Bahrain, a small country in the Middle East, enjoying the harvesting results owing to high oil prices has just imposed an income tax of 1% on its citizens. Only 1%?
And just this 1% income tax has triggered the following:-
* Workers in Bahrain are up in arms
* local newspapers inundated with letters protesting the scheme
* country’s trade union federation, the General Federation of Workers' Trade Unions in Bahrain, is reportedly unhappy with the situation
Bahrain is the first GCC nation to impose a tax on working folks. Do you need this uproar? Kuwait is to follow next. Working folks in certain countries are being taxed as high as 30%. This tax increase has something behind as well - it exempts military personnel and local and national elected officials. One thing that the public sector workers may not know yet - part of the agreement was to increase their pay by 15%. Wow!!!! A 1% income tax justifies a 15% pay increment?
Furthermore this income tax revenue would be used for at increasing employment opportunities for nationals and, as well as providing training programmes for job seekers, includes incentives for companies to employ Bahraini citizens such as additional financial and technical and to to fund unemployment benefits for its citizens. Selfish working folks?
Reading: Bahrain ministry defends salary tax - Arabian Business
Tags: Bahrain, Income Tax, Middle East, Gulf Cooperation Council, GCC, Gulf, Kuwait, Unemployment Benefits, General Federation of Workers' Trade Unions
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Temuduga di KLCC
Seorang CEO ingin mencari eksekutif baru dalam syarikatnya. Dari beribu permohonan, hanya empat yang betul-betul menarik perhatiannya. Bagaimanapun beliau tidak dapat memilih antara keempat-empat orang calon tersebut, lantas memanggil kesemuanya untuk ditemuduga(beliau tidak sekaya Donald Trump untuk menganjurkan temuduga seperti The Apprentice).
Setelah keempat-empat calon berada di hadapan beliau, CEO tadi pun mula berkata, "Saya ada satu soalan yang mungkin memberi jawapan berbeza, calon yang memberikan jawapan terbaik akan diterima untuk bekerja di sini" Soalannya adalah: "Apakah perkara atau benda yang paling pantas sekali?", tanya CEO tersebut.
Calon pertama berkata,"FIKIRAN, kerana kadang ianya datang sendiri tanpa kita sedari" "Bagus, satu jawapan yang baik", kata CEO tadi. "Kamu pula?", tanya nya kepada calon kedua. "KELIP MATA, kerana tanpa kita sedari, sebelum sempat kita buat apapun, mata kita dah berkelip", jawab calon kedua. "Satu jawapan yang sangat baik, lagipun perumpamaan melayu pun ada sebut SEKELIP MATA melambangkan kepantasan", kata CEO itu.
"Bagaimana kamu pula?", tanya CEO kepada calon ketiga. "Kalau kita tengok, lampu KLCC dihidupkan dengan pantas walaupun bangunan tu tinggi. Jadi saya rasa MENGHIDUPKAN LAMPU adalah paling pantas, jawab calon ketiga. "Jawapan yang terhebat setakat ni. "Bagaimana pula dengan kamu?" CEO terus mengusulkan soalan kepada calon keempat dengan merasakan calon ketiga hampir pasti menjadi eksekutif baru di syarikatnya dengan jawapan yang sangat bagus sebentar tadi.
"Setelah diteliti jawapan calon-calon sebelum saya ni tadi, saya rasa perkara yang paling pantas sekali adalah CIRIT-BIRIT", jawab calon keempat dengan yakin sekali. "Haaa...???? CIRIT-BIRIT ???? Kamu ni tak serius langsung, macamana kamu boleh mintak kerja dengan syarikat saya ni?", CEO terkejut dengan jawapan calon keempat tadi. "Begini tuan, malam kelmarin saya terjaga di tengah malam dengan rasa sakit perut yang amat sangat. Belum sempat saya FIKIR, KELIP MATA atau MENGHIDUPKAN LAMPU, benda tu dah terkeluar dah......... ....."
Calon keempat diterima menjadi eksekutif baru syarikat berkenaan...Hehehehehhe .........
Tags: Temuduga, CEO, Cirit Birit, Fikir, Kelip Mata, Lampu, Eksekutif, Jokes, Funny, Humour
Setelah keempat-empat calon berada di hadapan beliau, CEO tadi pun mula berkata, "Saya ada satu soalan yang mungkin memberi jawapan berbeza, calon yang memberikan jawapan terbaik akan diterima untuk bekerja di sini" Soalannya adalah: "Apakah perkara atau benda yang paling pantas sekali?", tanya CEO tersebut.
Calon pertama berkata,"FIKIRAN, kerana kadang ianya datang sendiri tanpa kita sedari" "Bagus, satu jawapan yang baik", kata CEO tadi. "Kamu pula?", tanya nya kepada calon kedua. "KELIP MATA, kerana tanpa kita sedari, sebelum sempat kita buat apapun, mata kita dah berkelip", jawab calon kedua. "Satu jawapan yang sangat baik, lagipun perumpamaan melayu pun ada sebut SEKELIP MATA melambangkan kepantasan", kata CEO itu.
"Bagaimana kamu pula?", tanya CEO kepada calon ketiga. "Kalau kita tengok, lampu KLCC dihidupkan dengan pantas walaupun bangunan tu tinggi. Jadi saya rasa MENGHIDUPKAN LAMPU adalah paling pantas, jawab calon ketiga. "Jawapan yang terhebat setakat ni. "Bagaimana pula dengan kamu?" CEO terus mengusulkan soalan kepada calon keempat dengan merasakan calon ketiga hampir pasti menjadi eksekutif baru di syarikatnya dengan jawapan yang sangat bagus sebentar tadi.
"Setelah diteliti jawapan calon-calon sebelum saya ni tadi, saya rasa perkara yang paling pantas sekali adalah CIRIT-BIRIT", jawab calon keempat dengan yakin sekali. "Haaa...???? CIRIT-BIRIT ???? Kamu ni tak serius langsung, macamana kamu boleh mintak kerja dengan syarikat saya ni?", CEO terkejut dengan jawapan calon keempat tadi. "Begini tuan, malam kelmarin saya terjaga di tengah malam dengan rasa sakit perut yang amat sangat. Belum sempat saya FIKIR, KELIP MATA atau MENGHIDUPKAN LAMPU, benda tu dah terkeluar dah......... ....."
Calon keempat diterima menjadi eksekutif baru syarikat berkenaan...Hehehehehhe .........
Tags: Temuduga, CEO, Cirit Birit, Fikir, Kelip Mata, Lampu, Eksekutif, Jokes, Funny, Humour
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Taiwan's Son-in-Law

The Taipei District Court increased the Chao senior and junior's jail sentences in this appeal case. The first verdict was given in December 2006 and an appeal was filed. Looks like a case of beyond reasonable doubt was proven.
This is what I called "Just do your job without fear even though it involves the head of state's family/relatives". I can also say that the Taipei court system was free from any government intervention / pressure. Or maybe their prosecution team was diligent in their case.
Can I say of the same for the Malaysian court system and prosecutors from the Malaysia's Attorney General's office?
Reading: Prosecutors grill Chao family members - Taiwan Headlines
Tags: Chao Chien-ming, Taipei District Court, Taiwan Development Corp, Insider Trading, Taiwan, Malaysian Court, Malaysian Attorney General
Star Celebrity / Host / Model / Brand Ambassador
If you think you are game to try out an audition for to become either a Star Celebrity / Host / Model / Brand Ambassador. Don't worry if you are not a professional but if you think are good enough, give it a shot. Yeah, just a simple think....... nothing to lose.
The purpose of this audition is to encourage young aspiring entertainers aged 18-30 in Malaysia to go for the Star Celeb reality show auditions, and take the chance to become a star celebrity, host, brand ambassador and model. Celebrity model & actor Daniel Tan and celebrity model May Wan will be there to accompany you too.
From the audition, 60 contestants will be chosen and will get a chance to be part of a reality show. Roadshow, magazine shoot and the grand finale will come along too. Nice isn't it?
Auditions will be held at Level 2 (Catleya Room) Parkroyal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on the following dates, 23rd-24th June and 30th-1st July 2007. Blogged a bit late of this but you still have 2 more days left at this coming weekend. Register online first (for priority queue) before presenting yourself at the audition. Remember to bring your I/C & a colour photo. Go for it!!!!
Looks like NTV7 will be airing this reality show too. And if you got selected as a winner owing to reading this audition in my blog, remember me when you start to host big events in future.
Tags: Star Celeb, Star Celebrity, Host, Model, Brand Ambassador, Daniel Tan, May Wan, Audition, Parkroyal Hotel, NTV7
From the audition, 60 contestants will be chosen and will get a chance to be part of a reality show. Roadshow, magazine shoot and the grand finale will come along too. Nice isn't it?
From the reality show, 2 winners will be chosen and a cash prize of RM25,000 (each winner) coupled with hosting and modeling contracts awaiting.
Eligibility: 18 to 30 years old, male or female, and able to blabber your way in either English or Mandarin.Auditions will be held at Level 2 (Catleya Room) Parkroyal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on the following dates, 23rd-24th June and 30th-1st July 2007. Blogged a bit late of this but you still have 2 more days left at this coming weekend. Register online first (for priority queue) before presenting yourself at the audition. Remember to bring your I/C & a colour photo. Go for it!!!!
Looks like NTV7 will be airing this reality show too. And if you got selected as a winner owing to reading this audition in my blog, remember me when you start to host big events in future.
Tags: Star Celeb, Star Celebrity, Host, Model, Brand Ambassador, Daniel Tan, May Wan, Audition, Parkroyal Hotel, NTV7
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Bloody Scene in Hotel
Tags: Blood Donation, Blood, Crown Princess Hotel, Nurse, Goodies, UNZA, High5, Fresh & White, Shokubutsu, Drinho, Zero Degrees
Prison Inmate on the Run
A prison inmate was sent to a hospital, University of Utah orthopedic center in Salt Lake City, for a medical appointment but wrestled his way for freedom. In the process of trying to keep him still, the prison inmate managed to grab the accompanying police officer's gun and a shot was enough to kill the police officer.
How on earth is he going to hide without anyone noticing tell me!
Curtis Allgier is the name, with a heavily tattoed face/body, a blind man could even feel his presence too.......
Tags: Salt Lake City, University of Utah, Ford Explorer, Arby's, Curtis Allgier, Tattoo, Orthopedic Center
He got out of the hospital and managed to frighten 2 persons out of a SUV vehicle and drove the vehicle onto a highway. Police managed to keep track of his escape and followed closely.
On the highway, 2 patrol cars collided into each other while trying to stop the Ford Explorer..... will consider this SUV in future, must be powerful enough to run at 100mph while trying escape. Stable enough also as its tyres ran over tire spikes placed by police.
Then he sneaked his vehicle into an Arby's fast food restaurant before being brought down by a customer inside the restaurant. A hero appeared in time.
Now, after all the above, I found it unnecessary to pursue this guy so intensively. Maybe he's dangerous to the public but when you look at this prison inmate's picture, I'm 101% sure that he can't escape the law.

Curtis Allgier is the name, with a heavily tattoed face/body, a blind man could even feel his presence too.......
Tags: Salt Lake City, University of Utah, Ford Explorer, Arby's, Curtis Allgier, Tattoo, Orthopedic Center
United States of Africa????
What is United States of Africa????
Or maybe, Gaddafi's meaning is just to come together economically, just like the European Union. For a start, a particular union has been created to cater for such - Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) - with 19 member African countries participating.
People who are envy of United States of America now wants to form another state of such kind? It's also USA (in short) ...... hehehe and maybe they are trying to confuse people in the future. I doubt it could work.
Libya's President - Muammar Gaddafi has called for all African nations to come together to form a United States of Africa. Something beyond everyone's capabilities. The dictators in some of the African nations are enjoying their reap of harvest, bountifully. Why give up on their power and pass to whom?
The backgrounds on the heads of the African nations - some are muslims, some are christians, some are warlords, some are corrupted, some are with full of scandals - it's a total mess. C'mon Gaddafi, be realistic with your dreams. Though I encourage people to have big big dreams but there are some dreams which are really beyond all humans, only God can do it.
Gaddafi has decided to bring the matter up in next month's African Summit to be held in Ghana.

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