Wednesday, September 07, 2011
An Unprepared Team A Danger To All
Unfortunately, this team was so unprepared and went in a haste without knowing what they are heading into. Not only that they have risked their own lifes unnecessarily but they had to be protected by the security forces that were already busy with the war. And now, they have to worry for a bunch of innocent / naive people from Malaysia who were trying to claim a name by doing something good.
Things didn't went as planned and maybe the plan wasn't a good plan after all.
I'm so sorry to hear about the demise of our Bernama TV's cameraman, cameraman Noramfaizul Mohd Nor, in Somalia while following this bunch of unprepared team.
You have to read some true facts of what has happened prior to and during the so-called humanitarian aid mission leading to the demise of a Malaysian.
Failure to listen cost a life, an article in Star, depicted that a 7 member reconnaissance team of Malaysians arrived earlier to assess the safety situation for the upcoming humanitarian aid mission. The verdict - "Risky".
Was this "Risky" situation looked into or further planning with proper risk management being factored prior to the arrival of the 48 members of the Putera 1Malaysia Club?
Apparently, out of the 48 members, 40% of them were from the media. 18 of them? An experience army team going into the war zone will not allow so many media members to follow them else it may jeopardise their mission as they have to waste resource to save the media members if caught in a crossfire. It could have been more media members if not for the limited seats in the military aircraft. 74 media members were at the airport but only 18 were allowed to follow eventually. I really wonder what sort of briefing notes that had been provided to the media members in preparing them.
You don't send so many media members to cover a war zone story in a particular group. Moreover, this Putera 1Malaysia Club are not trained soldiers or they were carrying any weapons? Were they?
The 7 member reconnaissance team actually reported to Putrajaya first prior to the departure of the 48 members under the umbrella of Putera 1Malaysia Club. Their recommendations stated the following:-
a) that this team should make full preparations and leave after Hari Raya; and
b) concentrate their work and set up a clinic at one selected camp for the refugees.
Even though "Risky" but the team went ahead without listening to the advise as mentioned in items (a) and (b) as above. Outcome?
An international news agency journalist did mention that they have to go through a 3 days intensive training conducted by former commandos before they jump into the war zone. That too, does not guarantee their survival in a war zone.
To quote Putera 1Malaysia Club president Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim who asked everyone not to politicised or “cashed-in for cheap publicity" on the death of a Malaysian - you mean to say that people can't ridicule the club for its unpreparedness which caused a Malaysian to die unnecessarily?
The humanitarian aid mission was cut short immediately following the death of a Malaysian journalist. Why cut short the trip? If this team was so gung-ho about the mission, it should have gone ahead with the agenda that had been planned. A death shouldn't have derailed a humanitarian aid mission where its main objective was to save even more lifes.
This Datuk made the following statements to the press:-
a) We are preparing for a second mission but we have to settle several unresolved matters before we make another attempt.
b) The club would not rush into things and would take all necessary precautions and follow closely all standard operating procedures during the next mission.
c) 45 people, including pressmen, had signed for the next trip so far.
My comments on the above:-
a) You mean to say that the club didn't resolve certain issues for the first mission but still went ahead with it?
b) Admitting that this first mission was a rush job and SOP wasn't followed at all?
c) All the best to this 45 persons.
Immediately right after this tragedy, a cabinet minister said that "standard operating procedure should be created to serve as a guideline for all parties." Isn't this a little too late?
The cabinet minister also mentioned that "There should also be a reconnaissance done in these areas to determine the level of security." I think he hasn't been briefed about the 7 member reconnaissance team hahaha.
Worse still, our PM quoted this - "But if you're not prepared to take the risk, then stay home."
This blogpost is not written with selfish intention or any political agenda. It's in the minds of Malaysians who cannot understand why such humanitarian aid mission cannot be handed over to the professionals such as the Médecins Sans Frontières ("MSF") who have been there for years.
I respect the intention and the main objective of this trip but they should have prepared themselves in view of MSF International President Dr Unni Karunakara's experience in Somalia.
Irrespective of whether our journalist was prepared in mindset or knew what he was volunteering for or for the fact that many organisations have/would be contributing aids to the journalist's family, whoever organised the trip should have been more responsible for it as his death could have been avoided.
Tags: Putera 1Malaysia Club, Somalia Famine, Humanitarian Aid Mission, Somalia War Zone, Bernama TV, Noramfaizul Mohd Nor, Médecins Sans Frontières
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Dog Abuser in OUG?
I really wonder if he would do the same act to a Rottweiler or a Doberman.
Sunday, December 05, 2010
Malaysian Brains in Melbourne
Happened in Melbourne, Australia.
10 Nov 2010
1. Arrived early at hospital, so decided to walk down the street to check out an expensive shop by famous Melbourne-based designer. Was pleasantly (but sadly) surprised to learn the ‘local designer’ was a Malaysian whose entire family migrated from Malaysia!
2. Went back to hospital. Was registered by a loud receptionist who was Malaysian whose family migrated from Malaysia!
3. 20-30 minutes wait later, was seen by a specialist (endocrinologist) who studied at Melbourne Uni and then migrated to Melbourne… from Kuala Lumpur! (Oh btw, since this was public hospital, this Malaysian endocrinologist was also teaching/supervising an Australian medical student while she was consulting me).
4. Referred for thyroid biopsy. They booked me in for Monday (only five days later).
15 Nov 2010
Thyroid biopsy wasn’t nice, but the surgeon was very friendly and made me feel assured. I recognised the accent again, so as I did for others above, I asked… The surgeon was from Johor Bahru!!! From my observation of conversations, this ex-Malaysian was obviously senior and well-respected, and was using my procedure to teach an Aussie medical student!
Public hospitals will never be of 5-star luxury, but my 100%-free-of-charge experience thus far has been more than acceptable. But I am very disturbed (!!!) by the series of expert EX-MALAYSIANS treating me in Melbourne! Receptionist, Doctor Surgeon, all Malaysians! What the…!
I’ve heard and ranted about brain drain, but to experience it so real and personally was disturbing…
Tags: Brain Drain, Melbourne, Ex-Malaysian, Endocrinologist, Surgeon
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Conmen Striked Again
Yesterday at around 11.30am, Ma received a phone call. There was a male voice crying at the other end of the line, saying “he is in pain, got beaten up by people and asking Ma to help him”. When Ma asked who he is, another male Chinese voice said:
Cbinese Male (CM): He is your son, We got him with us.
Ma: What happened? Why is my son with you? What have you done to him?
CM: He owed us (Ah Long) a lot of money.
Ma: How come my son got owed you money. He never borrow from Ah Long.
CM: He got football debts.
Ma: My son don’t gamble, how come got owe you debts.
CM: He stood as guarantor for a friend’s loan. Now that friend runs away, so we got your son to settle the loan. We have been watching your son for 2 weeks.
Ma: How much is the loan?
CM: RM40,000. You bring money to get your son back or we will kill him. Chop him up into many pieces.
Ma: How is my son now? (She already assumed the crying voice is my voice, and she is panicky, fearing for my safety.)
CM: He felled down and knock his head. Got some bleeding on the head. We will take him to the clinic afterwards. You quickly bring the money to bail your son or he will die.
Ma panic and screamed for Pa.
Pa then talked to the CM on the phone. CM warned Pa & Ma not to make police report, or talk to anyone or inform the neighbours or call other people. Demanded Ma to stay near the phone.
CM then instruct Pa to withdraw money RM12,000 from bank to bail his “son”. CM asked Pa where he stays and where is his bank he will take money from. (Amount was later reduced to RM10,000)
Pa told him they stay where they stay and his bank is Hong Leong Bank.
CM then instructed Pa to go to Hong Leong Bank to withdraw RM10,000 and to go to the bus stop in front of the fast food restaurant at the main road and wait for further instructions.
CM warns Ma not to go out of the house. She also cannot put down the phone or cut off the line. She is to hold the phone and keep listening to CM’s instruction.
PA then rode his motorcycle to HLB and withdraw RM10K from his FD. HLB Officer was courious as to why Pa wants to withdraw so much cash. Kept asking him what he wants so much cash for and is there anything wrong? She noticed Pa looked worried and nervous. The Officer noticed that the FD was joint-name with me and she called me from her office (that time was around 1.00pm) to ask if I am aware why my Dad needs to withdraw so much cash. I told her I am not aware of any reasons, and if he needs money, then let him take it.
After a while, I felt it a bit strange that Pa wants to take so much money, so I called home to check. But the house phone was engaged. I tried a few times and then I just forgot about the matter.
(Little did I know that Bank Officer was an angel send by God to try and intercept and stop Dad from giving the money to those confidence tricksters. But I was not sensitive enough to realize that God was doing something to save us from being cheated.)
Pa then took the money all RM10K inside an envelope and walked towards the bus stop. There were some people waiting for bus. Pa sat on the bench and another CM was sitting at the other end of the bench talking on his hp. CM2 then walked towards Pa and said “got call for you”.
Pa took the hp and CM1 asked if Pa has withdrawn the money. Pa said “yes” and CM1 told Pa to pass the money to CM2. CM1 told Pa on the phone, that after they counted the money and found correct, they will release his son in about 20 mins time. Then they will come and talked about “how to settle the balance amount”.
Pa gave the envelope to CM2 and he walked away, climbed up the overhead bridge and cross over to the other side of the road.
Pa went home and waited. After waiting for about 30 mins, and I still didn’t appear, Ma got worried and called my hp, and asked where I was and did I go anywhere in the morning. I told her I was in the office the whole day and got no time to go out.
There are a few things we can learn from this episode.
1. Don’t panic when we received such phone calls. Try to stay calm and rational. Ma wanted to call my wife to find out where I was actually, but the CM warned Ma not to go out of the house. CM got Ma to hold onto the handset all the while when Pa went to the Bank to withdraw money. CM kept talking to Ma to prevent her from going out to make phone calls or seek for help.
2. If we are confident of our children’s activities outside of the house, then we can confidently ignore the caller and can even challenge him to show proof.
3. Make an effort to contact another family member to verify the facts.
4. Demand to speak to the “victim” to verify their claims. Try to stall for time and seek help from police, neighbours, family members.
5. Don’t hand over cash without seeing the “victim” first.
6. There has been many similar cases circulating in the internet. Do take note and warn our children.
7. If there is someone claiming to be from the mobile operator company asking you to shut down your hp for 3-4 hours for “up-grading/maintenance of network / system”; please ignore them. Once your hp is switched off, no one can contact you. That’s when they will move in and try to con your family members to pay money to bail/rescue you. Since your hp is unreachable, family members may be misled into believing that you are being caught by them and the threat is real. You will then succumb to their tricks/demands.
Tags: Conman, Trickster, Fraudster, Con
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Cola Will Reduce Sperm Count?
A doctor by the name of Dr. Tina Kold Jensen (and her team) from University Department of Growth and Reproduction has done a research with 2,500 Danish guys, young guys for that matter. No old guys because their sperm count is definitely lower as they aged hehe.
In her research she tried to check on the impact of caffeine-based drink on the guy's reproduction health. The research team used the Cola drink which has caffeine in it.
Which cola? Not mentioned. I guess it's safer not to name the brand in case of lawsuits. But how many types of cola drinks are there in the market?
From the outcome of the research, a guy who doesn't drink cola will have a sperm count of "averaging 50 million sperm per milliliter semen".
And if you do drink, that also the research mentioned that at least more than one liter (about 34 ounces) was consumed, your sperm count could be in the range of 35 million sperm per milliliter.
The above research was found in the American Journal of Epidemiology.
From this research, I can deduce that a charging group of 50 million sperms may penetrate an egg easier.
I guess it will be equally bad for a lady's reproductive system if she drinks a lot of cola too. Anyway, the research was not conclusive as there are many other factors that may cause lower sperm count.
I can also conclude, suddenly the medical part of my brain is functioning, that if you were to continue drinking cola in that magnitude (a liter a day), your reproduction health may not be affected but I'm sure the diabetes will find you as a close friend real soon.
I have once heard of this joke but I found it very profound too:-
"Every single person in this world is a born winner. Why? Because you were the only sperm that managed to penetrate into the egg first and thus, you are a winner right before you were born."
Well, listed this under the Tragedy label because if it's true it's definitely a tragedy for many men (or ladies for that matter).
Reading: Is cola bad for sperm? - Reuters
Tags: Sperm Count, Cola Drink, Cola, American Journal of Epidemiology, Dr. Tina Kold Jensen, Born Winner, University Department of Growth and Reproduction, Reproductive Health
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Rubbish Dump Fire
It was about 150m away from the last row of houses in the residential area.
Within seconds on seeing that it was quite serious, I asked those two guys who were standing there earlier "Have anyone made a call to the fire station?". They responded "Don't know, we just came only". They were there before I arrived ..........
That's our public apathy. Each one waiting for someone else to do it and these people will be fast to blame others for not doing anything if something was to happen to them.
When I called the emergency number 999, the operator asked for details of the area on fire. I told her it's behind my residential area and I told her it was somewhere near the Kg. Bohol area. That operator was not sure of the place and asked me to provide a more detailed address.
I told her it was a fire burning into the forest area. I have told her on the estimated route to go that area. Still she requested for more details saying that the place is not easily understood.
Fed up, I told her to just pass the call to the fire station nearest to my place, which is the Bukit Jalil fire station. I told her if the personnels at Bukit Jalil fire station were to come out from their fire station, they would definitely see the thick black smoke and they'll be guided by that smoke signal. I guarantee that because I'm seeing it with my own eyes (raising my voice at this point).
She could sense my seriousness now. When the call was passed to the Bukit Jalil fire station, the guy who took my call said that they already knew about the fire and had dispatched their personnels there. Good job! But not for the operator because she was wasting precious time.
Saw one guy, seems like a reporter or something like that, busy taking pictures with his high end camera and other gadgets but didn't make any calls to the fire station.
And he said this "Don't know whether the firemen are already there to put out this fire".
I felt like saying "Uncle, if you haven't made the call to the fire station, how do you expect them to be there?".
That's Malaysia and maybe for many Malaysians.
Some complained about the government day in day out but when you asked them whether they have voted in the last general election .............. do you know the answer? ....... Its a big NO!
Tags: Public Apathy, Bukit Jalil Fire Station
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Earthquake Shook My Office Building
My boss came out from his room asking a general question "Did you feel it?". "Feel what" was my response.
He said that the building could be moving. At that of time, I relaxed and leaned onto my chair. Then I felt the chair swaying left to right and vice versa.
I said "I felt it now!"
Straightaway, I moved to the pantry area and looked at the construction site for "The Intermark", an on-going development that is taking place where once the Yow Chuan Plaza stood.
Noticed no work is being carried out and thus, the building wasn't affected by the construction activities. Wasted no time and shut down laptop, moved out as fast as possible. I took the second lift that stopped at our floor. No time to think of running down the steps from 31st floor.
The idea of an earthquake struck me but with the construction activities just adjacent to our 58 storey Vista Tower (formerly known as Empire Tower), we doubted the safety of the building.
Upon reaching ground floor, the security personnel requested us to run instead of walking. Maannnnnnnnnnnnn, what tension!
Later on, another colleague from another floor did mention that alarm was sounded but when he got down, so many people had evacuated the building long before him.
Two of my colleagues (in this pict) still have time to pose for this shot.
What happened to the alarm and the PA system?
That's ridiculous. If that had happened, the building would have collapsed. That person ought to go for eye check-up. Or was actually too frightened from the swaying effect.
Some colleagues can't go home at all. Reason - their cars are still in the office building.
Well, I parked far far away ....... just next to the BMW showroom. When I walked till the BMW showroom, I noticed the workers at this 4 storey building had also ran down in wake of the strong shake ................... confirmed it was an earthquake.
Reached home and a colleague updated me that an earthquake tragedy struck Padang, Indonesia with a richter scale of 7.6. That's awfully high.
Tags: Earthquake, Richter Scale, Padang, Earthquake In Indonesia, Vista Tower, Intermark, Jalan Tun Razak
Friday, June 26, 2009
Michael Jackson's Really Dead
Woke up by a phone call from KL office around 7am (Malaysian time was 12noon) and need to amend some documents urgently.
After that I browsed through my blogspot account and saw that I have lots of comments yet to be validated. That's really weird, I thought, as I don't get so many comments especially during those hours. Logged in and saw that 98% of the comments were meant for one particular blog post that I posted way back in 24 Oct 2007. Title of that post - Michael Jackson's Dead?
Curiosity made me to read through the comments as to why this post captured so many attention. One by one ....... still not believing what I have read, I turned to yahoo website and true enough, Michael Jackson is really dead this time.
This guy is really a phenomenal. He got my attention something like 25 years ago (waaaaaaa you're that old????). From that day, I followed his songs and admired his dance movements. I will look forward to his new albums and will always like to view his music videos on TV whenever it was shown because it was produced with first class production.
Teenagers nowadays may not know him but those aged 25 years old and above may recognise him anytime.
Yeah, you may have heard of many scandals that tangled up with him but I have no doubt that he was one of the best entertainer that I have ever come across in my life. I remembered when he came to Malaysia for his concert and I saw people climbing up the hillslope opposite of Concorde Hotel, trying to catch just a glimpse of him at the window.
It caused a major traffic jam for that few days he was there. A friend of mine who worked with the hotel management told me that security was so tight and that the hype was so great that even staff can't concentrate on their works but hoping just to see him walk pass by.
That's how influential of Michael Jackson.
You may asked how do you know that he was so influential.
.jpg)
The chart showed me only 14 visits at 4am. By 5am, 6,947 visits came to that particular blog post.
By 6am, when news have spread round the world, that particular blog post had 29,538 visits.
His name will be remembered for the wonderful songs and dance movements, especially the moonwalk.
Two of his wonderful songs that I liked, Smooth Criminal (for its musical beat, rhythm and dance routine) and Heal The World.
Reading: Michael Jackson Dies - TMZ
Tags: Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson Is Dead, Smooth Criminal, Heal The World
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Berserk Mom Slapped Another Student
This incident occurred at the SK Bukit Damansara in Kuala Lumpur on May 20. A boy of the 1 Kreatif class was slapped by an adult woman aged 35 who accused him of bullying her son and being ‘too tough' in class. The victim is the assistant class monitor.
The attacker who is also a mother to a child in the same class had barged into the class and slapped this assistant class monitor, leaving marks and a scratch. This happened right after recess (during the morning session of schooling), after the science teacher had just entered the classroom.
Not only that, this mother kept pushing the boy repeatedly while throwing out foul words at him, all this in front of the teacher and the rest of the class. Despite the boy's cries of ‘I'm sorry, I'm sorry', the mother didn't stop.
Even the class teacher was yelled at. Questions like, ‘Who the hell are you to tell that my son is stupid?', ‘Where is the pig Azraai?', ‘Hey, f _ _ _ _ _ _ , why you bully my son?' were flying freely about the class.
In the end, this assistant class monitor was assaulted and left crying and this mother who had entered freely the school's property during school hours eventually left without feeling any guilt for what she had done.
The assistant class monitor then told his father later what happened, after being very quiet in the car. No one from the school called the injured party's mom or dad. His mother had to find out from another parent.
The next day, some parents gathered at the school gate and talked about what happened and on the next course of action that should be taken.
1. The victim's mom made a police report, wrote letters to the school with copies extended to the ministry of education seeking an explanation, She then met the relevant teachers regarding the matter
2. A few parents, including victim's mom, met with the ‘guru besar' and a few teachers over this ‘sensitive issue' (so termed by the teachers).
3. The husband of the attacker went to the school on May 21 to complain that someone had taken a photo of his son. This without knowing what his wife had done the day before.
4. The attacker then apologised to the victim's mom via an SMS on May 22 but not before verbally abusing her on May 21 from 1:30pm to 2pm
5. The school claims that they have issued a ban on the attacker and she is only allowed in with written permission from the headmaster.
6. The police are crawling with the investigation. The investigating officer says that they have not closed the file and that we can proceed with the civil suit. The police have asked the victim's parents to settle the issue with the school.
7. It was also made known that the attacker made a police report stating that her son was being bullied by boys from 1Kreatif class and that she had earlier went to the school to complain about the victim kicking and hurting her son, while another male classmate, Azraai was also accused of hiding the victim's school bag.
The pressing issue now is that a minor has been assaulted by an adult, in public, witnessed by teachers and students. The school was irresponsible in not informing the boy's parents of the incident or taking any action against the adult. Parents are left frustrated.
This assistant class monitor is only seven years old. All of them in the class are also seven years old. They are boys and they play and fight all the time in class, at home, everywhere. They are sent to school to learn how to live, play, accept, learn and adapt to other children.
Now an assault has taken place, it has become just one of the many police reports, it's just a statistic. We parents are not happy and do not regard this matter as resolved.
There has not been any arrest on the charges of trespassing and assault and parents are only told that the issue is still under investigation by the education ministry.
The above article was extracted from Malaysiakini's website.
I would say that this lady is surely some big shot's wife. Only people who knew that they have strong back-ups dare to do such things. Otherwise, this berserk mom would have been arrested much much earlier.
What if another parent came into the school and slap her son instead? If she had done this because her son was just being kicked at .......... my my ....... if another parent did slap his son, I'm sure your guess is as good as mine.
Such behaviour is not due to work or life pressure but it's a bully mindset.
Related post - Parents Joined In To Bully
Tags: SK Bukit Damansara, Berserk Mom, Bully
Saturday, May 23, 2009
City in Danger?
I would like to share a life saving incident that all our loved ones needs to be aware.
Last Saturday, 11th April 2009, my girlfriend and I were in Mid Valley “The Gardens” for a movie. We finished around 8.40pm. I had parked my car just right above the ‘GSC Signature Cinema’ on the 5th floor. As we were getting into our car, we realized that the parking fee had not been paid. We decided to stop by the Auto pay station on the lower parking level to do the payment.
We drove 2 floors down and couldn't locate the Auto Pay Station. We decided to park our car at 2nd floor wondering if there should be a pay station in the mall at the lobby area. My girlfriend decided to wait in the car as she was on the phone. I was walking into the mall looking for an Auto Pay Station, failing to find one, I decided to walk 1 floor down. About minutes time, my girlfriend called me on my mobile phone and she sounded terrified. She was shouting for help. She told me that there is a guy who is trying to get into the car. The guy was trying to get into the car very calmly, pretending getting into his own car. He failed to open and refuses to continue trying as he noticed that she was on the phone calling for help. Luckily, she had locked the door just right after I got out earlier. I run up as quickly as possible to reach her.
The moment I reached to the parking area, I saw the guy walking away slowly from the car. He was walking towards the ramp heading to the upper level. As I ran up the ramp, though I could still see him I realized that I was running away from my car again. It could be teamwork just to divert my presence from my car. I got back to my girlfriend quickly to calm her down.
We made an official report to the Mid Valley security management to investigate on the CCTV. It was a lesson learned for us to be more careful in the parking zones. I’m happy that my girlfriend is still here with me today. Please be watchful in parking zones.
Tips that we should be aware - Never leave valuable items or your family members alone in the car at parking location.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Remmy Anderson
Tags: The Gardens, Gardens Car Park, GSC Signature Cinema, Auto Pay Station, CCTV, Mid Valley Security
Scary Incident in a LRT
I got cut by a man with his knife
Yesterday should be a day full of joy and fun for me. I had a great time at Sunway with Amber, we went shopping for our things. Later that, watched 'LoveY Man' with Reyvan, Derrick, Evon and Mei Quan. However, all that ends when I went back to my place using the train.
Derrick dropped me and Amber at the Kelana Jaya station. Amber stopped at Bangsar station where I got to stop at Masjid Jamek and changed to Star LRT station to go to Titiwangsa. So everything was fine initially till at Sultan Ismail station when a creepy scary guy entered the train. The worst part of it, at the same station many people got off from the train.
Next thing I know, the guy came and sat directly next to me very closely. He started to hold and grab my hand. When I told him to get his hand off from me, he said : "You got very soft hands." I was like WTF! So I tried to pull my hand but he took out a pocketknife and laid the knife on my arm.
The more I struggle, the harder he pressed the knife against my arm. I was so scared and didn't know what to do. He kept telling me that he want to bring me back home and play. I kept thinking how to get out from the situation. As time passes by, the harder the knife was on my arm.
I missed my stop at Titiwangsa because when I tried to get up, he blocked my way. Luckily at the next stop, Sentul, a group of working people came into the train and the guy was distracted by them. Quickly I pushed his hand off from my hand and managed to ran out of the train without him following me.
I thank God that I'm still alive now and nothing really very bad happened to me. So I advise all the gals out there to be very CAREFUL! As you see, I didn't even thought this will happen to me but it did. Never let your guards down!
Tags: Star LRT, Light Rail Transit, Sultan Ismail LRT Station
Friday, May 15, 2009
Attacked by Mat Rempits
Dear friends,
On Friday night, 25th March 2009, I was robbed and slashed by a group of Mat Rempit, more than 15 of them and I was admitted to the hospital. It happened at about 2am at the road side of Arena Green condo in Bukit Jalil when I was entering my car after visiting a problematic student who was staying there.
I was seated at the driver seat in my own car and about to close my car door when a group of Mat Rempit on motorbikes, pull over with parang. Despite agreeing to give the robber my wallet which was at the back pocket of my trousers, the robber still slashed me on my hand and leg, just because I was too slow in taking out my wallet. Blood stain was all over the seats and my pants was soaked with blood. I was rushed to the hospital with slash wounds on my hand and leg and received 11 stitches on my knee cap which now I am temporary immobilize.
My colleague, 61 year old lady who was walking towards my car was pinned down to the ground and her gold chain was snatched and another colleague of mine, 31 year old who parked his car in front of my car, managed to run on foot to the guard house of the condo and he was chased by the Mat Rempit group. Another colleague of mine who parked her car behind my car managed to lock her car in time. The Mat Rempit group was also trying to open her car.
Luckily, there was an off duty plainclothes policeman riding a motor on his way home, happened to pass by while the robbery in progress and he rammed his motor onto them. They want to charge him with parang as well but the Mat Rempit group sped off when he was about to pull out his pistol.
It was a very daring robbery as there was a police road block on that night on the same road opposite direction about 100 meter away and the Mat Rempit group sped off in the presence of the police roadblock. The group of Mat Rempit outnumbered the police on the roadblock. Those police manning the roadblock only arrived at the crime scene after the Mat Rempit group has sped off.
The Mat Rempits are very cruel and inhuman even when I have agreed to give them all they want, they still chopped me with parang. I was told that they were probably high on syabu drugs when they committed the robbery.
Please inform your family members and friends to be careful especially when going out or coming home late at night. Police said that Mat Rempits are active past midnight and they always ride in a group.
Thank God I am still alive but traumatized by the whole incident. Now, I am resting at home, can't move around. It takes time to recover.
Thank you.
Chan Kok Keun
Manager - Testing, UTG
Scope International (M) Sdn Bhd
Tags: Mat Rempit, Arena Green Condo, Bukit Jalil
Monday, April 20, 2009
Guy & Gal Colleagues Sharing Room
Tourist guides in Malaysia face that scenario for umpteenth years. The Malaysian Women Tourist Guide had tried to fight for female and male tourist guides to be given separate rooms ever since 2006. It was met with resistance from some travel agencies as the new association started their campaign.
The Ministry of Tourism has at last decided to impose a ban on such room sharing between female and male colleagues with effect from 1 June 2009. I got one very big question. If the government deemed it to be a very serious case in sharing rooms, why effect the law only on 1 June and not with immediate effect? This, I really can't comprehend.
Why do such travel agencies practise that? It's all about money. The owners of those few travel agencies are just saving a few more hundreds at the expense of those female staff. Do they care? No, precisely!
What if those female tourist guides were to protest to their bosses? They won't as they will lose their job for sure.
Well, I would urge those female tourist guides to complain straightaway to the Ministry of Tourism as the new law states that any travel agencies that repeat the same threat, their licences will be revoked. Bravo! That's the way to force those "profit oriented at the expense of female staff" owners.
I have this friend who has the same situation and if you are reading this, don't worry, I won't reveal your name or even your ridiculous company.
She's comes from a different industry. Her company will showcase their company's products in international exhibitions. One of the bosses will go for sure and two colleagues would go along to assist in the exhibition. She requested to go along for exposure purposes.
As the day came, she was called to see the boss and was told to keep silent that she will be sharing a room with another male colleague. Reasons were not given and she didn't ask. When the husband came to know about it, he was mad and said that it's all because that the wife didn't question and protest about it. The husband kept quiet too and was angry inside but let her go for it ????????????????
My lady friend said the guy whom she had shared the room with is just a mid 20s fella and innocent fellow. Yeah, tell me about it. That was early part of the year which I didn't know about it.
In the coming month, she's about to go again for another overseas exhibition. It's only when I sounded to her that it's total ridiculous on such arrangement, that she said it's ok because she had done it already and he's innocent. Nothing happened to them on the first trip and they draw their lines very strictly. The husband? He let her go.
I told her to protest loudly, not by shouting but make it known to them vocally. She said it's quite difficult and anyway, she don't intend to stay long in this company. She had few reasons. One of the them is to gather as many overseas contacts as possible and move on to other companies that see her overseas contacts as an asset. The other reason is that the economy is not good and it's not easy to find a job nowadays. She's quite sure the company may ask her to quit if she protest.
I only asked her a few questions and asked her to think of it seriously:-
- If the guy picks up his guts and do something funny to her, to whom can she complain to as it was not a known arrangement but kept secret from everyone.
- If the guy decides to molest or even managed to rape her, is she prepared to face the rest of the colleagues, family members and her kids/husband. I told her that she has agreed to share room and a legal suit against the colleague may not succeed as she indirectly said yes to it. Is she prepared to fight it out in a legal suit in the first place?
- For the sake of overseas contacts, she was willing to risk it for her future?
- She rather take the risk then to protest against the bosses fearing the loss of her job?
- What made her think that a mid 20s guy is innocent in sex or say lust? I told her that she's too naive to think this way about a guy who's sleeping in the same room (though different bed).
I want the government to know that such practise is not found within travel agencies only. Don't be so naive either.
In most cases, the ladies are at fault for not voicing out fearing loss of jobs rather than protecting their dignity. You, as a lady, may argue on a different point of view as I don't look at situations faced by the ladies. Yeah, this world has changed and such things are not looked down nowadays but rather ............. "Wow, you are brave to do it" or "Did anything happen between you two?" or "C'mon, don't tell me you didn't feel the urge".
(If you want to comment on this posting, please ensure no lewd remarks)
Reading: Female tourist guides welcome ban on twin sharing - Star
Tags: Female Tourist Guides, Colleagues Sharing Room, Ministry of Tourism, Malaysian Women Tourist Guide
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Parents Joined In To Bully
I read this piece of news in Stars online and found that a Form 4 (16 years old) kid from a Serdang secondary school was bullied on 14 Oct 2008 and that 'bullying' incident was recorded. Somehow, that videoclip has been leaked out to other schoolmates.
Fearing for his safety, the Form 4 kid lodged a police report. After the lodgement of the police report and also the school authority, Tee Wui Hong found himself being harassed by those bullies again. This time, the bullies' parents confronted him too.
The police has to act on such police report as it concerns the public's safety. I know that the police has been requested to receive all kinds of police reports but then the police must act on it as well. Failure to act on it will somehow 'encourage' bullies to carry on knowing the police wouldn't dare to touch them.
My question is, why are the bullies' parents involved this time? Are those parents having "good connections" and thus, threatened Tee for his lodgement of reports with the police and school authorities? No matter who's wrong, the parents shouldn't have gotten involved. I would take that as adults bullying the kid right now.
The school authority ought to act as well as the videoclip has been circulated in the school and failure to act is like condoning such bullying case.
With the Subang Jaya police, Selangor State Education Department and DAP Serdang Service Centre having been informed, I hoped that the culprits would be warned and appropriate 'sentence' would be imposed. Otherwise, such bullies (esp the bullies' parents) will continue with their rude life and the few school going kids may grow up as ruffians in the future.
Reading: More trauma for victim as videoclip surfaces - Star
Tags: Serdang, Tee Wui Hong, Subang Jaya Police, Selangor State Education Department, DAP Serdang Community Service Centre
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Road Robbery at Petaling Jaya
Posted by: "Jessica Teh"
Fri Mar 20, 2009 10:39 pm (PDT)
Hi Everyone,
Pastor Guy has asked me to share my stories about recent road incidents which I really apologised have taken so long due to my many demands in time as mom to a very very active, demanding, emotional, etc... 2-year old toddler!
I have recently experienced a near attempted robbery while I was in the car (with Evan) and had friends who experienced the same few weeks later. During this very tough and difficult financial crisis, the cases of road robberies (or any kind of robbery) are getting rampant and we need to be watchful wherever we go (at any time of the day). We need to keep our families and loved ones in prayer at all times.
Few weeks ago while I was taking Evan back from my mom's place, I experienced an attempted robbery while I was still in my car with Evan! A screeching sound of a motorcyle behind initially had me wondering if an accident occured. But to my shock, the second motorcyclist flew onto the window of my passenger seat and started using his helmet and another sharp object to break the glass. At first I was still wondering whether the guy had an accident and flew onto my window (cos I don't see ppl flying to your window everyday!!).
Then after 2 attempts to whack the glass, I knew he was trying to shatter it. It happened really fast and I couldn't escape and drive away because I was sandwiched between cars at the traffic light (along 17/1 just before turning to Damansara Highway). All I could do was pray...and after 4-5 times of very hard whacking he gave up. My glass didn't shatter because I had installed a security film that holds the glass together.... although there were tiny pieces of the side that had already landed on the passenger seat.
To my horror, as the traffic light had not turned green yet, the guy immediately targeted another car on the opposite side of the road, and I am very sure the guy didn't have time to see if there was any handbag or items in the car because within less than 10 seconds he started smashing her window as well. This was an old car with a woman in her 40-50s. He took her belongings. Obviously she was screaming and nobody could do anything as the traffic light turned green and everybody left.
I had to take a slow drive home as the glass to the side of the window was slowly crumbling, but am so thankful that the glass didn't completely shatter and Evan was not shaken by the incident. And I had lock all my doors! But I still had the image of the man's evil look in my mind over the next few days. I had never seen such an evil look upfront and upclose before!
2 weeks later, a close friend experienced the same thing. I had just shared with her my experience the week before and she was the only one who had installed security films to her windows as well. She was going to a shop in Old Klang Road with her sister. She came down from the car while her sister sat at the passenger seat to wait for her (It is advisable for everyone to leave the car and not wait inside nowadays!).
A man came to the passenger seat window (where her sister was) and started smashing the window with a sharp object. Obviously it took a while to shatter the glass due to the film, but because the car was parked and he had more time, he continued whacking until the whole glass piece shattered. This was at 3 p.m. in the afternoon. After screaming her lungs out, the guy fled without taking her bag but she was bleeding due to the glass falling on her and in trauma. Really thank God the glass didn't go into her eye (nearly did!).
There are actually more cases from my friends relatives..mostly at traffic lights. This incidents just proves to warn us over and over again to be wary of our surroundings. ...and esp ladies (cos we are the main targets!) to hide your bags or don't carry any bags if you can, to avoid trouble. Let's continue to pray for safety everywhere we are, at anytime of the day.
Tags: Road Robbery, Petaling Jaya, Damansara Highway, Jalan 17/1
Friday, March 27, 2009
Recent Kidnap and Snatch Theft Cases
We would like to alert all of our Team Members esp. Ladies on the recent kidnap attempts on one of our Team Member.
1) Last Friday around 7pm, our colleague on her way back to her car, (her car was parked behind the High Court, i.e. next to the Klang river), was approached by 4 men (2 Indians & 2 Thais) from a van that was parked in-front of her.
2) 3 of the men got out from the van and were trying to grab her and started pushing her towards the van in an attempt to force her into the van.
3) She gave the 3 of them a good fight and in turn, they started to use their fine bladed dagger to slash her on her shoulders and back.
4) The more she tried fighting them, the more they caused injuries to her.
5) They were threatening that if she keeps fighting, they would tear off her clothes in public.
6) In their attempts, they even hit her head so hard.
7) Although our colleague had bags, a chain & etc, they weren't keen in taking these items - but it was clear that their intention was to kidnap her.
8) Finally, 5 Malay men who were passing by, came to her rescue in time.
We would like to advise all of our colleagues to "Be Careful" & "Do Not Go To Your Cars & LRT Stations Alone". Here are some Safety TIPS and Reminders in order to Avoid these sort of incident:-
- When using ATM, be watchful of any suspicious people around you. If you find someone waiting and watching outside the area of an ATM, do not use it. Leave the area and report to the police immediately - you can save someone from being the victim
- Stay in well-lighted areas
- Avoid walking alone
- Avoid known trouble spots
- Carry only what you need in your wallet/purse
- Avoid carrying valuable items or large amounts of cash
- Avoid using shortcuts through dark alleys or vacant lots
- Always walk against the flow of traffic
- Always think ahead. Example: when travelling at night, have your keys ready to enter the house or car
- Lock the door immediately when you enter your car. Do not wait for the auto lock to function
- Use whistle to get attention from public
- Use pepper spray when is necessary
- The best advise is to cooperate when confronted - less chances of getting hurt
(Received the above via an email from a lady friend)
Tags: Kidnap, Snatch Theft
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Cigars Could Be Insured for Fire Incident
A lawyer purchased a box of very rare and expensive cigars, and then insured them against, among other things, fire.
Within a month, having smoked his entire stockpile of these great cigars and without yet having made even his first premium payment on the policy the lawyer filed a claim against the insurance company. In his claim, the lawyer stated the cigars were lost "in a series of small fires."? The insurance company refused to pay, citing the obvious reason, that the man had consumed the cigars in the normal fashion. The lawyer sued... and WON!
Delivering the ruling, the judge agreed with the insurance company that the claim was frivolous.The judge stated nevertheless, that the lawyer held a policy from the company, which it had warranted that the cigars were insurable and also guaranteed that it would insure them against fire, without defining what is considered to be "unacceptable fire" and was obligated to pay the claim.
Rather than endure lengthy and costly appeal process, the insurance company accepted the ruling and paid $15,000 to the lawyer for his loss of the cigars lost in the "fires".
Now for the best part.
After the lawyer cashed the check, the insurance company had him arrested on 24 counts of Arson!!! With his own insurance claim and testimony from the previous case being used against him, the lawyer was convicted of intentionally burning his insured property and was sentenced to 24 months in jail and a $24,000 fine.
Reading: Cigar Fire Insurance Fraud - Tri-City Insurance News
Tags: Cigar Fire, Expensive Cigars, Insurance Fraud, Insurance Company, Insurance Claim, Charlotte, North Carolina
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Bad Wednesday Too
Well, today my second car gave up on me as well. At 7.45pm, the car 'died' at the nearby food court car park. Good thing the car workshop nearby has not closed and the staff helped to push start the car which managed to start and subsequently parked right in front of their workshop. As the car will not be able to start again, it's better to park at their place rather than my condo car park ........ because they said they won't push start for me tomorrow morning ...... sigh.
The problem is not with the battery or the spark plugs (as they have tried to jump start with another battery and checked the spark plugs). With this, they said it should be the starter's (ignition) problem. Tomorrow morning, hopefully they can contact a spare part supplier that is opened that can send the spare part over to be fixed into my car.
New Year's eve is currently being spent in front of the TV and had to give a miss to my church's watchnight service at 9pm till midnight ......................... looks like I have to give a miss to the home exhibition at Mid Valley tomorrow too and visit it on Friday then.
The new year better come fast.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Bad Tuesday
Early today during noon time, was in the city centre and while on my way back home, I was asking myself whether to use the smart tunnel or the usual non-toll road. Seeing no cars on the ramp going towards Sungai Besi, I decided to use the non-toll road and the thought of saving RM2.
While on the middle lane, I thought of going to the fast lane on my right and I made the decision to do so. The moment I went on the fast lane, a motorcycle zig zag between me and the front car. This motorcycle went passed us and out of a sudden, a car from the opposite decided to make a u-turn (right below the overhead bridge coming from Istana Negara to Sungai Besi) which surprised the motorcyclist. The motorcyclist seeing the car (a Honda Accord anyway) coming out, decided to swerve and swayed in panic mode.
The car right in front of me panicked too and decided to jam his break as he was afraid that the motorcyclist may fall right in front of him.
I saw how the motorcyclist reacted at the same time and was thinking that the motorcyclist was just swaying frantically due to his high speed and trying to avoid the car that was trying to make a u-turn. The Honda car seeing the motorcycle stopped moving but it was too late.
The car in front of me jammed his brake and me tooooooooooooooooooooooo. Skidded and kissed his backside. Mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn and when I looked at my rear mirror, a small size lorry was coming at me too. Thank God he turned real fast and drove up into the grass divider and he was saved. Otherwise, I could be sandwiched in between the front car and the lorry at the back. Actually, the car in front of me need not jammed his brake as he could just brake and move slowly instead but ...................... ah never mind.
All the above happened in a fraction of a second. No time to react.
Got down and saw the front car (Proton Persona) having scratches on his bumper but my Myvi (that belongs to my sis) was badly dented in the middle only. Front lamps were ok but the bonnet came up a bit. The
The motorcyclist and Honda car were nowhere to be seen. The lorry driver drove his way back to the road. I apologised to the malay driver of the Proton Persona profusely and he was grateful in not claiming against me .............. haha .... that could be after seeing his bumper has scratches only and mine was bad. He said he can't help it in braking. I told him I'm sorry as I didn't expect him to brake totally. It has happened.
Drove straight to my friend's car workshop in Sentul and the mudguard fella was there at the same time.
- need to get new bonnet RM250
- knocking at the front of the car and bumper / metallic paint / adjust certain parts - RM500
RM750 gone just like that and no thanks to the motorcyclist ........... or should I have taken the smart tunnel in the first place .......... hehe. Will get my car back tomorrow night. Thank God no one was hurt.
Ahhhhhhhhh upon reaching home from the workshop via taxi (RM11), went up to my condo and tried to take off my leather shoes ................. guess what, as I was holding the sole, it came off when I tried to take off one of the shoes .......... what a day!
Not being superstitious, I was very careful as I walked out to the shoplots for my meal later on ...... haha. Maybe didn't pray much enough for God's protection. Took for granted.
So, good bye to 2008 and looking ahead to year 2009. Happy New Year!
Tags: Accident, Motorcycle, Car Workshop, Sentul, Proton Persona, Honda Accord, Myvi
Friday, December 05, 2008
Etihad Airplane Crashed!

What to do? Hopefully this two fighter pilots will adapt to the real sky when required.
Airlines are trying to cut cost in whatever form. As a result, aircraft crews may not be trained properly to handle a sophisticated aircraft.
News leaked out in year Nov 2007 from the state of the art Airbus Technical Aircraft-on-ground Centre (AIRTAC) in Toulouse, France - the brand spanking new Airbus 340-600, the largest passenger airplane ever built, sat in its hangar in Toulouse, France without a single hour of airtime. Enter the Arab flight crew of Abu Dhabi Aircraft Technologies (ADAT) on 15 November 2007 to conduct pre-delivery tests on the ground, such as engine run-ups, prior to delivery to Etihad Airways in Abu Dhabi.
The ADAT crew taxied the A340-600 to the run-up area. Then they took all four engines to take-off power with a virtually empty aircraft. Not having read the run-up manuals, they had no clue just how light an empty A340-600 really is.
The take-off warning horn was blaring away in the cockpit because they had all 4 engines at full power. The aircraft computers thought they were trying to take-off but it had not been configured properly (flaps/slats, etc.). Then one of the ADAT crew decided to pull the circuit breaker on the Ground Proximity Sensor to silence the alarm.
This fooled the aircraft into thinking it was in the air.
The computers automatically released all the brakes and set the aircraft rocketing forward. The ADAT crew had no idea that this is a safety feature so that pilots can't land with the brakes on.
Not one member of the seven-man Arab crew was smart enough to throttle back the engines from their max power20setting, so the $200 million brand-new aircraft crashed into a blast barrier, totalling it.
The extent of injuries to the crew is unknown, for there has been a news blackout in the major media in France and elsewhere. Coverage of the story was deemed insulting to Arabs. Finally, the photos are starting to leak out.....






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The new year resolutions paid off really well and it shows. Just for year 2008, major travel / airline awards poured in for them.
Hahahahahahaha ......... caught you! Every part of this blog post is real including the air crash except for the main story depicting how it happened.
You have to read this piece of news - Etihad says Toulouse crash will not slow route growth - Gulf News to understand the real story.
Tags: Air Force, Airbus 340-600, AIRTAC, Airbus Technical Aircraft-on-ground Centre, Etihad Airways, Abu Dhabi Aircraft Technologies, ADAT, Abu Dhabi, Toulouse, France, Ground Proximity Sensor, Arab, Travel Award, Airline Award
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