Sunday, July 15, 2007

Michelin's Tennis Shoes

Michelin - famous for its tyres manufactured for cars and especially those in Formula 1. Michelin has now embarked on a new venture where they transferred their technology in motor racing know-how into a revolutionary sole for tennis shoe. This was in collaboration with Babolat, the world leader in competition rackets and racket stringing.

Andy Roddick, the USA tennis player, has been wearing this newly designed shoes since Jan 2007, named Babolat Propulse.

The uniqueness of the tennis shoes:-
The sole is equipped with the OCS (Optimized Cell System) technology originally designed by Michelin for the World Rally Championships (WRC). The blend of rubber offers 40% greater resistance to abrasion and thermo-abrasion than other shoes on the market (according to tests carried out in March 2006 by an independent laboratory, the Centre Technique de la Chaussure, which compared the Propulse to a sample group of shoes in the same price range). The oblong-shaped tread of the sole improves slowing down, acceleration and sliding, just as for a racing car! The sole's curved geometry and the variation of its ridges and hollows prevent the appearance of cracks and make it possible to adapt grip to the type of surface of play, thus varying the sole's grip according to whether the player is on hard, dry or slippery ground. Babolat, for its part, has combined this special formulation of rubber with Exact Pro technology, a system of dynamic propulsion located beneath the forefoot, which optimises lateral movements when running.
Tags: Michelin, Michelin Tyre, Babolat, Babolat Propulse, Tennis Shoes, Andy Roddick

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Breathing in Polluted Air

I still do exercise regularly but did stop jogging due to the polluted air. People are still jogging around my housing area. Why did I stop? Upon reading "Air pollution holds risks for athletes who exercise outdoors - IHT", I fully agree with it.

Did hear from health concious people that we should jog right early in the morning. Oh no. I like to sleep a lot and waking up at 6am is definitely way too hard. Why can't we jog in the evening? They said that the dust or dirt would settling down and thus we would be breathing it in. Is the air fresher and cleaner in the wee hours of morning? Air pollution is one of the major concern.

Maybe that was the reason why there were so many fitness centres mushrooming in Kuala Lumpur. People tend to exercise indoor to lessen inhaling the polluted air. Received a call yesterday from California Fitness in Mid Valley that I could join them for a 14 days free trial. When should I start? There is always this thought of joining a gym but California Fitness is still a bit inconvenient. But somehow there is a bad report from a member within.

I have got choices as well in choosing a fitness centre. At my office building, there are Gold's Gym in Plaza Ampang and Clark Hatch in Crown Princess Hotel. A few of my colleagues would drop in for their gym routines at 7.30am before reporting at work by 8.30am. Some would go after work.

There is a gym room in my condo compound but the equipments are not sufficient/complete. Another fitness centre within walking distance from the condo, Impressive Fitness, looks quite impressive. Buy my own weights?

Really want to look fit. Meantime, only way of keeping fit is to swim regularly at the condo pool.
Tags: Fitness Centre, California Fitness, Impressive Fitness, Air Pollution, Jogging, Exercise, Health, Gym, Swim, Fit, Clark Hatch, Gold's Gym

Friday, July 13, 2007

Why God Made Menopause?

With all the new technology regarding fertility, a 65-year-old woman was able to give birth to a baby recently.

When she was discharged from the hospital and went home, her relatives came to visit. They asked, "May we see the baby?" "Not yet," said the mother. "I'll make coffee and we can visit for a while first."

Thirty minutes had passed, and another relative asked, "May we see the new baby now?" "No, not yet," said the mother.

After another few minutes had elapsed, they asked again, "May we see the baby now?" "No, not yet," replied the mother.

Growing very impatient, they asked, "Well, when CAN we see the baby?"

"WHEN HE CRIES!" she told them. "WHEN HE CRIES??" they demanded. "Why do we have to wait until he CRIES??"

"BECAUSE, I forgot where I put him..."
Tags: Jokes, Funny, Humour, Menopause

Expensive SMS

If you have been courted to subscribe for the SMS service from Mobile 365 Asia Sdn Bhd, please be careful of their rates and number of SMSes that may be sent/received. Though their business plan/potential under the mobile messaging and data services seems very good, that's for them as a business entity. But for consumers/users like us, it's better to be aware of it.Just at the bottom of the picture above, there is this statement:-
*Bonus realtone is for free. Bonus realtone will be sent the first week of subscription. After this the costs are RM 4.00 per msg incl. GST, 3 msg per week, 1 content item per sms. (RM 12.00 per week) Standard operator SMS/WAP/GPRS charges apply. Start up: standard message fee applies. Min. age 18+ with bill payers permission. Helpdesk: 1800 813682 (9am-5pm,Isn-Jum). Celldorado operates according to the Malaysian code of conduct for SMS services. Celldorado offers innovative information and entertainment for your mobile, such as ringtones, Javagames and wallpapers.

If you were not careful, you could be paying RM12.00 per week under their subscription service. Caveat emptor!

Can Christians Make A Lot of Money?

Absolutely “YES”! Christians can make a lot of money. But some may think having a lot of money is sinful! It is worldly!

In fact some may also be influenced by certain kind of “poverty mentality” teaching where one has to be poor in order to be spiritual! Some may also feel that money will pull you away from God. Well, pulling one away may be true for some but not for all.

We need to have the right teaching on money. Money itself is neutral; there is nothing right or wrong. It all depends on how you use it. If you use it for good mean then it is good. If you use it for bad mean then it is bad. So the problem is not with money but the GREED of money is the root of all evils.

Next, money itself does not make you more or less spiritual. It is developing a close and intimate relationship with God that makes you spiritual. I am very sure you are able to find a lot of rich people who fear God. In fact in the Old Testament you can find many great men of God who are rich and prosperous like the case of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They are all very rich and prosperous and they fear God.

So, can Christians make a lot of money? Absolutely “YES” and there is no doubt about it! If you are a businessman earn as much as you can for the glory and kingdom of God. If you are working in the marketplace, put in all your heart, do your best and get increment and promotion every year.

However, I would like to list out 3 strong warnings. When you see these warnings lighted up, then it is the beginning of one drilling away from God, serving money rather than God and ultimately forsaking Jesus Christ.

But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. I Timothy 6:8-10

1) No time for God
If you work until you don’t have time for God then this is the first serious warning. You start to miss the cell group, prayer meeting and church service then there must be a problem. I understand that there is peak period but not for the whole year! So money starts to take a very important position in your heart.

2) Unable to give
If you are earning a lot of money and having difficulty in giving (may it be offering or tithing) then this is the second serious warning. Your giving is so painful and difficult; it is like ripping off your skin then you are treating money as THE most important perhaps even more important than God.

3) Violate the word of God
If you think it is alright to compromise and violate the word of God in order to earn more money because in the business world one needs to be unscrupulous and honesty has no place to stand. Then this is the last warning that money is getting hold of you.
Lastly, I pray that God will give you the power to gain wealth. The most important thing is not having a lot of money but having God because by having God you will have everything (including money).
Tags: Christian, Money, Old Testament, Jesus Christ, God

Free Arms and Bullets from Police

"Free Arms and Bullets from Police" - this should be the title for the No proper records of arms and bullets taken from armoury as reported in The Star in relation to Altantuya Shariibuu's murder case.

Although there was a register for police personnel to record the outgoing and return of the arms and remaining bullets, police personnel tend to take it for granted. When the register was presented to the court to check on those arms taken by the suspects in the murder case, the court saw this incomplete records. One of the police in charge of the register claimed carelessness.

Waaaaaaaaah! So simple, just say "Oops, sorry my honour, it was my carelessness in not ensuring the register was properly recorded". And she gets away scot-free?? Maybe the arms and bullets were rented out to third parties?? hehehehe......yeah what, how can the Special Action Force armoury not keep proper order for arms/bullets under their care...... I know what, why not the gahmen contract it out to a private company.

What a waste of gahmen fund in increasing the police salaries.
Tags: Special Action Force, Arms, Bullets, Malaysia, Altantuya Shariibuu, Altantuya, Murder Case

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Camouflaged Prostitutes

Prostitutes in Thailand will go all out in wooing their customers at those red light district places. They will be dressed to kill (reveal as much as possible). Their eyes will try to electrify your eyes too.

But in Mombasa of Kenya, prostitutes are dressed in buibui - a loose, floor-length gown and head covering. Unfortunately, this has drawn strong criticism from the Muslim brethens.

The prostitutes were forced to wear the bubui to hide their identity in order to avoid arrest. Apparently most of this sex workers were not locals but from neighbouring countries and such dressing is tarnishing the bubui normally worn by Muslim ladies.

In this case, the sex workers could get to mingle around and get to do their daily chores without being looked at or targetted by religious vigilante. Pity them or what? Really messed up.

The secretary of the Council of Imams of Kenya actually quoted this for the prostitutes - "For God's sake, if one has decided to join this profession, the uniform of prostitutes is well known. They should stick to their disgraceful attire."
Tags: Kenya, Mombasa, Prostitute, Sex Worker, Thailand, Council of Imams of Kenya, Muslim, Bubui

Pattaya International Fireworks Festival

Pattaya is definitely firing up its presence internationally. Covid19 has hit many nations really hard and Pattaya wasn't exempted from ...