Friday, July 06, 2007

Putting Your Face on Stamps

Many people have the hobby of collecting First Day Covers ("FDC") locally and internationally. I did too when I was much younger and having the time to go through my stamp collections and I do subscribe for international FDCs from Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.

Thought that was a unique collections besides collecting those really antique stamps of the yesteryears. You'll be amazed how much it's worth. I don't know how much I could sell off my collection but I'm pretty sure it could be a hefty sum.

Stamps on those FDCs would tell a story. But what about a stamp that could even print my own face onto it? That would be marvellous. More stories to tell.

It can be done now in Malaysia. A personalised stamp could have your face printed on it and you could use it as a normal postage stamp. Unique isn't it?
This unique service is opened to individuals and corporate bodies. Imagine you have your wedding photo printed on it and you use the stamps to mail out your wedding invitation cards. Or with you fully dressed up in your traditional costume printed on it so that you could paste those stamps on the festival celebration greeting cards.

Malaysia's national post office has started this new service called "Setemku Service" with the following packages at a minimum price of RM500:-
*Emerald package, you get 34 stamp sheets of 30 sen stamps each;
*Diamond package gives you 12 sheets of 30 sen stamps each and 13 sheets of 50 sen stamps each; and
*Ruby package gives you 20 sheetlets of 50 sen stamps each or 400 stamps.
Tags: First Day Cover, Stamps, Setemku Service, Pos Malaysia, Philatelic, Personalised Stamp, Stamp Collection, Postage Stamps

Crossbreeding Gone Awfully Wrong

Eclyse (name as given), a crossbreed between female chapmann-zebra with a male brown-white horse. Was born in Italy and being taken care of in Safaripark Stukenbrock in Germany now.


Please lah, this is just a crossbreeding gone awfully wrong and just admit it instead of giving such a good reception. People ought not to dabble with their genes created by God from day one.

So what do you call this? Zeorse? Hobra?

The incident happened more than a year ago when the zeorse/hobra's mom was taken to an Italian ranch and a male horse did the unthinkable. So, it was an accident.....not a scientific research. Anyway, it's not funny. It's totally confusing to the children and parents would be tongue-tied.
Tags: Horse, Chapmann Zebra, Crossbreed, Safaripark Stukenbrock, Eclyse, Italy, Germany

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Unlicensed Travel Agencies

On 24 May 2007, I have blogged about a Holiday Package being promoted by three related parties of Best World Vacation, Slyways Vacation and Dynasty Vision Resources.

Today, the Ministry of Tourism has responded to my enquiry. Please read their email:-

From: Mahizah [mailto:]
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2007 2:59 PM
To: Johnny Ong
Subject: Re: Verification of a Travel Agencies

Syarikat-syarikat yg. dimaksudkan tidak berlesen dgn. Kem. ini. Tindakan telahpun diambil keatas Dynasty Vision Resources dan tindakan keatas kedua2 lagi syarikat akan diambil sedikit masa lagi. Sekian terima kasih.

Translation to English for your reading:-
The companies that were mentioned were not licensed by this Ministry. Actions have been taken against Dynasty Vision Resources and actions on the other 2 companies would be done in due course. Thank you.

----- Original Message -----
To: Norizan
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 2:04 PM
Subject: Fw: Verification of a Travel Agencies

Please verify the agencies. Thank you.

----- Original Message -----
From: Johnny Ong
To: ; ;
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2007 2:56 PM
Subject: Verification of a Travel Agencies

I hope that the Ministry / MATTA could assist in verifying the travel agencies as listed below. I suspect that they are cheating Malaysians lately with the promotion & selling vacation memberships together with Slyways Vacation and Dynasty Vision Resources. Todate, there are emails being circulated depicting the cheating scenarios.

Please let me know whether the following 3 travel agencies are properly registered and whether it’s a Malaysian company or not. From the website, it’s doesn’t show its affiliation to any organization which is rare.

B-6, 1A Lorong Tun Ismail 6
Sri Dagangan Business Centre
25000 Kuantan,
Pahang Darul Makmur
Tel: +609-5146 766 / 5156 676
Fax: +609-5156 654

Slyways Vacation
Suite 2-2-2A, 2nd Floor
Wisma Rampai Town Centre
53300 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-41492122
Fax: 03-41493122

Dynasty Vision Resources
73-1, 1st Floor
Jalan 3/23A
Off Jalan Genting Kelang
Taman Danau Kota
53300 Kuala Lumpur

Please treat this email urgently as we do not want to hear another case of Excellence Holidays where it folded up overnight.


Please pass the word around with a link to this blog posting. The reason is because I did receive an email from a blog reader who regretted not reading my blog posting on Holiday Package earlier. This blog reader has purchased the membership and was hoping to cancel it now. Both Dynasty Vision Resources and Slyways Vacation are still operating out there hoping to rope as many members as they can BUT UNFORTUNATELY, they have not been licensed by the Ministry of Tourism.

We can't change the world on our own but if every single person was to lend a hand, the world could be a better place.
Tags: Best World Vacation, Dynasty Vision Resources, Slyways Vacation , Ministry of Tourism, Holiday Package, Travel Agency, MATTA

Nelson Mandela and Japanese Man

Nelson Mandela was in his house when there was a knock on the door, he answered it and a Japanese man was there. "I have 10,000 windscreen wipers for you" said the man. Nelson said “I don't want them".

The next day Nelson was once again relaxing in his house when there was a knock on the door another Japanese man was there. "I have 6,000 tyres for you". Nelson said "I don't want them now”.

The next day Nelson was having a drink and once again there was a knock on the door again there was a Japanese man on the door step. He said "I have 400 car engines for you". Nelson was really fed up now he said "I do not want them, and why do you Japanese kept bringing car spares to my house".

The Japanese man said "We were told this was the house of the nissan maindealer".
Tags: Nelson Mandela, Japanese, Nissan, Nissan Dealer, Jokes, Funny, Humour

7-11 in China

In China, it's really convenient to find a convenience store. If you can't find a particular one in building, there are those on wheels. They will just pack up and push it into a storage area at the end of the day. Simple. Tags: 7-11, China, Convenience Store

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Won Fantastic Four Tickets!

What a surprise for me!

Received this email (extracted) yesterday:-

7A, Lorong Datuk Sulaiman 7
Taman Tun Dr. Ismail
60000 Kuala Lumpur
T 603 7725 6872
F 603 7727 1801

To whom it may concern,

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you in becoming the winner of the Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer movie passes giveaway contest. The following is the prize that you have won (courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox Film (M) Sdn Bhd):

x 5 movie passes for Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

Please take note that the movie is already screening in cinemas, but because we have received the movie passes from the film company very late (28 June 2007), it may not be in cinemas for that much longer. Therefore, we would like to advise you to collect the movie passes as soon as possible.

Editorial Assistant, FACES Magazine

Thanks to FACES Magazine! First time in my whole life, I have won something in a competition. Now I have get someone to go collect the ticket on my behalf......their office is so far away from mine....... next issue is how long more will the cinemas continue to show the movie. Now which 4 persons I'm going to invite........
Tags: Fantastic Four, Rise of the Silver Surfer, Twentieth Century Fox Film, Faces Magazine, Movie, Cinema

One Billion To Die Due to Tobacco

World Health Organization has stated that one billion people will die by the end of this century due to tobacco-related diseases.

Not frigthening enough? It may be you OR may not be you but the person next to you OR one of your family members. 1 billion divided by 6 billion people on the face of the earth now = staggering 16%. Every 6 persons, 1 will die.

By the way, it's already killing 5.4 million people every year.

Malaysian government did its part by raising the sin tax on cigarettes, a 25% increase in excise duty. A good way to obtain government revenue. In a way, it may deter people from burning their health away in a slow way. Sad scenario in Malaysia is when tax increases, smugglings increased to avoid paying such tax.

Singapore has banned patrons from lighting up in pubs, nightclubs, karaoke lounge ........ for 99% of the patrons "where else can we smoke in Singapore?"......

Pattaya International Fireworks Festival

Pattaya is definitely firing up its presence internationally. Covid19 has hit many nations really hard and Pattaya wasn't exempted from ...