How to seek redress when abused by Malaysian authorities
If you know of anyone, let alone our citizens, who was abused, bullied, sexually harassed or mistreated by any member of our Msian police, immigration officers, army personnei or civil servants or any such like, you may lodge a formal complaint to the newly set up Enforcement Agencies Integrity Commission or SIAP which stands for Suruhjaya Integriti Agensi Penguatkuasaan.
Please visit its website to know the procedures to file the complaint. You can contact 03-88886618 or email
FYI, Datuk Paul Low who heads Transparency International - Malaysia was appointed as one of the six commissioners of this Agency and is currently holding the position as Deputy Chairman. Datuk Paul is a God fearing believer and he is very committed to do his part in these positions to weed out corruption and see justice served.
Please inform others of this Agency ... and remember, be advised to lodge a complaint with SIAP besides making a police report (which may not be effective in punishing those responsible).
Tags: Enforcement Agencies Integrity Commission, SIAP, Suruhjaya Integriti Agensi Penguatkuasaan
Showing posts with label Malaysia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Malaysia. Show all posts
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Saturday, August 13, 2011
The Mousetrap
A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package. The mouse wondered, "What food might this contain?" He was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap.
Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed this warning: "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!"
The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, "Mr. Mouse, I can tell this is of grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me. I cannot be bothered by it." You are on your own.
The mouse turned to the goat and told him, "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!" The goat sympathized, but said, "I am so very sorry, Mr. Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it but pray. Be assured you are in my prayers."
The mouse turned to the cow and said, "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!" The cow said, "Wow, Mr. Mouse. I'm sorry for you, but it's no skin off my nose." Just too bad for you.
So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer's mousetrap . . . . . . Alone. Abandoned by his friends. No way out.
That very night, a sound was heard throughout the house - the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey.
The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it. It was a venomous snake whose tail was caught in the trap.
The snake bit the farmer's wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital. When she returned home she still had a fever. Everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup. So the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup's main ingredient.
But his wife's sickness continued. Friends and neighbours came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer butchered the goat. But, alas, the farmer's wife did not get well... She died.
So many people came for her funeral that the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide enough meat for all of them for the funeral luncheon.
And the mouse looked upon it all from his crack in the wall with great sadness.
The next time you hear someone is facing a problem and you think it doesn't concern you, Remember:
As Malaysians we think in terms of racial divides. Do not set artificial boundaries when assistance is required. Go beyond the bastions of racial exclusivity. We are all vulnerable within the realities of a shared destiny. Do not leave your fellow Malaysians lost, abandoned and alone in times of dire need.
When one of us is threatened, we are all at risk. We are all involved in this journey called life. We must keep an eye out for one another and make an extra effort to encourage one another.
Tags: Mousetrap
Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed this warning: "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!"
The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, "Mr. Mouse, I can tell this is of grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me. I cannot be bothered by it." You are on your own.
The mouse turned to the goat and told him, "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!" The goat sympathized, but said, "I am so very sorry, Mr. Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it but pray. Be assured you are in my prayers."
The mouse turned to the cow and said, "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!" The cow said, "Wow, Mr. Mouse. I'm sorry for you, but it's no skin off my nose." Just too bad for you.
So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer's mousetrap . . . . . . Alone. Abandoned by his friends. No way out.
That very night, a sound was heard throughout the house - the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey.
The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it. It was a venomous snake whose tail was caught in the trap.
The snake bit the farmer's wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital. When she returned home she still had a fever. Everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup. So the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup's main ingredient.
But his wife's sickness continued. Friends and neighbours came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer butchered the goat. But, alas, the farmer's wife did not get well... She died.
So many people came for her funeral that the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide enough meat for all of them for the funeral luncheon.
And the mouse looked upon it all from his crack in the wall with great sadness.
The next time you hear someone is facing a problem and you think it doesn't concern you, Remember:
As Malaysians we think in terms of racial divides. Do not set artificial boundaries when assistance is required. Go beyond the bastions of racial exclusivity. We are all vulnerable within the realities of a shared destiny. Do not leave your fellow Malaysians lost, abandoned and alone in times of dire need.
When one of us is threatened, we are all at risk. We are all involved in this journey called life. We must keep an eye out for one another and make an extra effort to encourage one another.
Tags: Mousetrap
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Did IWK Come?
Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd, at a press conference, stated that they will conduct desludging at housing estates at least once every two years. That means to say some area could see them coming to their housing estates more than once every two years.
Somehow, two years have passed at my housing estate and I didn't see them appearing at my septic tank area.
Was it just a NATO effect? Or was it that the reporters have reportedly wrongly?
Do they attend to your housing estate's desludging once every two years?
Reading: IWK Desludges Household Septic Tanks Once Every Two Years - Bernama
Tags: Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd, IWK, Desludging, Septic Tank
Somehow, two years have passed at my housing estate and I didn't see them appearing at my septic tank area.
Was it just a NATO effect? Or was it that the reporters have reportedly wrongly?
Do they attend to your housing estate's desludging once every two years?
Reading: IWK Desludges Household Septic Tanks Once Every Two Years - Bernama
Tags: Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd, IWK, Desludging, Septic Tank
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Scholarship Mess for Malaysians
The recent upheaval about the scholarships not being properly awarded to deserving students is just a ploy. A ploy or a decoy to divert your attention from something more serious. Or the next general election is upcoming and something has to be stirred up. Subsequently the government will come in to 'right' the matter and potrayed to be the hero again. A government that looks into the welfare of its citizen.
Why am I saying that it's a ploy?
This scholarship issue is an annual issue and when government exams' results are announced each year, you'll see people all over Malaysia crying unfairness where the government has either rejected or didn't even process their scholarship applications properly.
These news had been on-going more than a decade ago or even for the last two decades. Why is it being brought up now?
Why is the Public Service Department ("PSD") being picked on now? They should have been investigated twenty or ten years ago for the yearly issue. Why now?
Every year, many top students have been "robbed" off their eligibility to apply for a government scholarship. This is nothing new. Suddenly, the Chief Secretary to the government announced that they will look into allegations where scholarships have not been awarded accordingly to the rules. Then it's also the government's fault for not acting on it ten to twenty years ago. It took the government (say ten years) to act on such discrepancy after seeing so many top students not getting their scholarships year in year out.
Then MCA is now seen coming into the picture to help those "poor" students who have been "robbed" off their scholarship chances. They are blaming PSD also. But this is an annual affair. MCA just realised this?
Is PSD really at fault? Or were they instructed to do so otherwise? Certain people are calling for PSD's staff to be dealt with or taken to task or severely disciplined. Really want to know how will they be reprimanded after all these years of discrepancy.
Let me tell you, if you want to put up a show please do put up a better show.
Then there's this ngo (not naming as not to give them any chance of gaining useless publicity) coming into the picture asking for 67% of the government scholarships to be given to his race. In the first place, please do the first thing right first. What's that? Get a job for each and every single person of your race. Then I will say that your ngo's existence is valid and useful.
Then I read about the Pahang state government's scholarship offer for all of their sportsmen and sportswomen that are representing the state in the upcoming 14th Malaysian Games. Is this done in accordance with the nation's interest? Are we moving in this direction for the future as well? The USA and South Korea governments do have such annual budgets for scholarships for top sportsmen and sportswomen. That's the reason why theirs people are doing so well in sports.
But is the state government awarding it to the right people as in all of them are so bright in their respective sports? I hope that these awards won't go to waste just like that.
Tags: Malaysian Scholarship, Government Scholarship, Public Service Department, 14th Malaysian Games, Pahang State Government, PSD
Why am I saying that it's a ploy?
This scholarship issue is an annual issue and when government exams' results are announced each year, you'll see people all over Malaysia crying unfairness where the government has either rejected or didn't even process their scholarship applications properly.
These news had been on-going more than a decade ago or even for the last two decades. Why is it being brought up now?
Why is the Public Service Department ("PSD") being picked on now? They should have been investigated twenty or ten years ago for the yearly issue. Why now?
Every year, many top students have been "robbed" off their eligibility to apply for a government scholarship. This is nothing new. Suddenly, the Chief Secretary to the government announced that they will look into allegations where scholarships have not been awarded accordingly to the rules. Then it's also the government's fault for not acting on it ten to twenty years ago. It took the government (say ten years) to act on such discrepancy after seeing so many top students not getting their scholarships year in year out.
Then MCA is now seen coming into the picture to help those "poor" students who have been "robbed" off their scholarship chances. They are blaming PSD also. But this is an annual affair. MCA just realised this?
Is PSD really at fault? Or were they instructed to do so otherwise? Certain people are calling for PSD's staff to be dealt with or taken to task or severely disciplined. Really want to know how will they be reprimanded after all these years of discrepancy.
Let me tell you, if you want to put up a show please do put up a better show.
Then there's this ngo (not naming as not to give them any chance of gaining useless publicity) coming into the picture asking for 67% of the government scholarships to be given to his race. In the first place, please do the first thing right first. What's that? Get a job for each and every single person of your race. Then I will say that your ngo's existence is valid and useful.
Then I read about the Pahang state government's scholarship offer for all of their sportsmen and sportswomen that are representing the state in the upcoming 14th Malaysian Games. Is this done in accordance with the nation's interest? Are we moving in this direction for the future as well? The USA and South Korea governments do have such annual budgets for scholarships for top sportsmen and sportswomen. That's the reason why theirs people are doing so well in sports.
But is the state government awarding it to the right people as in all of them are so bright in their respective sports? I hope that these awards won't go to waste just like that.
Tags: Malaysian Scholarship, Government Scholarship, Public Service Department, 14th Malaysian Games, Pahang State Government, PSD
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Defend My Right? But That's Not The Right I Want
The Malaysian Chinese Association's ("MCA") president is so thoughtful that he has gone over to Kelantan, who's on the verge of banning gambling in the form of lottery tickets, to negotiate on behalf of the non-muslims telling them that this has infringed the non-muslims' rights.
It was mentioned that he will defend the rights of the non-muslims. It's a big statement indeed. But is that the right that is applicable to all non-muslims. Is MCA wasting their time and other people's time. Many non-muslims would have preferred MCA to do something more useful and beneficial for Malaysia as a whole, not just for the non-muslims.
One questions, was it stated in the constitution that non-muslims must have those lottery rights?
If not, what right has PAS infringed?
Wait wait ..... it was mentioned that Big Sweep lottery was affected. Who owns Big Sweep and for that matter, who owns the other lottery tickets scheme in Malaysia?
And if PAS is stubborn and proceeds with their moves, MCA is sure that a legal suit will be brought against PAS. One of the reasons given is that Federal law permits the lottery schemes so it must prevail, not the state law.
Did you defend the rights of the non-muslims when the Christians had their bibles compounded and subsequently conditions were imposed for Bahasa Malaysia bibles in Peninsular Malaysia? If the government tells you not to interfere or said nothing, will you challenge the government in court?
Be consistent in your defending of non-muslims' rights. If you want to defend, please defend in all situations and not on selective basis. Please don't tell us that you have insufficient hands or your hands are tied due to specific laws. And why only non-muslims' rights?
Out of nowhere, MCA publicity bureau got involved by saying that PAS has the final say in the Pakatan Rakyat. Just weeks ago, DAP was mentioned to be taking that role. Maybe weeks later, it would be PKR's turn to take that final say role.
Tags: Malaysian Chinese Association, MCA, PAS, DAP, PKR, Lottery Tickets, Big Sweep, Non-Muslims' Rights
It was mentioned that he will defend the rights of the non-muslims. It's a big statement indeed. But is that the right that is applicable to all non-muslims. Is MCA wasting their time and other people's time. Many non-muslims would have preferred MCA to do something more useful and beneficial for Malaysia as a whole, not just for the non-muslims.
One questions, was it stated in the constitution that non-muslims must have those lottery rights?
If not, what right has PAS infringed?
Wait wait ..... it was mentioned that Big Sweep lottery was affected. Who owns Big Sweep and for that matter, who owns the other lottery tickets scheme in Malaysia?
And if PAS is stubborn and proceeds with their moves, MCA is sure that a legal suit will be brought against PAS. One of the reasons given is that Federal law permits the lottery schemes so it must prevail, not the state law.
Did you defend the rights of the non-muslims when the Christians had their bibles compounded and subsequently conditions were imposed for Bahasa Malaysia bibles in Peninsular Malaysia? If the government tells you not to interfere or said nothing, will you challenge the government in court?
Be consistent in your defending of non-muslims' rights. If you want to defend, please defend in all situations and not on selective basis. Please don't tell us that you have insufficient hands or your hands are tied due to specific laws. And why only non-muslims' rights?
Out of nowhere, MCA publicity bureau got involved by saying that PAS has the final say in the Pakatan Rakyat. Just weeks ago, DAP was mentioned to be taking that role. Maybe weeks later, it would be PKR's turn to take that final say role.
Tags: Malaysian Chinese Association, MCA, PAS, DAP, PKR, Lottery Tickets, Big Sweep, Non-Muslims' Rights
A Call For Patience
Address: 10, Jalan 11/9, Section 11, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Telephone: (03) 7957 1278, (03) 7957 1463, Fax: (03) 7957 1457
7th April 2011
A call for patience and careful consideration
The statements of regret and appeals for forgiveness expressed by the Government of Malaysia with respect to the impounding and stamping of the Bahasa Malaysia Bible, the Alkitab, resonate deep within the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM).
As a body that brings together a wide cross-section of the Christian community in Malaysia, we know about the sinfulness of man and have experienced the forgiveness of God. As such, we receive these expressions with all the sincerity with which they are offered.
We believe the Government’s proposals represent a basis for further dialogue and engagement towards a viable long-term and comprehensive solution.
As such, CFM feels that this process ought not to be hurried. Its constituent bodies are currently undertaking their own internal consultations prior to responding collectively to the 10-point resolution proposed by the Government.
We call for patience and perseverance, and continued prayer and quiet reflection, as we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in our deliberations.
Yours sincerely,
Bishop Ng Moon Hing
Chairman and the Executive Committee,
Christian Federation of Malaysia
Tags: Christian Federation of Malaysia, CFM, Bahasa Malaysia Bible, Alkitab, Christian Community
Monday, April 04, 2011
Being Labelled As An Extremist Christian
Looks like what was stated in the Christian Federation of Malaysia's ("CFM") media statement as per my previous blogpost has been deemed extreme and hence, the CFM has also been labelled as extremists in requesting for its Constitutional rights to be recognised.
Who said that?
The Islamic Defenders Organisation (Pembela), an umbrella body representing nineteen Muslim non-governmental organisations has, on 28 March 2011, came up to say that these Christians should apologise and should use a proper channel to voice out. They suggested that the Committee for the Promotion of Religious Understanding and Harmony Among Adherents is the right place to settle this issue peacefully.
In the first place, the Christians had only issue a memorandum and didn't even stage a demonstration.
Secondly, the Christians are reminding the government of the Constitutional rights.
I think this Pembela has forgotten two things.
One - that the government has encouraged all students to study/learn in the Malay language during school age. No more English language except for one.
Two - that lots of people in Sabah and Sarawak speak/read in the Malay language only apart from their tribal language.
I believed that the Allah issue would be the main thing that caused thousands of Malay language bibles to be detained by the government.
Then the Valentine's Day issue was also thrown at the Christians.
Lately, even a dance movement by the name of Poco Poco has been linked to Christianity especially on its movements which signifies a cross. I almost fainted when I heard that.
These are all divide and rule signs and these are the things that will hold Malaysia back for years to come. Surprisingly, all these protestors are not concerned with the drastic drop in the Foreign Direct Investment or the terrible corruption that has plagued so many government agencies. But we are more concerned with which language the Christians would use or how certain events are linked to Christianity.
Even a Christian prayer rally that was held in Kuching on 23 March 2011, atteended by 3,000 people, was construed as going against the government. It was condemned by the Deputy Federal Minister, Joseph Salang Gandum telling the Christians not to make a fool of themselves.
Out of a sudden, Idris Jala in representing the government and in full view of the upcoming state election in Sarawak, the government has decided that everyone can import bibles of any language into Malaysia. Do I hear any protest from the Pembela now?
Suddenly you see the mainstream media potraying the government as the saviour in this issue.
You call this nation building or whatever you name it, 1Malaysia?
The Interlok book that will be used as a reference book in the secondary school is also another issue. Since there are so many people that are unhappy with it, why can't the government just remove it from being one of the recommended books. Such a simple step but the government insist that it has to be the book. Why? Again it talks about the minorities in Malaysia.
This is a pure divide and rule policy that will help those in power to rule the subjects by creating disharmony amongst Malaysians. Yet many Malaysians would fall for it.
And in many cases, new things will crop up to create a big news in order to cover other news that were hogging too much of a limelight.
This blogpost is not to stir any hatred or any discomfort among Malaysians but if any of the above issues have created tensions, blame it on the current government. Malaysia will not flourish as long as all the races are divided.
Anyhow, CFM has welcomed the government's green light as a positive move.
But then all this negative news have 'flown' all over the world and they are already laughing at us.
Tags: Divide And Rule Policy, Extremist Christian, Interlok, Malay Bible, Nation Building, 1Malaysia, Pembela, Allah, Bible, Christan Federation of Malaysia, Poco Poco Dance
Who said that?
The Islamic Defenders Organisation (Pembela), an umbrella body representing nineteen Muslim non-governmental organisations has, on 28 March 2011, came up to say that these Christians should apologise and should use a proper channel to voice out. They suggested that the Committee for the Promotion of Religious Understanding and Harmony Among Adherents is the right place to settle this issue peacefully.
In the first place, the Christians had only issue a memorandum and didn't even stage a demonstration.
Secondly, the Christians are reminding the government of the Constitutional rights.
I think this Pembela has forgotten two things.
One - that the government has encouraged all students to study/learn in the Malay language during school age. No more English language except for one.
Two - that lots of people in Sabah and Sarawak speak/read in the Malay language only apart from their tribal language.
I believed that the Allah issue would be the main thing that caused thousands of Malay language bibles to be detained by the government.
Then the Valentine's Day issue was also thrown at the Christians.
Lately, even a dance movement by the name of Poco Poco has been linked to Christianity especially on its movements which signifies a cross. I almost fainted when I heard that.
These are all divide and rule signs and these are the things that will hold Malaysia back for years to come. Surprisingly, all these protestors are not concerned with the drastic drop in the Foreign Direct Investment or the terrible corruption that has plagued so many government agencies. But we are more concerned with which language the Christians would use or how certain events are linked to Christianity.
Even a Christian prayer rally that was held in Kuching on 23 March 2011, atteended by 3,000 people, was construed as going against the government. It was condemned by the Deputy Federal Minister, Joseph Salang Gandum telling the Christians not to make a fool of themselves.
Out of a sudden, Idris Jala in representing the government and in full view of the upcoming state election in Sarawak, the government has decided that everyone can import bibles of any language into Malaysia. Do I hear any protest from the Pembela now?
Suddenly you see the mainstream media potraying the government as the saviour in this issue.
You call this nation building or whatever you name it, 1Malaysia?
The Interlok book that will be used as a reference book in the secondary school is also another issue. Since there are so many people that are unhappy with it, why can't the government just remove it from being one of the recommended books. Such a simple step but the government insist that it has to be the book. Why? Again it talks about the minorities in Malaysia.
This is a pure divide and rule policy that will help those in power to rule the subjects by creating disharmony amongst Malaysians. Yet many Malaysians would fall for it.
And in many cases, new things will crop up to create a big news in order to cover other news that were hogging too much of a limelight.
This blogpost is not to stir any hatred or any discomfort among Malaysians but if any of the above issues have created tensions, blame it on the current government. Malaysia will not flourish as long as all the races are divided.
Anyhow, CFM has welcomed the government's green light as a positive move.
But then all this negative news have 'flown' all over the world and they are already laughing at us.
Tags: Divide And Rule Policy, Extremist Christian, Interlok, Malay Bible, Nation Building, 1Malaysia, Pembela, Allah, Bible, Christan Federation of Malaysia, Poco Poco Dance
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Pay More For Fast Results
Heard of this phrase before "pay more for fast results"?
Two types of services will see an increase of prices / fees in due course which will hit people like me and you.
Firstly - legal fees especially for the fees to be paid to lawyers who will appear in court on your behalf. The Bar Council has announced a potential increase of about 300% to 400% of the legal fees. One of the reasons given for the increase is that the lawyers would have more responsibilities.
With such an increase, it's very doubtful that legal avenue would be out of reach for the general public and the services would only be available / reserved for those rich and powerful.
Even at this point of time, I have friends who are not willing to go to court even though they could hold the advantage of winning a case. Reason? It's already expensive now. To justify the huge increase, it was said that lawyers will have to resolve the cases at a quicker pace to match the courts' KPI where it has to close a case at a faster pace.
For this quicker pace, you and I would have to be prepared to pay through your nose.
Then out of a sudden, the central bank allowed for the huge increase of motor insurance premium between 250% and 450% which will take effect from 2012. However, the increase will be on a staggered basis up to year 2016 before the real premium is left to the market forces.
It was a joke to say that the low income people won't be greatly affected as it's being staggered over a period of four years. What about four years later? The existence of low income people in Malaysia has evaporated?
Main advantage for the huge increase - so that you and I can make a faster insurance claim.
On both of the above increases, the word "faster" is so vague. There's no dateline put on it and it's just plain talk again. Who will lose in the end? The consumers again.
And the government dare to say that the inflation rate is still below 5%?
Reading: Motorists to pay higher insurance premiums but will enjoy faster claims - Star
Reading: Price for faster ‘justice’ - Star
Tags: Legal Fee, Bar Council, Court, Lawyer, Motor Insurance Premium, Central Bank
Two types of services will see an increase of prices / fees in due course which will hit people like me and you.
Firstly - legal fees especially for the fees to be paid to lawyers who will appear in court on your behalf. The Bar Council has announced a potential increase of about 300% to 400% of the legal fees. One of the reasons given for the increase is that the lawyers would have more responsibilities.
With such an increase, it's very doubtful that legal avenue would be out of reach for the general public and the services would only be available / reserved for those rich and powerful.
Even at this point of time, I have friends who are not willing to go to court even though they could hold the advantage of winning a case. Reason? It's already expensive now. To justify the huge increase, it was said that lawyers will have to resolve the cases at a quicker pace to match the courts' KPI where it has to close a case at a faster pace.
For this quicker pace, you and I would have to be prepared to pay through your nose.
Then out of a sudden, the central bank allowed for the huge increase of motor insurance premium between 250% and 450% which will take effect from 2012. However, the increase will be on a staggered basis up to year 2016 before the real premium is left to the market forces.
It was a joke to say that the low income people won't be greatly affected as it's being staggered over a period of four years. What about four years later? The existence of low income people in Malaysia has evaporated?
Main advantage for the huge increase - so that you and I can make a faster insurance claim.
On both of the above increases, the word "faster" is so vague. There's no dateline put on it and it's just plain talk again. Who will lose in the end? The consumers again.
And the government dare to say that the inflation rate is still below 5%?
Reading: Motorists to pay higher insurance premiums but will enjoy faster claims - Star
Reading: Price for faster ‘justice’ - Star
Tags: Legal Fee, Bar Council, Court, Lawyer, Motor Insurance Premium, Central Bank
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Lesser Payouts For Your Big Small Lotteries
Looks like the economy is hitting Malaysia deep in the pocket, not only of the general public but corporate giants as well.
Cash loaded companies that are into the lottery business are reducing the payouts for the winners' purse effective 15 December 2010. No Christmas bonuses for you.
Not one company but three had obtained approval from the Ministry of Finance. It looks like your RM1 is worthed lesser now.
The Sports Toto-4 Digit Big Game, Sarawak Turf and Equestrian Club-1+3 Digit Big Game and Magnum-4 Digit Big Game are the usual big timers in the local scene's lottery game. Will this affect the players' decision in reducing their betting stakes or stopping eventually? Don't think so.
People who have been buying will continue to harbour the hope of becoming richer or even becoming a multi-millionaire. I know of a person who will somehow hit top prizes a few times in a year and I have heard of people who have not hit any single prizes at all.
There was this funny part where a friend was reading the back pages of the newspaper, apparently looking at the lotteries' results. Out of a sudden, he gave a loud shrieked and shouted "Aiyoh, my car registration number came out as the top prize". I took a look at the newspaper and indeed it was.
So, I asked him "Which number did you buy this time or you reversed your registration number instead?"
His response "That's the thing, I didn't buy this time!"
Some people are like that. What are you complaining about when you didn't do it? I thought he bought other numbers at higher stakes and eventually not a single dollar was placed. Talk about complaining.
Wasting my time talking to him about it ........ kept on mumbling on the wasted chance lah, this lah, that lah, if lah, should have lah. Anyway, wasted actually otherwise the meal that we were having would have been on him.
Hello friend, thinking about it, you should have bought it lah! If you have bought it I would have gotten a free meal.
Reading: BToto, BAssets, Magnum get MoF nod to reduce prize pay-outs - The Edge
Tags: Lottery, Betting, 4 Ekor, 4D, Sports Toto, Big Small, Berjaya Toto, Magnum, Sarawak Turf and Equestrian Club
Cash loaded companies that are into the lottery business are reducing the payouts for the winners' purse effective 15 December 2010. No Christmas bonuses for you.
Not one company but three had obtained approval from the Ministry of Finance. It looks like your RM1 is worthed lesser now.
The Sports Toto-4 Digit Big Game, Sarawak Turf and Equestrian Club-1+3 Digit Big Game and Magnum-4 Digit Big Game are the usual big timers in the local scene's lottery game. Will this affect the players' decision in reducing their betting stakes or stopping eventually? Don't think so.
People who have been buying will continue to harbour the hope of becoming richer or even becoming a multi-millionaire. I know of a person who will somehow hit top prizes a few times in a year and I have heard of people who have not hit any single prizes at all.
There was this funny part where a friend was reading the back pages of the newspaper, apparently looking at the lotteries' results. Out of a sudden, he gave a loud shrieked and shouted "Aiyoh, my car registration number came out as the top prize". I took a look at the newspaper and indeed it was.
So, I asked him "Which number did you buy this time or you reversed your registration number instead?"
His response "That's the thing, I didn't buy this time!"
Some people are like that. What are you complaining about when you didn't do it? I thought he bought other numbers at higher stakes and eventually not a single dollar was placed. Talk about complaining.
Wasting my time talking to him about it ........ kept on mumbling on the wasted chance lah, this lah, that lah, if lah, should have lah. Anyway, wasted actually otherwise the meal that we were having would have been on him.
Hello friend, thinking about it, you should have bought it lah! If you have bought it I would have gotten a free meal.
Reading: BToto, BAssets, Magnum get MoF nod to reduce prize pay-outs - The Edge
Tags: Lottery, Betting, 4 Ekor, 4D, Sports Toto, Big Small, Berjaya Toto, Magnum, Sarawak Turf and Equestrian Club
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Another Port In Danger?
We have seen and read about the RM12.5 billion fiasco that happened with the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) project that was governed by the Port Klang Authority (PKA). Until today, even after the submission of the full audit report by PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services Sdn Bhd, nothing has been unearthed. PKA even placed a maximum two weeks viewing opportunity for the public to read the audit report via their website. Wonder why?
There goes our taxpayers money and we won't get to see the root of the problem unless the people being charged dare to reveal what had happened actually.
All these happened right under the nose of the Ministry of Transportation. It is also partly due to the non-appointment of professionals from the related port industry but people linked with various politicial party. When there is a guy with thirty three years of experience that you can hired / maintain to obtain his professional input / feedback, his contract was not renewed in the end. Why?
Now, the Ministry of Transport has decided to try their luck again at another port. This time it is with the Penang Port Commission (PPC).
PPC's chairmanship is now being helmed by the former Minister of Health, Dr. Chua Soi Lek. What does a medical doctor knows about managing a port? This is really absurd. It doesn't matter whether the chairman comes from Penang or other part of Malaysia, just as long as he/she is a reputable and capable of managing a port authority.
PPC's role of being a regulatory authority is similar with PKA. What PKA has done is totally unchecked even though it was under the ministry which reports to the cabinet. What is in PPC's plans in days to come?
Rumour is abound that a local tycoon is in the midst of buying up Penang Port Sdn Bhd (PPSB) of which the operations of the port and ferry services were privatised to PPSB. PPSB is under the purview of the Ministry of Finance. See how complicated it is with our government's method of running the country's transportation business. Is PPC going to disapprove this idea or planning to smoothen the sale of PPSB to this local tycoon?
Why sell to this local tycoon only and why not at an open tender? The Penang state government has now indicated their interest to acquire PPSB from the federal government. Will the federal government listen to this state government offer or will proceed with a sale at a much lower price to the well connected local tycoon?
We wait and see.
Tags: Port Klang Free Zone, PKFZ, Port Klang Authority, PKA, Penang Port Commission, Penang Port Sdn Bhd, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Finance
There goes our taxpayers money and we won't get to see the root of the problem unless the people being charged dare to reveal what had happened actually.
All these happened right under the nose of the Ministry of Transportation. It is also partly due to the non-appointment of professionals from the related port industry but people linked with various politicial party. When there is a guy with thirty three years of experience that you can hired / maintain to obtain his professional input / feedback, his contract was not renewed in the end. Why?
Now, the Ministry of Transport has decided to try their luck again at another port. This time it is with the Penang Port Commission (PPC).
PPC's chairmanship is now being helmed by the former Minister of Health, Dr. Chua Soi Lek. What does a medical doctor knows about managing a port? This is really absurd. It doesn't matter whether the chairman comes from Penang or other part of Malaysia, just as long as he/she is a reputable and capable of managing a port authority.
PPC's role of being a regulatory authority is similar with PKA. What PKA has done is totally unchecked even though it was under the ministry which reports to the cabinet. What is in PPC's plans in days to come?
Rumour is abound that a local tycoon is in the midst of buying up Penang Port Sdn Bhd (PPSB) of which the operations of the port and ferry services were privatised to PPSB. PPSB is under the purview of the Ministry of Finance. See how complicated it is with our government's method of running the country's transportation business. Is PPC going to disapprove this idea or planning to smoothen the sale of PPSB to this local tycoon?
Why sell to this local tycoon only and why not at an open tender? The Penang state government has now indicated their interest to acquire PPSB from the federal government. Will the federal government listen to this state government offer or will proceed with a sale at a much lower price to the well connected local tycoon?
We wait and see.
Tags: Port Klang Free Zone, PKFZ, Port Klang Authority, PKA, Penang Port Commission, Penang Port Sdn Bhd, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Finance
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Is Your Earning Above The Poverty Line?
The government has regarded that a person could be living in poverty if his/her monthly earning is less than RM720.
And the sad part is, even acknowledged by the Ministry of Human Resources, about 34% of Malaysian employees are earning below the poverty figure of RM720. This group of people are estimated to be earning less than RM700 per month.
Can I say that, unfortunately, the government has greater plans for a 100 storey building and massive annual budget of around RM4 billion to beef up our defence (who are we going against?) instead.
What we are seeing here is that our nation has at least 34% of its population living in poverty. That's a big number. Officially, our population is 28.25 million and this works out to about 9.6 million Malaysians are in poverty. So, every three Malaysians you see on the street, one of them is living under poverty.
If Malaysia's labour force is estimated to be 11.561 million as at Sept 2010, it means to say that only 1.956 million of the labour force are paid above RM700 per month. Of this 1.956 million labour force, how many of them are earning less than RM3,000 per month, where it is also considered as low income.
That's a huge population for the government to push us up to become a high income nation. I know we can but when?
With huge leaks happening in all ministries, government departments and agencies and even at private entities level, all I can say is that a lot of prayers are required for this nation's leaders to buck up and many to be shipped out.
With this going on, the Talent Corporation that has been set up to retain Malaysian talents (in order for them not to think about emigrating overseas) and to encourage the return of many Malaysians who have been working overseas to our nation, all efforts will go down the drain for sure. I wonder how much has been paid to "consultants" who have been advising the relevant government departments on those marvellous ideas.
Just on Wednesday morning, a chief invigilator for the SPM examination in announced loudly telling the chinese and indians students to go back to their motherland of China and India when she can't control them. You call that a smart idea to keep the school going kids quiet? Why are we seeing such people coming from the teaching profession? That's because the government is not firm and not doing anything about it as it's being repeated again and again by many government servants.
That's the by-product of the current government's attitude towards the public. On one hand you have plans for retaining and wooing Malaysians plus the grand Economic Transformation Programme to be achieved by year 2020 but sadly on the other hand, nothing is done to ensure all government staff or even the public are buying the idea. Not to say it can't be done but so many things have to be undone first before the intended can be done.
Are we really for it (as in high income nation) or just no action talk only (NATO)?
Tags: Poverty Line, Labour Force, Talent Corporation, Low Income, High Income Nation, Economic Transformation Programme
And the sad part is, even acknowledged by the Ministry of Human Resources, about 34% of Malaysian employees are earning below the poverty figure of RM720. This group of people are estimated to be earning less than RM700 per month.
Can I say that, unfortunately, the government has greater plans for a 100 storey building and massive annual budget of around RM4 billion to beef up our defence (who are we going against?) instead.
What we are seeing here is that our nation has at least 34% of its population living in poverty. That's a big number. Officially, our population is 28.25 million and this works out to about 9.6 million Malaysians are in poverty. So, every three Malaysians you see on the street, one of them is living under poverty.
If Malaysia's labour force is estimated to be 11.561 million as at Sept 2010, it means to say that only 1.956 million of the labour force are paid above RM700 per month. Of this 1.956 million labour force, how many of them are earning less than RM3,000 per month, where it is also considered as low income.
That's a huge population for the government to push us up to become a high income nation. I know we can but when?
With huge leaks happening in all ministries, government departments and agencies and even at private entities level, all I can say is that a lot of prayers are required for this nation's leaders to buck up and many to be shipped out.
With this going on, the Talent Corporation that has been set up to retain Malaysian talents (in order for them not to think about emigrating overseas) and to encourage the return of many Malaysians who have been working overseas to our nation, all efforts will go down the drain for sure. I wonder how much has been paid to "consultants" who have been advising the relevant government departments on those marvellous ideas.
Just on Wednesday morning, a chief invigilator for the SPM examination in announced loudly telling the chinese and indians students to go back to their motherland of China and India when she can't control them. You call that a smart idea to keep the school going kids quiet? Why are we seeing such people coming from the teaching profession? That's because the government is not firm and not doing anything about it as it's being repeated again and again by many government servants.
That's the by-product of the current government's attitude towards the public. On one hand you have plans for retaining and wooing Malaysians plus the grand Economic Transformation Programme to be achieved by year 2020 but sadly on the other hand, nothing is done to ensure all government staff or even the public are buying the idea. Not to say it can't be done but so many things have to be undone first before the intended can be done.
Are we really for it (as in high income nation) or just no action talk only (NATO)?
Tags: Poverty Line, Labour Force, Talent Corporation, Low Income, High Income Nation, Economic Transformation Programme
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Contract Law In Malaysia
Legal issue on Contract Law in Malaysia - good for us to know.
This is something I like to share with you from one of the seminars conducted recently. Please do circulate this blogpost if you find this informative. It was conducted by A/P Catherine Tay on Legal Issues in E-commerce.
Notice that most of the time, the receipt / invoice you received from the merchant carries this exclusion clause or similarly worded statement: "Goods sold are not returnable" or "No refund once sold".
The thing that I have learnt from her is that as long as your good is purchased for HOME USE and not for business (i.e. to be resold), the above exclusion clause is VOID.
That means, as long as the good is defective, regardless of what is worded, you CAN get back all your money spent. You do not have to accept a repair on the good or an exchange. You CAN ask for a refund. AND you are LEGALLY right and entitled to! What a relevation!!
And most of the time the merchant will refuse to return you your money.
Her advice? From her own experience (and no less than 7 and all successful), she will threaten the merchant with four words: "SEE YOU IN COURT!"
The court here refers to the Small Claims Tribunal Court.
However, you don't have to tell them what court! All you have to pay is RM10.00 admin fee and the loser (the merchant) will have to refund you the money PLUS the admin fee!
She shared this with us because she felt that even educated people are cowed by such unfair wordings (which includes her jaded friends who are not lawyers).
Please try not to let the merchant fleece you the next time you have a defective good.
I know where to file this. On the 16th floor of Putra Place (the mall opposite Putra World Trade Centre). The form cost RM5.00. The Tribunal will settle within 2 months period.
Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna Malaysia ("TTPM")
Tingkat 16, Putra Place
100, Jalan Putra
50622 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-40492300 / 40424181
Fax: 03-40424259
Tags: Contract Law, Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna Malaysia, TTPM, Small Claims Tribunal Court, Putra Place
This is something I like to share with you from one of the seminars conducted recently. Please do circulate this blogpost if you find this informative. It was conducted by A/P Catherine Tay on Legal Issues in E-commerce.
Notice that most of the time, the receipt / invoice you received from the merchant carries this exclusion clause or similarly worded statement: "Goods sold are not returnable" or "No refund once sold".
The thing that I have learnt from her is that as long as your good is purchased for HOME USE and not for business (i.e. to be resold), the above exclusion clause is VOID.
That means, as long as the good is defective, regardless of what is worded, you CAN get back all your money spent. You do not have to accept a repair on the good or an exchange. You CAN ask for a refund. AND you are LEGALLY right and entitled to! What a relevation!!
And most of the time the merchant will refuse to return you your money.
Her advice? From her own experience (and no less than 7 and all successful), she will threaten the merchant with four words: "SEE YOU IN COURT!"
The court here refers to the Small Claims Tribunal Court.
However, you don't have to tell them what court! All you have to pay is RM10.00 admin fee and the loser (the merchant) will have to refund you the money PLUS the admin fee!
She shared this with us because she felt that even educated people are cowed by such unfair wordings (which includes her jaded friends who are not lawyers).
Please try not to let the merchant fleece you the next time you have a defective good.
I know where to file this. On the 16th floor of Putra Place (the mall opposite Putra World Trade Centre). The form cost RM5.00. The Tribunal will settle within 2 months period.
Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna Malaysia ("TTPM")
Tingkat 16, Putra Place
100, Jalan Putra
50622 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-40492300 / 40424181
Fax: 03-40424259
Tags: Contract Law, Tribunal Tuntutan Pengguna Malaysia, TTPM, Small Claims Tribunal Court, Putra Place
Friday, October 08, 2010
So What If I'm Wrong
Something is really wrong with our system in Malaysia. Imagine if you are caught doing something bad which is very wrong in the eyes of many people, you can still go scot free.
This is as far as I can tell from what I have read so far lately:-
Sex-drugs teacher who sold stimulants transferred to another school
Can you believe that the disciplinary teacher himself was caught selling sex enhancement products that included drugs, gels and pills. And his punishment after being reported was just being transferred to another school located somewhere else.
Why transfer him?
So that he can continue his side business in another school?
10 Pahang cops probed over syabu theft
The court has released 10 policemen for being suspects in the 40kg of syabu theft. The syabu drug was kept in the police station and it can disappear just like that.
The 10 policemen had their pay increment and promotion frozen only.
Why no arrest?
Who else to arrest the policemen?
Syndicates threaten new Port Klang Immigration officers
20 new immigration officers were threatened by syndicates (as believed by the government) when their motor vehicles were damaged maybe in retaliation for the transfer of some officers out from the Port Klang base.
A few officers were arrested earlier as they were believed to be involved in the smuggling of humans .......tsk tsk. Is this where the Indonesians are entering Malaysia illegally?
Officers in cahoots with illegal traders to be weeded out
A wildlife department director was transferred from Penang to another state. But will this action weed out illegal wildlife traders? What's the root cause?
Why transfer him?
So that he can allow the wildlife animals to be traded in another state?
These employers are really lenient.
Tags: Sex Drug Teacher, Sex Enhancement, Syabu Theft, Illegal Wildlife Trader, Immigration Officer
This is as far as I can tell from what I have read so far lately:-
Sex-drugs teacher who sold stimulants transferred to another school
Can you believe that the disciplinary teacher himself was caught selling sex enhancement products that included drugs, gels and pills. And his punishment after being reported was just being transferred to another school located somewhere else.
Why transfer him?
So that he can continue his side business in another school?
10 Pahang cops probed over syabu theft
The court has released 10 policemen for being suspects in the 40kg of syabu theft. The syabu drug was kept in the police station and it can disappear just like that.
The 10 policemen had their pay increment and promotion frozen only.
Why no arrest?
Who else to arrest the policemen?
Syndicates threaten new Port Klang Immigration officers
20 new immigration officers were threatened by syndicates (as believed by the government) when their motor vehicles were damaged maybe in retaliation for the transfer of some officers out from the Port Klang base.
A few officers were arrested earlier as they were believed to be involved in the smuggling of humans .......tsk tsk. Is this where the Indonesians are entering Malaysia illegally?
Officers in cahoots with illegal traders to be weeded out
A wildlife department director was transferred from Penang to another state. But will this action weed out illegal wildlife traders? What's the root cause?
Why transfer him?
So that he can allow the wildlife animals to be traded in another state?
These employers are really lenient.
Tags: Sex Drug Teacher, Sex Enhancement, Syabu Theft, Illegal Wildlife Trader, Immigration Officer
Friday, October 01, 2010
Free Gifts At Petrol Stations
I guess the blogpost title would have gotten your attention to click and read this blogpost.
Yes, there are free gifts indeed but it doesn't come that free after all. You should know by now that nothing comes free nowadays.
A local petroleum company has issued a circular to all of its petrol station operators / dealers in Malaysia warning all petrol station operators to be aware of such syndicates that are offering free gifts to motor vehicle owners while they are busy filling up their motor vehicles at the petrol pump areas.
The syndicates will have their ways / methods and the followings have been identified after some investigations:-
1. Free gifts such as key chains, small sized dolls, flipflops, etc. will be offered to motor vehicle owners.
2. It was found that such gifts are fitted with a tiny tracking / monitoring device that will emit a signal to the syndicates of your whereabouts just like what we have always seen in the movies. The syndicates will be able to track your house and office easily and monitor your movements before they act devilish i.e. to rob your house (if not what else).
3. Syndicates will move in to offer such free gifts by choosing their targets randomly.
The circular didn't mention the particular time of "attack by syndicates" but I suspect that in order to escape the eyes of the petrol station operators, they may move in during peak period when the petrol station is full of customers / motor vehicles. But who knows, maybe it's also a good time when the petrol station is empty especially from midnight to 6.00 am.
The petrol station operators of this particular petroleum company have been adviced to monitor such activities and to report such activities to the relevant authorities upon confirmed sighting.
Therefore, all Malaysians - please take heed of the warning! This is not a hoax and I wonder why (to my current knowledge) this was not highlighted to the general public by the mainstream media.
Whatever warnings are given, there are still some gullible fellas out there that will fall for these syndicates. Beware!
Tags: Local Petroleum Company, Petrol Station Dealers, Petrol Station Operators, Tracking Device, Monitoring Device, Free Gifts
Yes, there are free gifts indeed but it doesn't come that free after all. You should know by now that nothing comes free nowadays.
A local petroleum company has issued a circular to all of its petrol station operators / dealers in Malaysia warning all petrol station operators to be aware of such syndicates that are offering free gifts to motor vehicle owners while they are busy filling up their motor vehicles at the petrol pump areas.
The syndicates will have their ways / methods and the followings have been identified after some investigations:-
1. Free gifts such as key chains, small sized dolls, flipflops, etc. will be offered to motor vehicle owners.
2. It was found that such gifts are fitted with a tiny tracking / monitoring device that will emit a signal to the syndicates of your whereabouts just like what we have always seen in the movies. The syndicates will be able to track your house and office easily and monitor your movements before they act devilish i.e. to rob your house (if not what else).
3. Syndicates will move in to offer such free gifts by choosing their targets randomly.
The circular didn't mention the particular time of "attack by syndicates" but I suspect that in order to escape the eyes of the petrol station operators, they may move in during peak period when the petrol station is full of customers / motor vehicles. But who knows, maybe it's also a good time when the petrol station is empty especially from midnight to 6.00 am.
The petrol station operators of this particular petroleum company have been adviced to monitor such activities and to report such activities to the relevant authorities upon confirmed sighting.
Therefore, all Malaysians - please take heed of the warning! This is not a hoax and I wonder why (to my current knowledge) this was not highlighted to the general public by the mainstream media.
Whatever warnings are given, there are still some gullible fellas out there that will fall for these syndicates. Beware!
Tags: Local Petroleum Company, Petrol Station Dealers, Petrol Station Operators, Tracking Device, Monitoring Device, Free Gifts
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
What Caused Educators To Be Racist?
Controversial racist remarks have been uttered by senior educators in Kulaijaya, Johore and Sungai Petani, Kedah in front of school kids. This has brought their teaching profession to question. What have these educators been learning all this while throughout their lifes? The prominent question now is what have they been teaching all this while? Rukunegara is not taught in school nowadays?
Police have taken action by proceeding with the investigation. Then the respective state education department will conduct their own interview. This is followed by the Ministry of Education.
Yes, racist remarks have been uttered but conducting twelve more investigations will not lead to any improvement. One has to go to the root of the problem to stop this rot.
Just look at the newspapers lately. Front page news will surely have articles on racial issues. Some people just want to play up all these racials issues to stir some hatred between races in Malaysia. What one has to gain when the whole nation is in chaos?
Malaysia will be celebrating their 53rd Independence Day and sadly, even educators aren't convinced about having a peaceful nation with those hatred feelings dwelling deep in their hearts.
What had caused them to have those sentiments? What had happened to them to have such a feeling towards the non-malays?
Day in day out, certain groups in Malaysia will keep harping on the issue of non-malays taking away the malay's rights, privileges, rice bowl and political control from them. I'm not surprised if you kept hearing and reading it daily, your mind will make you to believe the crap to be the whole truth. Once in a while certain people and politicians (from ruling party) will remind ("warn" is the actual meaning that they wanted us to hear) the non-malays of the May 13 tragedy.
I'm really proud of what Nurul Izzah Anwar has written in her article entitled "A new script for Malaysia".
When the people in our nation can't even identify with one another, how do you expect Malaysians to identify ourselves as Asean people. Our prime minister has called for state-level programmes to enhance the awareness and knowledge about Asean.
My opinion, it's a waste of time and funds (wonder how much will be allocated for such nationwide programmes) when you can't even handle the racial issues at your own backyard. I call it hypocrisy then.
All the hyped up 1Malaysia motto is also a camouflage thingy. They (government) share with you on the TV, songs have been written and sung on TV and patriotic advertisements are being shown that relates to 1Malaysia.
But when it comes to the real thing - all things changed.
A locally produced chinese movie, entitled Ice Kacang Puppy Love can't even qualify for a entertainment tax rebate because it has been classified as a foreign movie as reported in the Star newspaper.
Now, how was a local movie categorised as a foreign movie then you may ask. Just one simple line - this chinese movie's script do not have a minimum of 60% in Bahasa Malaysia. Now, you tell me who gave this stupid ruling.
If a movie is 60% in Bahasa Malaysia / 40% in chinese language, I would call it a rojak movie. It won't be called a chinese movie at all. A movie which was produced locally, shot in Malaysia, directed by a Malaysian, with Malaysian actors/actresses, in a language understood by local Malaysian chinese - it's considered a foreign movie.
The involvement of Tan Kheng Seong, Lee Sinje, Victor Wang, Gary Chaw and Fish Leong in this local movie showed the love in them for Malaysia. But the government said it's not enough. I think all these famous stars would rather concentrate on their careers in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan and put their investments there too. Was this a good encouragement for future investments? What more for foreigners who wanted to invest in Malaysia? No wonder the FDI for Malaysia is at an all time low lately.
Even speakers at a symposium on the 10th Malaysia Plan questioned the government's ability to deliver what they have planned for in terms of socio-economic development.
We will not see any lesser of such racial issues in our lifes in Malaysia as long as greedy and power abusive politicians wanted to hang on to their respective positions. We will see more of it whenever a by-election happens and the mother of all will erupt when the next general election is called.
But where do we, as Malaysians generally, stand?
Tags: Racist Remarks, Racist Educators, 53rd Independence Day, Racial Hatred, 1Malaysia, Ice Kacang Puppy Love, Tan Kheng Seong, Lee Sinje, Victor Wang, Gary Chaw, Fish Leong
Police have taken action by proceeding with the investigation. Then the respective state education department will conduct their own interview. This is followed by the Ministry of Education.
Yes, racist remarks have been uttered but conducting twelve more investigations will not lead to any improvement. One has to go to the root of the problem to stop this rot.
Just look at the newspapers lately. Front page news will surely have articles on racial issues. Some people just want to play up all these racials issues to stir some hatred between races in Malaysia. What one has to gain when the whole nation is in chaos?
Malaysia will be celebrating their 53rd Independence Day and sadly, even educators aren't convinced about having a peaceful nation with those hatred feelings dwelling deep in their hearts.
What had caused them to have those sentiments? What had happened to them to have such a feeling towards the non-malays?
Day in day out, certain groups in Malaysia will keep harping on the issue of non-malays taking away the malay's rights, privileges, rice bowl and political control from them. I'm not surprised if you kept hearing and reading it daily, your mind will make you to believe the crap to be the whole truth. Once in a while certain people and politicians (from ruling party) will remind ("warn" is the actual meaning that they wanted us to hear) the non-malays of the May 13 tragedy.
I'm really proud of what Nurul Izzah Anwar has written in her article entitled "A new script for Malaysia".
When the people in our nation can't even identify with one another, how do you expect Malaysians to identify ourselves as Asean people. Our prime minister has called for state-level programmes to enhance the awareness and knowledge about Asean.
My opinion, it's a waste of time and funds (wonder how much will be allocated for such nationwide programmes) when you can't even handle the racial issues at your own backyard. I call it hypocrisy then.
All the hyped up 1Malaysia motto is also a camouflage thingy. They (government) share with you on the TV, songs have been written and sung on TV and patriotic advertisements are being shown that relates to 1Malaysia.
But when it comes to the real thing - all things changed.
A locally produced chinese movie, entitled Ice Kacang Puppy Love can't even qualify for a entertainment tax rebate because it has been classified as a foreign movie as reported in the Star newspaper.
Now, how was a local movie categorised as a foreign movie then you may ask. Just one simple line - this chinese movie's script do not have a minimum of 60% in Bahasa Malaysia. Now, you tell me who gave this stupid ruling.
If a movie is 60% in Bahasa Malaysia / 40% in chinese language, I would call it a rojak movie. It won't be called a chinese movie at all. A movie which was produced locally, shot in Malaysia, directed by a Malaysian, with Malaysian actors/actresses, in a language understood by local Malaysian chinese - it's considered a foreign movie.
The involvement of Tan Kheng Seong, Lee Sinje, Victor Wang, Gary Chaw and Fish Leong in this local movie showed the love in them for Malaysia. But the government said it's not enough. I think all these famous stars would rather concentrate on their careers in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan and put their investments there too. Was this a good encouragement for future investments? What more for foreigners who wanted to invest in Malaysia? No wonder the FDI for Malaysia is at an all time low lately.
Even speakers at a symposium on the 10th Malaysia Plan questioned the government's ability to deliver what they have planned for in terms of socio-economic development.
We will not see any lesser of such racial issues in our lifes in Malaysia as long as greedy and power abusive politicians wanted to hang on to their respective positions. We will see more of it whenever a by-election happens and the mother of all will erupt when the next general election is called.
But where do we, as Malaysians generally, stand?
Tags: Racist Remarks, Racist Educators, 53rd Independence Day, Racial Hatred, 1Malaysia, Ice Kacang Puppy Love, Tan Kheng Seong, Lee Sinje, Victor Wang, Gary Chaw, Fish Leong
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Paul The Octopus Has Chosen Again
Just before the the final game of the 2010 World Cup, Paul The Octopus went to work and decided to choose Spain instead of the team that I supported. And how true it was.
Seeing the unbelievable psychic power that it possesses, the politicians in Malaysia from both camps, decided to kidnap Paul and brought him back to Malaysia to conduct a once and for all kind of selection.
Our politicians trusted Paul more than the voters?????

Well, looks Paul has done it again. He has chosen Pakatan Rakyat this time. With the next general election due on 2013, will Paul's prediction be correct again?
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Politicians' Mouth
Really a good laugh when you see cabinet ministers opening their mouth.
A renowned lady pathologist from Thailand, who was supposed to be back in Malaysia for being a witness in a court hearing, told the press that she's not coming back to Malaysia to give further testimony fearing for her life.
Opposition politicians quickly jumped up and blame the present government that they can't even protect a lady and wants to know why she feared for her life.
Then a minister said she's a liar.
Next, the opposition politicians said that this minister can be brought to court for sub judice.
The minister quickly responded by saying that she is afraid to come because she can't justify what she has testified earlier.
A state government who actually appointed her confirmed that she's not coming due to safety.
Another came up to guarantee her safety and re-assured her that she can testify.
With this assurance, the Thai witness suddenly availed herself.
It shocked both the ministers now.
The first minister then asked what sort of threats that made her changed her mind in the first place. He wants the proof also.
The second minister is now saying how to guarantee your safety when you can't even pin point the what where why how on her earlier concerns.
In other words, the guarantee is not guaranteed.
When you propose a protection guarantee, you are supposed to guarantee from top of the head right down to the toe and from all sorts of threats.
Imagine the when prime minister was to request for special police force protection and the police asked "what sort of threats do you want us to protect you from?".
What if the prime minister was to say "just protect me". Will the police say "since you can't identify your worries / concerns, we are unable to protect you any longer".
It's crazy, isn't it?
Tags: Thai Witness, Pathologist, Cabinet Ministers, Opposition Politicians
A renowned lady pathologist from Thailand, who was supposed to be back in Malaysia for being a witness in a court hearing, told the press that she's not coming back to Malaysia to give further testimony fearing for her life.
Opposition politicians quickly jumped up and blame the present government that they can't even protect a lady and wants to know why she feared for her life.
Then a minister said she's a liar.
Next, the opposition politicians said that this minister can be brought to court for sub judice.
The minister quickly responded by saying that she is afraid to come because she can't justify what she has testified earlier.
A state government who actually appointed her confirmed that she's not coming due to safety.
Another came up to guarantee her safety and re-assured her that she can testify.
With this assurance, the Thai witness suddenly availed herself.
It shocked both the ministers now.
The first minister then asked what sort of threats that made her changed her mind in the first place. He wants the proof also.
The second minister is now saying how to guarantee your safety when you can't even pin point the what where why how on her earlier concerns.
In other words, the guarantee is not guaranteed.
When you propose a protection guarantee, you are supposed to guarantee from top of the head right down to the toe and from all sorts of threats.
Imagine the when prime minister was to request for special police force protection and the police asked "what sort of threats do you want us to protect you from?".
What if the prime minister was to say "just protect me". Will the police say "since you can't identify your worries / concerns, we are unable to protect you any longer".
It's crazy, isn't it?
Tags: Thai Witness, Pathologist, Cabinet Ministers, Opposition Politicians
Friday, April 09, 2010
Resolve A Problem By Raising Prices Beyond Everyone's Reach
The Terengganu state government is really giving me a good laugh. Really need such laugh during this intense period LOL!
What did they do this time?
If you like Pulau Redang off Terengganu's coast, I would strongly suggest that you book yourself a trip there to see whatever, do whatever, enjoy whatever you can. Reason - in due course I can almost guarantee that 90% won't be going there again.
Not that you can't go but you would have to fork out tons of cash in order to be there.
The state Chief Minister has planned to allow only 5 stars and above type of hotels or resorts to be built in the future. That also the room rates could be in the region of US$500 per night.
Why would he want to do that? Reasons given:-
a) save the surrounding rich marine life and prevent environmental destruction due to pollution and indiscriminate littering
b) budget accommodation places on the island have no proper sewage system and waste is directed to the sea, and this destroys the corals
c) save the island from deteriorating environmentally
d) initiated out of concern for the environment as damage to the corals had been extensive.
He could be right there because an estimated 100,000 holidaymakers would travel there in a year.
What about the existing budget hotels that are still operating there? Kick them out of the island? Other businesses that are operating on the island which can't sell high end products should pack up too.
How many could afford a US$500 hotel room? Maybe only 1,000 out of the 100,000. A colleague said that it's good to raise the hotel rates because only the older folks are usually more well off and they may not be divers at that age. So the corals are saved.
By the way, the Chief Minister has some options for you. Please go to Pulau Kapas and Pulau Perhentian instead if you can't afford Pulau Redang in the future. The 99,000 (assuming 1,000 will be holidaying in Pulau Redang) are given the green light to destroy both Pulau Kapas and Pulau Perhentian, if I did the catch his phrase correctly.
But then, ain't introducing awareness and proper education on protecting the environment is a better option. Maybe more social responsibility programmes should be initiated on Pulau Redang itself.
The Chow Kit area in Kuala Lumpur city area should be cleaned up too. I got an idea now. Get the city council to buy the same idea as in by raising the property assessment beyond a human's comprehension, only allow high end type properties to be built, only allow niche products to be marketed there and I'm sure Chow Kit's tardiness would be solved.
Malaysia Boleh again!
Reading: Pulau Redang aims to lure the rich with room rates no less than RM1,600 - Star
Tags: Pulau Redang, Travel, Holidaymakers, Divers, Social Responsibility, Pulau Kapas, Pulau Perhentian, Terengganu
What did they do this time?
If you like Pulau Redang off Terengganu's coast, I would strongly suggest that you book yourself a trip there to see whatever, do whatever, enjoy whatever you can. Reason - in due course I can almost guarantee that 90% won't be going there again.
Not that you can't go but you would have to fork out tons of cash in order to be there.
The state Chief Minister has planned to allow only 5 stars and above type of hotels or resorts to be built in the future. That also the room rates could be in the region of US$500 per night.
Why would he want to do that? Reasons given:-
a) save the surrounding rich marine life and prevent environmental destruction due to pollution and indiscriminate littering
b) budget accommodation places on the island have no proper sewage system and waste is directed to the sea, and this destroys the corals
c) save the island from deteriorating environmentally
d) initiated out of concern for the environment as damage to the corals had been extensive.
He could be right there because an estimated 100,000 holidaymakers would travel there in a year.
What about the existing budget hotels that are still operating there? Kick them out of the island? Other businesses that are operating on the island which can't sell high end products should pack up too.
How many could afford a US$500 hotel room? Maybe only 1,000 out of the 100,000. A colleague said that it's good to raise the hotel rates because only the older folks are usually more well off and they may not be divers at that age. So the corals are saved.
By the way, the Chief Minister has some options for you. Please go to Pulau Kapas and Pulau Perhentian instead if you can't afford Pulau Redang in the future. The 99,000 (assuming 1,000 will be holidaying in Pulau Redang) are given the green light to destroy both Pulau Kapas and Pulau Perhentian, if I did the catch his phrase correctly.
But then, ain't introducing awareness and proper education on protecting the environment is a better option. Maybe more social responsibility programmes should be initiated on Pulau Redang itself.
The Chow Kit area in Kuala Lumpur city area should be cleaned up too. I got an idea now. Get the city council to buy the same idea as in by raising the property assessment beyond a human's comprehension, only allow high end type properties to be built, only allow niche products to be marketed there and I'm sure Chow Kit's tardiness would be solved.
Malaysia Boleh again!
Reading: Pulau Redang aims to lure the rich with room rates no less than RM1,600 - Star
Tags: Pulau Redang, Travel, Holidaymakers, Divers, Social Responsibility, Pulau Kapas, Pulau Perhentian, Terengganu
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
To Reduce Is To Increase
Many Malaysians are baffled by the government who flip flops with various actions. In order to reduce certain usages (of services or products) by the citizens of Malaysia, the government has to implement some drastic action to discourage Malaysians.
For example (what I could recall after laughing over it with my colleagues):-
a) To discourage people from travelling overseas, the government will increase the application fee for an international passport.
b) To discourage people from using motor vehicles of more than fifteen years, government decided to get those car owners to spend more to conduct vehicle inspection on the road worthiness. In other words (from certain car industry people), it's to encourage such car owners to spend more to buy the Proton cars.
c) To discourage people from using / discontinue the RON 92 petrol, government said that RON 95 and RON 97 of higher prices are of better petrol quality. In Europe, cars are still running on RON 92 which makes foreign produced cars a better choice as it could run on cheaper fuel and this will affect the sales of local made cars as local made cars may not perform well in RON 92.
d) To prevent people from spending too much, government decided to impose a RM50 penalty for each credit card held.
e) To prevent people from getting diabetes or consume too much sugar, government may discontinue subsidy for this item which will definitely increase the price for sugar.
f) To prevent people from buying cigarettes, the government will enforce cigarette packaging to consist of more cigarettes but at a much much much much higher pricing.
g) To prevent people from congesting the city, the government may in the future impose an entry fee for those motor vehicles that has only one passenger which is the driver himself.
h) To discourage people from using plastic bags anymore, the government (or state government) will instruct the supermarkets not to distribute any plastic bags and to sell canvas bags instead that could be used again and again.
i) To discourage people from buying foreign made / imported cars, the government imposed higher import tariffs on those cars in order for the local made cars to survive. However, the local made cars are sold at a higher price in Malaysia if compared to the exported version where the specs are slightly better.
j) To discourage people from congesting the roads and to get the citizens to take public transportation (referring to the lousy bus systems), the government decreased subsidy for the petrol.
What I can say is that the government will tend to 'punish' its citizens into doing something instead of coming up with an encouraging plan so that people will do it willingly which could benefit the citizens at the same time.
Definitely wrong approach in solving problems.
Following were suggested by colleagues:-
a) To decrease cholesterol level for all Malaysians, prices for whatever eggs will be increased up to 50 cents per egg.
b) To discourage people (men generally) from approaching prostitutes, each condom shall be sold at RM50 per piece.
c) To discourage people from eating unhealthy food such as nasi lemak and goreng pisang, coconut and cooking oil will be increased tremendously.
Tags: Malaysia, Price Increase
For example (what I could recall after laughing over it with my colleagues):-
a) To discourage people from travelling overseas, the government will increase the application fee for an international passport.
b) To discourage people from using motor vehicles of more than fifteen years, government decided to get those car owners to spend more to conduct vehicle inspection on the road worthiness. In other words (from certain car industry people), it's to encourage such car owners to spend more to buy the Proton cars.
c) To discourage people from using / discontinue the RON 92 petrol, government said that RON 95 and RON 97 of higher prices are of better petrol quality. In Europe, cars are still running on RON 92 which makes foreign produced cars a better choice as it could run on cheaper fuel and this will affect the sales of local made cars as local made cars may not perform well in RON 92.
d) To prevent people from spending too much, government decided to impose a RM50 penalty for each credit card held.
e) To prevent people from getting diabetes or consume too much sugar, government may discontinue subsidy for this item which will definitely increase the price for sugar.
f) To prevent people from buying cigarettes, the government will enforce cigarette packaging to consist of more cigarettes but at a much much much much higher pricing.
g) To prevent people from congesting the city, the government may in the future impose an entry fee for those motor vehicles that has only one passenger which is the driver himself.
h) To discourage people from using plastic bags anymore, the government (or state government) will instruct the supermarkets not to distribute any plastic bags and to sell canvas bags instead that could be used again and again.
i) To discourage people from buying foreign made / imported cars, the government imposed higher import tariffs on those cars in order for the local made cars to survive. However, the local made cars are sold at a higher price in Malaysia if compared to the exported version where the specs are slightly better.
j) To discourage people from congesting the roads and to get the citizens to take public transportation (referring to the lousy bus systems), the government decreased subsidy for the petrol.
What I can say is that the government will tend to 'punish' its citizens into doing something instead of coming up with an encouraging plan so that people will do it willingly which could benefit the citizens at the same time.
Definitely wrong approach in solving problems.
Following were suggested by colleagues:-
a) To decrease cholesterol level for all Malaysians, prices for whatever eggs will be increased up to 50 cents per egg.
b) To discourage people (men generally) from approaching prostitutes, each condom shall be sold at RM50 per piece.
c) To discourage people from eating unhealthy food such as nasi lemak and goreng pisang, coconut and cooking oil will be increased tremendously.
Tags: Malaysia, Price Increase
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Cannot Speaking Inglish in Ofis?
Our wonderful Deputy Education Minister has said this - "if you speak English at your workplace, that's weird".
Reason for saying that - it's harmful to the nation's culture and identity.
Crazy fella ............. sorry to say that lah but then I think he has not seen a lot in life.
My company for one has lots of foreigners (besides the cleaning ladies) in the office. English language is being used so that everyone understands each other. By conversing in the national language, we would have to translate each and every sentence or words every now and then in order for all to understand and respond accordingly.
Maybe need to appoint a professional translator that majors in a few language or a few translators sitting in a meeting room ............ haha. We would be holding a routine department meeting having many translators sitting together in a meeting room just like the United Nations having dozens of professional translators. Now you see what I meant.
The same thing goes for many multinational companies based in Malaysia as they would have lots of professionals coming from various nations.
At a time when we are encouraging foreign direct investments, the senior management staff of such investors would usually be based in Malaysia to oversee the business operations. Now, this fella has to open his mouth to tell us that speaking English in office is weird.
The government is also trying to bring back many professional Malaysians who had been working overseas for a number of years in order to beef up our human resource capacity. These Malaysians may not be fluent with the national language anymore. Are we telling them not to come back now?
You who speaks English in office is weird and he's perfecto for not doing so.
I guess that he's strunggling a lot with the English language itself.
Reading: Malaysian minister says English at work 'weird' - Malaysia Today
Tags: English Language, Deputy Education Minister, Weird
Reason for saying that - it's harmful to the nation's culture and identity.
Crazy fella ............. sorry to say that lah but then I think he has not seen a lot in life.
My company for one has lots of foreigners (besides the cleaning ladies) in the office. English language is being used so that everyone understands each other. By conversing in the national language, we would have to translate each and every sentence or words every now and then in order for all to understand and respond accordingly.
Maybe need to appoint a professional translator that majors in a few language or a few translators sitting in a meeting room ............ haha. We would be holding a routine department meeting having many translators sitting together in a meeting room just like the United Nations having dozens of professional translators. Now you see what I meant.
The same thing goes for many multinational companies based in Malaysia as they would have lots of professionals coming from various nations.
At a time when we are encouraging foreign direct investments, the senior management staff of such investors would usually be based in Malaysia to oversee the business operations. Now, this fella has to open his mouth to tell us that speaking English in office is weird.
The government is also trying to bring back many professional Malaysians who had been working overseas for a number of years in order to beef up our human resource capacity. These Malaysians may not be fluent with the national language anymore. Are we telling them not to come back now?
You who speaks English in office is weird and he's perfecto for not doing so.
I guess that he's strunggling a lot with the English language itself.
Reading: Malaysian minister says English at work 'weird' - Malaysia Today
Tags: English Language, Deputy Education Minister, Weird
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