And even more unfortunately, the safety for fans is one of the main talking points there.
3 Greek football players had their monies stolen from their hotel rooms and journalists covering the World Cup from China have been robbed at knifepoint. Earlier, Spanish and Portuguese journalists were robbed off their equipments.
Reading: Greek players, Chinese reporters robbed
Starting tonight, I'll be having sleepless nights (my own doing of course) ...... for 1 month.
It'll be the start of many new excuses or the resurgence of some excuses not used since the last World Cup to be used to support their absenteeism.
As the World Cup commences, the following people will be the ones not happy with it:-
* Mothers, wives, sisters, girlfriends - unless they like football, the next 1 month is the month that they will be deprived of attention or the tv will be occupied from 7.30pm to 4am.
* Bosses - they will have workers with panda eyes walking around like zombies. Many MCs will be submitted in order to recover from the "no-sleep days".
* Restaurant / cafe / mamak - those owners that don't have TVs in their premises will cry because customers will flock to those that put up big white screens.
Any more poor fellas I missed out?
Related post - Is World Cup 2010 Fixed?
Tags: World Cup 2010, South Africa