Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Please Do These 3 Things
1. Surround themselves with positive people who believe that this life is not all that there is. Personally, I find this at my local church. This email goes out to thousands of people all over the world. I know we don't share the same faith in all cases. This message is not about my faith. It is about you finding a group of people who regularly meet together and have a belief that there is more to life than what we see. This is the first step to a positive outlook on life.
2. You must exercise weekly in order to stimulate endorphins and maintain an energetic life. The exercise of walking to the kitchen or curling 12 ounces does not count as exercise. I run 1 mile twice a week and 2-3 days a week do strength training. This is nothing difficult but it makes a major difference on my attitude.
3. You MUST educate yourself through reading. The average CEO in America reads 4-5 books per month. The average America reads one book per year and 60% of us don't get past the first chapter! Make a promise to yourself to read at least one book per month. Read anything!
Regardless, of what you read....develop a passion for reading and learning and you will see your attitude and outlook on life begin to change. Any person who faithfully invested their time in these three areas may not break world records in levels of success. However, everything in me believes that they would see dramatic improvements. I believe in those three things so much, I encouraged my family to invest their time in these areas.
-- Ron White
Tags: Motivation, Success, Ron White
Monday, October 30, 2006
Remembering G. W. B.
I have the distinguished honor of being on the committee to raise US$5,000,000 for a monument for George W. Bush. We originally wanted to put him on Mt. Rushmore until we discovered there was not enough room for two more faces.
We then decided to erect a statue of George in Washington DC, in the Congressional Hall Of Fame. We were in a quandary as to where the statue should be placed. It was not proper to place it beside the statue of George Washington, who never told a lie, or beside Dick Cheney, who never told the truth, since George could never tell the difference.
We finally decided to place it beside Christopher Columbus, the greatest Republican of them all. He left not knowing where he was going and when he got there he did not know where he was. He returned not knowing where he had been and did it all on someone else's money.
Thank you.
George W. Bush Monument Committee
P. S. The Committee has raised $1.35 so far
Tags: Jokes, Funny, George Bush, Washington, Dick Cheney, Republicans, Mt. Rushmore, Donation, Humor
MotoGP World Title

Results for Valencia MotoGP Race:-
1. Troy Bayliss (Australia) Ducati 46:55.415
2. Loris Capirossi (Italy) Ducati 46:56.734
3. Nicky Hayden (U.S.) Honda 47:04.645
Tags: Sports, MotoGP, Motorcycle, Nicky Hayden, Valentino Rossi, Troy Bayliss, Ducati, Honda, Valencia
Sunday, October 29, 2006
The Best Bank
One day, three bankers, a Citibanker, one from HSBC and another from Maybank (Malaysia's #1 bank), went for a walk. They were old buddies from school and they were remembering the tough old days they went as students together. For no apparent reason, they went into a zoo and passed an elephant.
Being from the same field and the same school, there is little bit of peer competition going on, so when he saw this elephant, an idea clicked the Citibanker, he said to the others "Why don't we prove who is the best among us?". The others, of course, agreed.
Then the Citibank said "Let's make a test. Whoever can make this elephant laugh, he works for the best Bank". They all agreed and started.
Being a pure logical strategist, the Citibanker tried to make the elephant laugh by telling jokes (In this story, the elephant do understand the language, boleh la). Of course it stayed still. As a more practical guy, the HSBC guy tried to make funny gestures... and the elephant still stood firm. Now, it's the Maybanker turn. Being the tomorrow -can- do- it guy, he whispered something to the elephant, and it laughed at him while pointing its trunk at him. The other two were astonished. How come this Maybanker beat them?
So the HSBC guy said "OK, let's make another test. Let's make this elephant cry". So there they went again. The Citibanker told sad stories. The HSBC guy made sad gestures, and they fail again. Then, the Maybanker whispered something again in the elephant's ear and it just cried, weeping and patting away.
This can't be, thought the other two. So the Citibanker said "OK, you've won twice. If you can win this test, we will bow to you. Let's make this elephant run".
He went and barked to the elephant orders to run. Of course, it stayed still. The HSBC guy pushes the elephant and stabs it with stake to make it run, it stayed still. So...our Maybanker comes to it and whispers something again in its ear and the elephant ran and ran as fast as it could, as if it was scared to death.
The other two surrendered. "OK, you're the best, pal. You work for a very good Bank, not even our global bankers can beat you. Do tell us your secret".
"Well" said the Maybanker "The first time I made it laugh, I said "Maybank is the best bank ". When I made it cry, I told the elephant how much I get paid". "And when I made it run scared to death, I said to it, "Why don't you join Maybank?"
Tags: Jokes, Funny, Humor, Citibank, HSBC, Maybank, Zoo, Bank
Alaskan King Crabs

Crab fishing can be seen at Bristol Bay, the primary area with Dutch Harbour as Alaska’s main crabbing port. Crab fishing in Alaska ranks as the nation's #1 most hazardous job. Then, with the dwindling population of the king crabs, it compelled the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to strictly regulate their harvests. In previous years, fishermen were allowed a mere three to five days to harvest the precious catch, so ships raced against time, nature and each other to capture the most of the fleet-wide quota in 20-hour shifts.

It was, and still is, a race with high stakes. The 2004 season ended after just 80 hours of fishing that hauled in 6.8 million kilogrammes worth US$65.8mil (RM243m). On a successful boat, one fisherman can earn up to US$100,000 (RM367,000) for just five days’ work! Recent changes in the way the fishery is managed have expanded the season to 3 months. The new rules will allow fishermen much more discretion when they catch their allotted crab quota.
More daily news on Alaska at The Anchorage Daily News.
Tags: Alaska, Crab, Fish, Seafood, Dutch Harbour, Bering Sea, Bristol Bay, Fisherman's Express, Anchorage
Saturday, October 28, 2006
MLB World Champions

One thing that I don't get it is why was it called a world series when only clubs in USA participated in this so-called world series. Where are the clubs from China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Netherlands, Italy, Australia, Cuba & Canada where they have professional leagues there too. It should be renamed National Series instead. Or dare not invite other overseas teams? Major League Baseball should seriously re-consider the change of name as it involved clubs from 1 single country only.
Tags: Sports, Baseball, New York Yankees, St Louis Cardinals, Detroit Tigers, World Series, Major League Baseball, USA
Sex Change Registration in China

Tags: Sex Change, Jiangnan, Anhua, Hunan, China
Pattaya International Fireworks Festival
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