane (the pc game format of course) and it was not easy just to take off. Once up there, it's not easy to land it. I gave up on mastering that game without getting to take off and land safely at least once.
As for this MAS experience, the only setback is that you have to pay RM500 for a 20 minutes experience. You'll get a chance to to visit a flight deck and you'll be guided on how to take off and land the plane by a Simulator Engineer. Not bad, isn't it?
You must meet the following simple requirements before being allowed to test the flight simulator:-
a. 10 years of age or older;
b. get written consent from parent or guardian to participate in FSE (applicable to participant under the age of 15 years old);
c. be in good health and free from heart, back or neck problems, motion sickness or other conditions that could be aggravated by the motion of the simulator. It is advised that expectant mothers should not participate;
d. be dressed appropriately in smart casual clothing with flat shoes; and
e. not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Keen? Do contact Flight Simulator Sales & Marketing of Malaysia Airlines.
This is definitely not a paid blogposting. Anyone willing to sponsor me so that I can blog more about it? MAS? Hellooooo ........ can you hear me?
Tags: MH Flight Simulator Experience, Malaysia Airlines, Boeing 777-200, Cockpit, Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport, Simulator Engineer
A normal person like you and me could at last fly a Boeing 777-200 even though we don't have a licence to fly as a pilot. The MH Flight Simulator Experience ("FSE") is opened to the general public at the Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport, Subang.
If you have played those Flight Simulator pc game before, this would be quite similar just that this is done in a real cockpit set-up for such purpose. That's the same cockpit used for training MAS pilots. I remembered those yesteryears in trying to fly a small plane (the pc game format of course) and it was not easy just to take off. Once up there, it's not easy to land it. I gave up on mastering that game without getting to take off and land safely at least once.
As for this MAS experience, the only setback is that you have to pay RM500 for a 20 minutes experience. You'll get a chance to to visit a flight deck and you'll be guided on how to take off and land the plane by a Simulator Engineer. Not bad, isn't it?
You must meet the following simple requirements before being allowed to test the flight simulator:-
a. 10 years of age or older;
b. get written consent from parent or guardian to participate in FSE (applicable to participant under the age of 15 years old);
c. be in good health and free from heart, back or neck problems, motion sickness or other conditions that could be aggravated by the motion of the simulator. It is advised that expectant mothers should not participate;
d. be dressed appropriately in smart casual clothing with flat shoes; and
e. not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Keen? Do contact Flight Simulator Sales & Marketing of Malaysia Airlines.
This is definitely not a paid blogposting. Anyone willing to sponsor me so that I can blog more about it? MAS? Hellooooo ........ can you hear me?
Tags: MH Flight Simulator Experience, Malaysia Airlines, Boeing 777-200, Cockpit, Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport, Simulator Engineer
Friday, September 25, 2009
A Need for Digital TV?
Having a new house coming up, I got tempted into looking at the slim LCD or Plasma TVs whenever I'm at the shopping centres.
Been reading all this while on such TV technologies and have seen its technology being improved every year. To me, I know I can't catch up with whatever new technology the TV manufacturers will put into the next TV model. Same goes for the computers.
Currently having a Sony 25" thick TV haha ...... after seeing those 1" to 2" thick TV, my TV really looks like a dinosaur. But it has served me well for the last eleven years albeit some small hiccups only. Repairs for such small hiccups were not more than RM1,000 all these years, much lesser if not mistaken.
Today, the Star newspapers deputy news editor called for a quicker change of digital technology from our TV broadcasters as he can't wait till 2015. Which means to say that all current non high definition ready TVs will be obsolete by year 2015?
That will be catastrophic considering the damage to the environment that could be caused by the disposal of hundreds of millions of TV.
I did read somewhere that Malaysia's TV broadcasters may start digital broadcast from year 2012 or 2013 onwards before the full swing in 2015. I also read that even though the TV (like the one that I'm having right now) is not digital ready, there will be a converter gadget to be used to convert the analog signal to digital signal.
I'm sure by that time the converter gadget would be highly expensive because you must have it or else no TV programmes for you till you get one. See the bad point of it? If you are smart or having the contacts to start sourcing for such gadget, you'll be laughing all your way to the bank.
Why need to laugh when only going to the bank? I would be laughing wherever I go if it was me hehe.
British government has started their change of technology way back in 1998 and would switched off the analog transmission in year 2012. Such a developed country took fourteen years. Malaysia intend to create a record by shortening it to three years.
In USA, the full digital transmission should have begun in June 2009 and USA TV broadcasters believed that up to 3 million TV viewers may only get to see "snow falling" on their TV screens by now.
I'm at a lost of which TV to aim for if I decided to get one. I saw the beautiful Pioneer Kuro model. It's colour and clarity is the undisputed champion. Price wise - out of reach haha. Pioneer will stop manufacturing plasma TVs from next year onwards. That will even deter me from thinking about Pioneer Kuro fearing about the spare parts later on. Also heard that it may not be a problem as Pioneer obtains the main component materials from Panasonic, being the OEM supplier.
So, the Panasonic full HD plasma TV caught my attention now and it's much more economical compared to Pioneer Kuro model.
When I was in Harvey Norman, Ikano recently, the sales person recommended me take Samsung full HD plasma TV instead. He said that the reason why Pioneer Kuro's colour is so fantastic was due to its dark black screen (when switched off). Samsung's plasma TV is almost similar but Panasonic's black screen looked dark silver to me.
Now, I'm confused!
Reading: Digital TV – the sooner the better for the country - Star
Reading: Millions Still Unprepared for — Gulp — Tomorrow’s DTV Transition - Wired
Tags: LCD TV, Plasma TV, TV Manufacturers, TV Broadcasters, Sony TV, High Definition TV, Pioneer Kuro, Panasonic Full HD Plasma TV, Samsung Full HD Plasma TV, Analog Transmission, Digital Transmission
Been reading all this while on such TV technologies and have seen its technology being improved every year. To me, I know I can't catch up with whatever new technology the TV manufacturers will put into the next TV model. Same goes for the computers.

Today, the Star newspapers deputy news editor called for a quicker change of digital technology from our TV broadcasters as he can't wait till 2015. Which means to say that all current non high definition ready TVs will be obsolete by year 2015?
That will be catastrophic considering the damage to the environment that could be caused by the disposal of hundreds of millions of TV.
I did read somewhere that Malaysia's TV broadcasters may start digital broadcast from year 2012 or 2013 onwards before the full swing in 2015. I also read that even though the TV (like the one that I'm having right now) is not digital ready, there will be a converter gadget to be used to convert the analog signal to digital signal.
I'm sure by that time the converter gadget would be highly expensive because you must have it or else no TV programmes for you till you get one. See the bad point of it? If you are smart or having the contacts to start sourcing for such gadget, you'll be laughing all your way to the bank.
Why need to laugh when only going to the bank? I would be laughing wherever I go if it was me hehe.
British government has started their change of technology way back in 1998 and would switched off the analog transmission in year 2012. Such a developed country took fourteen years. Malaysia intend to create a record by shortening it to three years.
In USA, the full digital transmission should have begun in June 2009 and USA TV broadcasters believed that up to 3 million TV viewers may only get to see "snow falling" on their TV screens by now.
I'm at a lost of which TV to aim for if I decided to get one. I saw the beautiful Pioneer Kuro model. It's colour and clarity is the undisputed champion. Price wise - out of reach haha. Pioneer will stop manufacturing plasma TVs from next year onwards. That will even deter me from thinking about Pioneer Kuro fearing about the spare parts later on. Also heard that it may not be a problem as Pioneer obtains the main component materials from Panasonic, being the OEM supplier.
So, the Panasonic full HD plasma TV caught my attention now and it's much more economical compared to Pioneer Kuro model.
When I was in Harvey Norman, Ikano recently, the sales person recommended me take Samsung full HD plasma TV instead. He said that the reason why Pioneer Kuro's colour is so fantastic was due to its dark black screen (when switched off). Samsung's plasma TV is almost similar but Panasonic's black screen looked dark silver to me.
Now, I'm confused!
Reading: Digital TV – the sooner the better for the country - Star
Reading: Millions Still Unprepared for — Gulp — Tomorrow’s DTV Transition - Wired
Tags: LCD TV, Plasma TV, TV Manufacturers, TV Broadcasters, Sony TV, High Definition TV, Pioneer Kuro, Panasonic Full HD Plasma TV, Samsung Full HD Plasma TV, Analog Transmission, Digital Transmission
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Sim Card Malfunctioned - Whose Fault?
Replaced my mobile's sim card just last week at Maxis Centre located at Menara Maxis. The sim card just got KO on its own without warning. For almost five days, I was hoping for it to return back to normal and trying to arrange for a time to go to a Maxis Centre to check on the sim card.
It was unbearable with your sim card giving you problem. After work, off to Maxis Centre and approach the Hotlink counter after filling in a form.
Staff: May I help you sir?
Me: I think my sim card is not functioning at all. This is the message I'll get on my screen. (showing him the mobile screen)
Staff: Let me check your info first. I think your card has been issued for quite some time back.
Me: Yeah, maybe two years ago.
Staff: Time to change. Have you filled in the form to request for a sim card replacement?
Me: Yes!
Staff: RM10 is required for the sim card replacement.
Me: Why do I have to pay? It's your sim card that malfunctioned.
Staff: The sim card has been in used for so long. Various reasons could have contributed to it. Say the method of charging your mobile phone, sim card was not taken care of, your mobile's circuit may have caused the damage or someone could have mishandled your sim card.
Me: The sim card has an expiry date? Still it's your sim card that malfunctioned.
Staff: That's the company policy sir!
In my mind at that point of time, he has named more faults of mine than I could of his. So, he won? I'm the guilty party since all those reasons could have contributed to the demise of my sim card.
Why can't Maxis take the blame? Another sim card of mine from another telco has been working well for almost ten years now.
It's not the RM10 that I'm so attached to but it's more of a principal.
Tags: Maxis, Hotlink, Maxis Centre, Menara Maxis, Sim Card Replacement, Telco
Staff: May I help you sir?
Me: I think my sim card is not functioning at all. This is the message I'll get on my screen. (showing him the mobile screen)
Staff: Let me check your info first. I think your card has been issued for quite some time back.
Me: Yeah, maybe two years ago.
Staff: Time to change. Have you filled in the form to request for a sim card replacement?
Me: Yes!
Staff: RM10 is required for the sim card replacement.
Me: Why do I have to pay? It's your sim card that malfunctioned.
Staff: The sim card has been in used for so long. Various reasons could have contributed to it. Say the method of charging your mobile phone, sim card was not taken care of, your mobile's circuit may have caused the damage or someone could have mishandled your sim card.
Me: The sim card has an expiry date? Still it's your sim card that malfunctioned.
Staff: That's the company policy sir!
In my mind at that point of time, he has named more faults of mine than I could of his. So, he won? I'm the guilty party since all those reasons could have contributed to the demise of my sim card.
Why can't Maxis take the blame? Another sim card of mine from another telco has been working well for almost ten years now.
It's not the RM10 that I'm so attached to but it's more of a principal.
Tags: Maxis, Hotlink, Maxis Centre, Menara Maxis, Sim Card Replacement, Telco
Friday, June 26, 2009
Yamaha Wearable Motorcycle

Designed by Jake Loniak, a student from the Art Center Pasadena. The future concept motorcycle that incorporates technology seen used by a villain in Spiderman 3's movie and I believe that movie really inspired him to produce this monster known as Yamaha Deus Ex Machina.

Speed wise? Acceleration from 0 to 60m in a short 3 seconds. Even the Lamborghini or Ferrari loses out on this.

Only thing is that you have to recharge your battery after one hour of usage. Otherwise, I'll be roaming across the country. Although it will take only 15 minutes to recharge, I wonder what sort of recharging accessories are required. Can we recharge anywhere?

One thing, it's easily stolen.

Tags: Yamaha, Yamaha Deus Ex Machina, Ultra-Capacitors, Nano-Phoshpate Batteries, Pneumatic Muscles, Linear Actuators, Artificial Vertebrae, Pneumatic Helmet, Art Center Pasadena, Wearable Motorcycle
Friday, June 19, 2009
Employee of the Month
A colleague of mine was awarded the Employee of the Month lately when, unknowingly, an email being circulated around the office purportedly trying to make fun of him got to the hands of the Senior Management. Suprisingly, the Senior Management was proud of him.
What did the management say?
Here it is:-
"This is the level of dedication we expect from all staff!
In this day and age we all have laptops so we see no excuses.
Tags: Employee of the Month, Laptop
What did the management say?

"This is the level of dedication we expect from all staff!
In this day and age we all have laptops so we see no excuses.
Tags: Employee of the Month, Laptop
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Pizza Restaurants Facing Threats?
Will Malaysian pizza parlours face threats from the latest pizza company?
This new company can run with the lowest staff personnel, lowest shop rental rate or lowest operating cost. How are you going to challenge this new frontier?
The founder, thinker, inventor, the big dreamer went all the way to create a vending machine to produce a pizza. Yeah, only a vending machine.
This vending machine, named "Let's Pizza", will have containers pouring out flour, water, tomato sauce, and fresh ingredients to produce the pizza as requested via buttons on the vending machine. It will take only three three minutes. This is much faster than those local pizza parlours.
How much is one of this pizza then? Only US$5 or 4 Euros minimum for either the Margherita, bacon, ham or fresh greens choices. Much cheaper than those local pizza parlours.
What if you want to be part of this business venture and challenge the likes of other pizza parlours found in Malaysia.
How much is it to set up this venture? First, you have to buy that vending machine at a cost of US$32,000. Then pay for the high transportation cost to Malaysia where the customs may tax you double or triple the amount, topped up by other local taxes and licensing fees.
Might as well just eat at the local pizza parlours hehehehe. Well, never try never know forever.
The inventor, Claudio Torghele, gave a try and will be going places soon ...... at the moment, in Italy only.
Reading: In Italy, a Vending Machine Even Makes the Pizza - New York Times
(Picture sourced from CNET Asia)
Tags: Claudio Torghele, Let's Pizza, Margherita, Pizza Parlours, Pizza Vending Machine
This new company can run with the lowest staff personnel, lowest shop rental rate or lowest operating cost. How are you going to challenge this new frontier?
The founder, thinker, inventor, the big dreamer went all the way to create a vending machine to produce a pizza. Yeah, only a vending machine.

How much is one of this pizza then? Only US$5 or 4 Euros minimum for either the Margherita, bacon, ham or fresh greens choices. Much cheaper than those local pizza parlours.
What if you want to be part of this business venture and challenge the likes of other pizza parlours found in Malaysia.
How much is it to set up this venture? First, you have to buy that vending machine at a cost of US$32,000. Then pay for the high transportation cost to Malaysia where the customs may tax you double or triple the amount, topped up by other local taxes and licensing fees.
Might as well just eat at the local pizza parlours hehehehe. Well, never try never know forever.
The inventor, Claudio Torghele, gave a try and will be going places soon ...... at the moment, in Italy only.
Reading: In Italy, a Vending Machine Even Makes the Pizza - New York Times
(Picture sourced from CNET Asia)
Tags: Claudio Torghele, Let's Pizza, Margherita, Pizza Parlours, Pizza Vending Machine
Friday, March 27, 2009
How To Protect Your Passwords?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Eleven Digits for Malaysian Mobiles
As Malaysia's mobile technology is going to implement the Mobile Number Portability (MNP), mobile users will get to change to whichever mobile service provider whenever they want and yet, get to keep their same mobile number.
According to the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, the new numbering and electronic addressing shall be available to the public at a fee to be decided by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission.
Now for the best part, you will get a new number for this process. Currently, all mobile phone numbers are in seven digits. Upon this new implementation, your new mobile number will an additional digit.
Subject to you subscribing for the MNP, you will be assigned with another three new digits. Whether they will add that four digits before or after your current number, it has not been mentioned yet.
I don't think it's a problem to all mobile users. Those days without the mobile technology, I could remember a number of my friends' house telephone numbers. Nowadays, I can't recall almost all of my friends' numbers, be it house or mobile. Thanks to the technology of phone memory. My excuse - it frees my brain in storing those complicated phone numbers and brain could be put to better use for other issues (some friends who will read this will surely say - you mean you have a brain?).
All this will happen by end of the year after many months (or years?) of delays. Delays due to ??? Let's see which mobile telco will win this service provider war with the MNP in place.
Reading: Mobile numbers to be in 11 digits - The Edge Daily
Related post - Mobile Number Portability (MNP)
Tags: Mobile Technology, Mobile Number Portability, MNP, Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, MCMC
According to the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, the new numbering and electronic addressing shall be available to the public at a fee to be decided by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission.
Now for the best part, you will get a new number for this process. Currently, all mobile phone numbers are in seven digits. Upon this new implementation, your new mobile number will an additional digit.
Subject to you subscribing for the MNP, you will be assigned with another three new digits. Whether they will add that four digits before or after your current number, it has not been mentioned yet.
I don't think it's a problem to all mobile users. Those days without the mobile technology, I could remember a number of my friends' house telephone numbers. Nowadays, I can't recall almost all of my friends' numbers, be it house or mobile. Thanks to the technology of phone memory. My excuse - it frees my brain in storing those complicated phone numbers and brain could be put to better use for other issues (some friends who will read this will surely say - you mean you have a brain?).
All this will happen by end of the year after many months (or years?) of delays. Delays due to ??? Let's see which mobile telco will win this service provider war with the MNP in place.
Reading: Mobile numbers to be in 11 digits - The Edge Daily
Related post - Mobile Number Portability (MNP)
Tags: Mobile Technology, Mobile Number Portability, MNP, Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, MCMC
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Why Bill Gates Decides to Sell Off Microsoft?
Letter from Banta Singh to Mr. Bill Gates
Subject: Problems with my new computer
Dear Mr. Bill Gates,
We have bought a computer for our home and we have found some problems, which I want to bring to your notice.
1. There is a button 'start' but there is no 'stop' button. We request you to check this.
2. One doubt is whetherany 're-scooter' is available in system? I find only 're-cycle', but I own a scooter at my home.
3. There is 'Find' button but it is not working properly. My wife lost the door key and we tried a lot trace the key with this 'find' button, but was unable to trace. Please rectify this problem.
4. My child learnt 'Microsoft word' now he wants to learn 'Microsoft sentence', so when you will provide that?
5. I bought computer, CPU, mouse and keyboard, but there is only one icon which shows 'My Computer': when you will povide the remaining items?
6. It is surprising that windows says 'My Pictures' but there is not even a single photo of mine. So when will you keep my photo in that.
7. There is 'MICROSOFT OFFICE' what about 'MICROSOFT HOME' since I use the PC at home only.
8. You provided 'My Recent Documents'. When you will provide 'My Past Documents'?
9. You provide 'My Network Places'. For God sake please do not provide 'My Secret Places'. I do not want to let my wife know where I go after my office hours.
Last one to Mr. Bill Gates: Sir, how is it that your name is Gates but you are selling WINDOWS?
Reading: Bill Gates bids a teary farewell to Microsoft -ZDNet
Tags: Microsoft, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word, Bill Gates, Banta Singh, Software
Subject: Problems with my new computer
Dear Mr. Bill Gates,
We have bought a computer for our home and we have found some problems, which I want to bring to your notice.
1. There is a button 'start' but there is no 'stop' button. We request you to check this.
2. One doubt is whetherany 're-scooter' is available in system? I find only 're-cycle', but I own a scooter at my home.
3. There is 'Find' button but it is not working properly. My wife lost the door key and we tried a lot trace the key with this 'find' button, but was unable to trace. Please rectify this problem.
4. My child learnt 'Microsoft word' now he wants to learn 'Microsoft sentence', so when you will provide that?
5. I bought computer, CPU, mouse and keyboard, but there is only one icon which shows 'My Computer': when you will povide the remaining items?
6. It is surprising that windows says 'My Pictures' but there is not even a single photo of mine. So when will you keep my photo in that.
7. There is 'MICROSOFT OFFICE' what about 'MICROSOFT HOME' since I use the PC at home only.
8. You provided 'My Recent Documents'. When you will provide 'My Past Documents'?
9. You provide 'My Network Places'. For God sake please do not provide 'My Secret Places'. I do not want to let my wife know where I go after my office hours.
Last one to Mr. Bill Gates: Sir, how is it that your name is Gates but you are selling WINDOWS?
Reading: Bill Gates bids a teary farewell to Microsoft -ZDNet
Tags: Microsoft, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word, Bill Gates, Banta Singh, Software
Monday, June 30, 2008
Fake Nokia Camera Phone N73
A warning from a friend.
Dear friends,
Don't ever think you can buy a cheap valuable stuff from someone you may don't know on the street. Here is one of true story has been happen recently. Do you know how the cheater works?
He/She will approach you when you alone on the street, then he/she offer you something valuable, e.g. mobile phone with very cheap price. You may not consider at the beginning, after a while, he/she may offer with even lower price, then you may start thinking over it. Then you will be almost in the trap!
He/She will show you the phone which is really work, but once you deal with him/her, you are not going to receive the real phone. But instead, once he/she receive your money, he/she will give you the fake phone (as shown on the photos) and run away immediately, once you found it, it was too lake!
Normally, those cheater from China, they can't speak Malay or English. They negotiable the price with you with sign language. Take note and be aware of these guy.
Please tell your friend and parents to aware of this news. They may someone on the street which you may meet in one day. Other than the mobile phone, he/she may offer you something else which is valuable , e.g. diamond with the price much lower in market.
Here are the photos of the fake Nokia camera phone N73 found in market. Look closely! At last, not least, don't esurience of this small advantage and you get will lost at the end.

Tags: Nokia N73, Smartphone, Camera Phone, Fake Mobile Phone, Fake N73
Dear friends,
Don't ever think you can buy a cheap valuable stuff from someone you may don't know on the street. Here is one of true story has been happen recently. Do you know how the cheater works?
He/She will approach you when you alone on the street, then he/she offer you something valuable, e.g. mobile phone with very cheap price. You may not consider at the beginning, after a while, he/she may offer with even lower price, then you may start thinking over it. Then you will be almost in the trap!
He/She will show you the phone which is really work, but once you deal with him/her, you are not going to receive the real phone. But instead, once he/she receive your money, he/she will give you the fake phone (as shown on the photos) and run away immediately, once you found it, it was too lake!
Normally, those cheater from China, they can't speak Malay or English. They negotiable the price with you with sign language. Take note and be aware of these guy.
Please tell your friend and parents to aware of this news. They may someone on the street which you may meet in one day. Other than the mobile phone, he/she may offer you something else which is valuable , e.g. diamond with the price much lower in market.
Here are the photos of the fake Nokia camera phone N73 found in market. Look closely! At last, not least, don't esurience of this small advantage and you get will lost at the end.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Don't Mess With Japanese Police

Tags: Japan, Japanese Police, Motorbike
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
No More High Definition HD DVD???
Just when I was targetting to buy a DVD player, this piece of news came about - Toshiba to discontinue HD-DVD business. Toshiba promised to provide continuous technical support to customers who have bought their HD DVD earlier. Why the discontinuation? It seems that it was not selling as well as Blu-Ray DVD.
Pity the earlier purchasers. Even though Toshiba would provide technical supports, movie producers may not be producing DVDs in HD format since there would be lesser HD DVD users, less profitable. So, what's the point of owning one HD DVD when you don't have movies / softwares catering for it which means lesser usage of it, lesser breakdowns. Sometimes I really find such statements by an multinational companies ridiculous.
Looks like the HD DVD would be down the drain. What's the difference between a HD DVD and a Blu-Ray DVD? Read it in Engadget - Blu-ray vs HD DVD: State of the Division.
How did it come about with two different technologies for a DVD? I remembered those days (yeah, during my era and I doubt the young generation could relate to this) there was a war between the VHS and Betamax video format player and Betamax lost the war. This DVD thingy could be the same issue.
Now, what is Blu-Ray? You better read it in Blu-Ray.com.
Which consumer electronics manufactures this Blu-Ray DVD? I have to study which of this is the better ones now. It seems that Apple, Dell, Hitachi, HP, JVC, LG, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Pioneer, Philips, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, TDK and Thomson have it in their stable. Too many choices but Sony's DVD player seems to be getting headline when comparison was made against Toshiba's HD DVD.
Alright, I'm heading to the nearest electrical store to buy a Blu-Ray DVD player. What about the HD technology for TVs????? Going to be redundant soon??? Manufacturers, please decide fast as I want to buy a High Definition TV. Please don't surprise me as what Toshiba has done.
Reading: Analysts react to HD DVD demise - MacUser
Reading: HD DVD bids us adieu; Blu-ray triumphs - The Hollywood Reporter
Tags: HD DVD, Blu-Ray DVD, Toshiba HD DVD, DVD, DVD Player, VHS, Betamax, High Definition, Audio Visual Technology, Audio Visual, High Definition TV
Pity the earlier purchasers. Even though Toshiba would provide technical supports, movie producers may not be producing DVDs in HD format since there would be lesser HD DVD users, less profitable. So, what's the point of owning one HD DVD when you don't have movies / softwares catering for it which means lesser usage of it, lesser breakdowns. Sometimes I really find such statements by an multinational companies ridiculous.
Looks like the HD DVD would be down the drain. What's the difference between a HD DVD and a Blu-Ray DVD? Read it in Engadget - Blu-ray vs HD DVD: State of the Division.
How did it come about with two different technologies for a DVD? I remembered those days (yeah, during my era and I doubt the young generation could relate to this) there was a war between the VHS and Betamax video format player and Betamax lost the war. This DVD thingy could be the same issue.

Which consumer electronics manufactures this Blu-Ray DVD? I have to study which of this is the better ones now. It seems that Apple, Dell, Hitachi, HP, JVC, LG, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Pioneer, Philips, Samsung, Sharp, Sony, TDK and Thomson have it in their stable. Too many choices but Sony's DVD player seems to be getting headline when comparison was made against Toshiba's HD DVD.
Alright, I'm heading to the nearest electrical store to buy a Blu-Ray DVD player. What about the HD technology for TVs????? Going to be redundant soon??? Manufacturers, please decide fast as I want to buy a High Definition TV. Please don't surprise me as what Toshiba has done.
Reading: Analysts react to HD DVD demise - MacUser
Reading: HD DVD bids us adieu; Blu-ray triumphs - The Hollywood Reporter
Tags: HD DVD, Blu-Ray DVD, Toshiba HD DVD, DVD, DVD Player, VHS, Betamax, High Definition, Audio Visual Technology, Audio Visual, High Definition TV
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Back to Hometown on Rail
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Broadband Service in Malaysia
All this while I'm only using a dial-up service while at home. The service is just nice for me even I though I blog a lot. Only one issue, it's too costly maintaining a dial-up service with my long usage.
I'm interested to sign up for a broadband service but not too sure on which service provider should I go for. Following options:-
* Celcom Broadband
* Maxis Broadband
* tmnet Streamyx
* Izzi
* Netlynx (limited area coverage)
While still deciding on which service provider, I read about the comparison between the service providers in the following websites:-
* Celcom Broadband vs. Maxis Broadband
* Celcom Broadband: RM68 Broadband In Malaysia
Tags: Broadband, Celcom Broadband, Maxis Broadband, Streamyx, Izzi, Netlynx
I'm interested to sign up for a broadband service but not too sure on which service provider should I go for. Following options:-
* Celcom Broadband
* Maxis Broadband
* tmnet Streamyx
* Izzi
* Netlynx (limited area coverage)
While still deciding on which service provider, I read about the comparison between the service providers in the following websites:-
* Celcom Broadband vs. Maxis Broadband
* Celcom Broadband: RM68 Broadband In Malaysia
Tags: Broadband, Celcom Broadband, Maxis Broadband, Streamyx, Izzi, Netlynx
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
China Turning to Nuclear Power

China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group Co. being one of the main nuclear power operator in China has ordered two nuclear reactors recently from Areva SA, who so happened to be the world's largest nuclear reactor maker. The 2 new nuclear reactors will be located in Taishan city at southern Guangdong province.
Upon completion of the nuclear reactors by Areva SA, it gets to supply fuel to operate 2 of those nuclear reactors up to year 2026. What a good deal indeed! This 2 nuclear reactors will be partly owned by Electricite de France SA, Europe's largest power generator.
Besides Areva SA, Toshiba Corp.'s U.S.-based Westinghouse Electric Co. is another company that is competing for those nuclear reactors that China has intended to build.
Guess how many of them? China intends to add 2 nuclear reactors each year and targets to have 26 by year 2026. What a staggering reliance on nuclear power. Just this year alone, China has awarded Areva SA and Westinghouse Electric Co. to build nuclear reactors at a cost of US$11.9 billion and US$5.3 billion respectively.
The government of Malaysia did sound out that nuclear power is possible in year 2020. Let's compare the cost when it comes around. Indonesia has plans laid out to build a huge 4,000 megawatt nuclear plant by 2010 and targetted to have 6 gigawatts of power by 2025.
Tags: Nuclear Power, Nuclear Reactor, Nuclear, China, Taishan, Guangdong, Areva SA, Toshiba Corp, Westinghouse Electric Co, China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group Co, Electricite de France SA, Megawatt, Gigawatt
Friday, November 09, 2007
Call Centre Operators
I'm sure you have called some companies, banks or mobile phone operator where they would redirect your calls to their call centres who would respond accordingly. Some organisations have an automated response only which would direct you to a specific person by pressing the right number. In the scenario below, it was a call directed to a State Mental Hospital:-
"Hello and thank you for calling The State Mental Hospital.
Please select from the following options menu:-
* If you are obsessive-compulsive, press 1 repeatedly.
* If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2 for you.
* If you have multiple personalities, press 3, 4, 5 and 6.
* If you are paranoid, we know who you are and what you want, stay on the line so we can trace your call.
* If you are delusional, press 7 and your call will be forwarded to the Mother Ship.
* If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a little voice will tell you which number to press.
* If you are manic-depressive, it doesn't matter which number you press, nothing will make you happy anyway.
* If you are dyslexic, press 9696969696969696.
* If you are bipolar, please leave a message after the beep or before the beep or after the beep. Please wait for the beep.
* If you have short-term memory loss, press 9. If you have short-term memory loss, press 9. If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.
* If you have low self-esteem, please hang up our operators are too busy to talk with you.
* If you are menopausal, put the gun down, hang up, turn on the fan, lie down and cry. You won't be crazy forever.
* If you are blonde, don't press any buttons, you'll just mess it up."
This is the technology convenience that we have invented to make our life easier.
Tags: Mental Hospital, Call Centre, Funny, Humour
"Hello and thank you for calling The State Mental Hospital.
Please select from the following options menu:-
* If you are obsessive-compulsive, press 1 repeatedly.
* If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2 for you.
* If you have multiple personalities, press 3, 4, 5 and 6.
* If you are paranoid, we know who you are and what you want, stay on the line so we can trace your call.
* If you are delusional, press 7 and your call will be forwarded to the Mother Ship.
* If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a little voice will tell you which number to press.
* If you are manic-depressive, it doesn't matter which number you press, nothing will make you happy anyway.
* If you are dyslexic, press 9696969696969696.
* If you are bipolar, please leave a message after the beep or before the beep or after the beep. Please wait for the beep.
* If you have short-term memory loss, press 9. If you have short-term memory loss, press 9. If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.
* If you have low self-esteem, please hang up our operators are too busy to talk with you.
* If you are menopausal, put the gun down, hang up, turn on the fan, lie down and cry. You won't be crazy forever.
* If you are blonde, don't press any buttons, you'll just mess it up."
This is the technology convenience that we have invented to make our life easier.
Tags: Mental Hospital, Call Centre, Funny, Humour
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