Friday, June 08, 2007

Pac-Man World Championship

I remembered when I was young, the Pac-Man game was a craze. Be it on those handheld Games & Watch or in the arcade game shop, everyone was in it.

Trying to eat all the fruits in the screen and then the 4 powerful pellets that could turn you into a greater monster and eat those ghosts in return.
The craze has not ended after all this years. X-Box has taken a step further with this Pac-Man game. They had organised the Pac-Man World Championship in New York for their X-Box 360 owners.

Todate, only 1 gamer has achieved a perfect Pac-Man game. With just 1 Pac-Man, Billy Mitchell, from Fort Lauderdale, USA hit the maximum points of 3,333,360 in year 1999. That maximum points was achieved in 6 hours and video recorded by Twin Galaxies' Official Video Game & Pinball Book of World Records. Can you beat that?
Tags: Pac-Man, Pac-Man World Championship, Billy Mitchell, Twin Galaxies, Game & Watch, X-Box, X-Box 360, Arcade Game, Perfect Game

Privilege for Broken Hearted Customers

All young South Korean men were required mandatorily to serve in the national army by the government. If during this period of service, you received a email or letter from your darling stating that she wanted to break off with you, there will be some good news after all for you.

Though the good news may not come from your darling anymore or their family members trying to salvage the broken relationship, a South Korean bank has decided to chip in to assist such soldiers. Wow! not bad but how does a bank comfort a soldier in such a scenario.

Nonghyup Bank, upon solid proof provided that you have been dumped by your darlings (wonder if being jilted by the wife counts???) will provide the following benefits for you:-
* new deposit plan with better rates
* waived service fees

This plan is not restricted to men only but also available to female soldiers, family members of professional troops, wounded veterans and trainees. Besides that, Nonghyup Bank will also donate 0.1 per cent of the new clients' balances for dead war heroes and wounded veterans.

Only 1 catch, the offer is valid from 4 June 2007 to end Sept 2007. If want to break up, make sure you break up within this few months or if you sense it in Sept 2007, make sure you get those email or letter by 30 Sept 2007 morning and rush to the bank by that afternoon.

Reading: S. Korea bank eases ache of heartbroken soldiers - Washington Times
Reading: Special bank rates for dumped soldiers - Metro UK
Reading: S. Korean bank to help dumped soldiers - Canoe Network
Tags: Nonghyup Bank, South Korea, Soldier, Jilted, Dumped, Break Up, Heart Broken, Bank Rates

Bird Flu Near Kuala Lumpur!!!

It's true, the H5N1 bird flu virus has hit a village in Sungai Buloh, quite near to Kuala Lumpur. Dozens of chicken were dead. Will other villagers who rear chicken for a living sneak out their chicken elsewhere?

Will it cause panic in the city of Kuala Lumpur? Will the government keep the public well informed?

Reading: Bird flu: No humans infected so far - The Star
Reading: Bird flu detected at Sungai Buloh, culling begins - Tunku Aisha
Reading: Malaysian teams fan out to contain spread of H5N1 bird flu virus - IHT
Reading: Bird flu reappears in Malaysia - Yahoo! News

Watch this space!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

No Rights in Egypt?

It seems that Egypt will arrest anyone they deemed posing a threat to the country. Could be worse than Malaysia's ISA law.

Lately, Egyptian police ordered the arrest of 75 members of the opposition Islamist movement, the Muslim Brotherhood. With the upper house of parliament's election being next week, such arrest came at the right timing for the government in power. True? Although the group is outlawed, the suspected members do stand for election as independents (you can't stop them from doing so). And the Islamist party did receive a significant result in the last parliamentary election in 2005. Maybe the present government felt their 'presence'.

With that arrest, it drove about 100 lawyers to the military court trying to bail those 75 guys out. Can you imagine the mayhem at the court with 100 lawyers jostling to get their clients out as fast as possible. Egyptian Organisation for Human Rights has objected on the mass arrest. Not a good public relation for Egypt.

Not only opposition members are arrested, even bloggers were not spared. Abdel Kareem Nabil Soliman, who blogs under the name of Kareem Amer, was arrested last November which drawn wide protest from blogging community locally and internationally.
Together with him, another blogger by the name of Abdul-Moneim Mahmud was also arrested where he blogs under Ana Ikhwan. Their arrests has triggered protest from Reporters Without Borders which has added Egypt into their list of 13 countries that censor and harass people who publish online news. Another piece of human rights issue that doesn't put Egypt in a good standing.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Malaysian PM Getting Married

Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has announced that he'll be getting married this coming Saturday.

awwwwwwwwwww during the weekend? Why not on a weekday, it could be a public holiday. Anyway, going back to the original topic, it has been confirmed officially by the Prime Minister's Office as well. And you can't join the party as it's a closed door akad nikah held at the Seri Perdana official residence.

Who is this lady or bride-to-be? She's none other than Jeanne Danker Abdullah. A former Assuntarian girl, born in Kuala Lumpur on 29 July 1953.

An administrator and hotelier by training/profession where she has worked in KL Hilton and Pan Pacific Hotel before. She was also the manager of the Seri Perdana complex.

Congrats to both of them and a saying goes "for behind a successful man there is always a very supportive wife".

Reading: Rumour is fact: Pak lah will have a new wife - Susan Loone
Reading: Selamat pengantin baru... Pak Lah & Jeanne - Screenshots
Reading: The protégé turned prodigal - Malaysia Today (paragraphs 13 to 17)
Tags: Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Jeanne Danker Abdullah, Jeanne Danker, Malaysian Prime Minister, Marriage

Help Required: Blood A Negative

Received an email from a trusted friend where help is needed urgently. If you know of anyone which has A negative blood type, the blood is greatly needed. Only 1 pint person.

Dear Friends,
My name is Susan Yong, I'm with HSBC Bank Malaysia Bhd. My husband needs to undergo bypass surgery at Subang Jaya Medical Centre on the 12th Jun 07. He requires 8 pints of A "negative" blood.

As this type of blood is uncommon, the blood bank does not keep stock and the blood needs to be collected (fresh) only on the day of surgery, i.e. on the 12th Jun 07. Prior screening of the blood is necessary to check for suitability.

If anyone is in a position to help, you may contact me at 017-3624843( or you may contact SJMC Blood Bank directly.

Details as follows:-
SCREENING FOR CABG DONORS (Subang Jaya Medical Centre)
Monday - Friday: 8.30 am to 5.30 pm
Saturday: 8.30 am to 12.30 pm.
Sundays & Public Holidays: Closed
(Open during lunch hours too.)
Venue: Blood Bank, 5th Floor, Outpatient Centre, SJMC
Tel No.: 03-56306575
Patient's Details: Lachamanan Vasudevan MR No. 340577

Please mention my husband's details if you call SJMC directly. Appreciate if you could also help to circulate this mail to all your friends and relatives. Many thanks & may God bless all of you.
Tags: A Negative Blood, Subang Jaya Medical Centre, SJMC, SJMC Blood Bank, HSBC Bank Malaysia Bhd, HSBC, Lachamanan Vasudevan, Susan Yong

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Hot War

Cold War was over when the communist regime fell across Europe. With USSR disintegrated and most East Europeans' communism regime fell down the drain, the Cold War disappeared silently too.

Lately, the USA was trying to place some of its missles and radar system in Poland and Czech Republic in which Russia took it seriously and said that USA has breached ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) Treaty. Russia stated that those placements were meant to target Russia.
Meanwhile, USA has responded by saying that those interceptor missiles and radar system's placement were meant to counter any future threats from Iran and North Korea.
Very sensitive situation. Was USA's reasons justified? It seems that Russia was not buying it.

On the other hand, in showing that their arms' strength are still powerful, Russia launched a RS-24 missile from the Plesetsk cosmodrome last Tuesday. This missle could be armed with up to 10 warheads and was designed to evade missile defence systems. Wow! Evade? If you don't intend to bomb people in future why a need for a missile that could evade...... and a missile that could fit in 10 warheads???????? This missile could have been planned for few years back when everything was peaceful and their mind was already filled with destruction of another country with just one powerful missile....tsk tsk tsk

The NATO-Russia Council stated that it will continue to to address Russia’s concerns regarding the plans. Concerns on what when Russia was also well prepared?

Ain't this going to be a HOT WAR!!! Must practice my shooting skills with my Counter Strike game. You'll never know when it will come in handy.
Tags: Cold War, USA, Russia, Czech Republic, Poland, NATO-Russia Council, ABM Treaty, RS-24, Plesetsk Cosmodrome, Missile Defence System, Iran, North Korea

Pattaya International Fireworks Festival

Pattaya is definitely firing up its presence internationally. Covid19 has hit many nations really hard and Pattaya wasn't exempted from ...