Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Walk for Justice

About 800 Malaysian lawyers (plus 200 of others) gathered at the Palace of Justice to begin their walk towards the Prime Minister's Department at noon. Why the delay? Apparently, 7 buses that were fetching the lawyers from the city centre were barred from entering Putrajaya. Nothing could stop them and they walked before the main walk. Walk they did, 3.5km to the Palace of Justice.
I'm so proud of this crowd. Just look at it, it represented the multi-racial Malaysia. This issue of Walk for Justice was not political nor confrontational but to request for an inquest into the shocking video.

It shows that many lawyers still cared for their profession and various individuals from other states came too.

Somehow, the authorities didn't take things for granted. The FRU police team was on standby with batons and shieds being held by the policemen. For goodness sake, the lawyers were only trying to hand over two memorandums:-
1) 1st memorandum called for a royal commission of inquiry to be set up to examine the claims made in the video clip, as well as the state of the judiciary; and
2) 2nd memorandum urged the establishment of a judicial appointments commission for the appointment and promotion of judges.

Malaysian Bar Council president, Ambiga Sreenevasan, said that the presence of the FRU police was 'an act of intimidation'. Kudos to the lawyers.

Pictures sourced from Malaysia Today and Screenshots.
Tags: Palace of Justice, Prime Minister's Department, Putrajaya, Malaysia, Walk For Justice, Lawyers, FRU, Malaysian Bar Council, Ambiga Sreenevasan, Intimidation

Lawyers' March Towards Justice

Malaysian Bar Council has called for a walk for justice in view of the recent video that showed a prominent lawyer talking on the phone in fixing the appointment of judges and outcome of cases.

With such evidence, the Malaysian Bar Council will be handing a signed petition at the Prime Minister's Department. Not just a handing over of a petition but hundreds of lawyers (and judges too?) will gather at the Palace of Justice in Putrajaya before embarking on a walk to deliver the petition.

This will take place at 11am and whoever out there wants justice to be heard this time, the calling is for you! News are out that CNN, Reuters and Al-Jazeera will be there to witness the event.

Edmund Bon of the Bar Council has a message for you:
The walk tomorrow is a peaceful stroll to the PM's Office. Everything humanly possible is being done and has been done over the couple of days to ensure this. The Cabinet has been informed that we are doing this, and handing over a memorandum and a representative will be expecting us.

The walk is importantly (1) a show of solidarity of the Bar and civil society's positions on the issue (2) to send a message that we are serious about wanting a clean up of the Judiciary including by (3) calling for an independent appointments and promotion commission (4) calling for a royal commission to enquire into the recording and the state of the administration of justice in Malaysia.

A Star sms has been received about DPM announcing the establishment of a panel to investigate the authenticity of the clip. This does not change anything about the walk. We are still proceeding to walk because the issues we are advocating are not limited to the recording alone but with much larger issues as described above.

And would such a decision by the Govt for a panel be set up have been made without the continuous pressure from us and civil society which includes calling for this walk, more so after PM said there would be no royal commission?

Believe in the power we all have in making change, and believe in ourselves. We CANNOT be afraid to walk, we CANNOT look lowly on ourselves, we CANNOT give up our country to people who do not deserve to run it.


Meantime, another petition on the same is being organised where it will be handed over to the HRH King or Agong in due course.
Tags: Lawyers, Judges, Malaysian Bar Council, Prime Minister's Department, Palace of Justice, Putrajaya, Petition, Agong, CNN, Reuters, Al-Jazeera

Christmas Drama Being Organised

At last I was able to call for the Christmas Drama meeting last Sunday and split about 43 people into 5 drama teams to present 5 different dramas for the whole month of December 2007.

A drama team will present their drama for each of the Sunday with the last drama to be presented on Christmas Day itself. The dramas are not linked to each other, not like a series. I have actually finished 4 of the 5 scripts and trying my best to touch up on the final one.

I'm going to be busy from now onwards starting with one of the drama teams having their practise this coming Thursday night. Then 2 more on Saturday evening and another 1 on Sunday noon. The practise for the drama to be presented on Christmas Day will start as soon as the leading actors/actresses in each of the first 4 dramas have accustomed to their respective dramas first before calling for that Christmas Day drama in which I will be involved too. It's like pulling the best together. Not saying the rest are lousy, don't misquote me.

Thank God that 43 people have availed themselves for the Christmas dramas and managed to roped in a number of new faces. It would be easier to have more drama presentations in future with so many members now. I'm sure there would be lots of fun in all the practises as in previous years. More photos to come showing you those funny/gila moments......................

All the 5 dramas will incorporate some video scenes too where we will video shoot some scenes and play it in between the drama. At least it would not be mundane with live stage performance only. Video scenes are mostly a person's thought and it's like those cartoons that you have watched before, where their thoughts do have people moving here and there.......hehehe, something different lah. So, when this live actor is thinking of something, that won't be acted live but a video clip would be shown instead with all lightings blacked out.

Talking about lightings, I need to get 2 persons to be trained up for the new lightings that my church is going to invest in. Quite a hefty sum and must get non-itchy fingers fellas (cannot afford to damage those expensive lighting equipments). Haven't seen it yet, should be up by November.

Would be sitting down with a another church member who will be shooting/editing our videos. Will put up some photo/video teasers in the month of November to stir up people's interests and suspense too. Bloopers will be there too. Waaaaaaah, lots of interesting stuff coming up. All my blog readers are invited to watch all the 5 dramas in the month of December 2007.
Tags: Christmas Drama, Drama, Christmas Day, Video Scene

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Daughter for Sale!

this NOT a sponsored post.

For those of you who are in need of money and so happened to have a daughter, you can sell her at this website, Marry Our Daughter. Register and insert a profile, picture and then wait for response from potential buyer from any part of this world.

On the main page of the website, a 16 year old teenage girl is for sale US$49,995. Is you daughter worth that much too?

You must be thinking why did I blog about this website. Am I getting paid for such introduction? Or I'm part of the syndicate? Am I in deep financial trouble that I require such sinful money?

Apparently, this website is a hoax. It was launched 2 weeks ago and has generated a readership of 60 million hits from all over the world. Do report to the authorities if you do come across any websites that sell girls or boys online as it's known as human trafficking!

Reading: The Bride Buyers- Newsweek
Tags: Bride Buyers, Daughter, Marry Our Daughter, Human Trafficking

Graft in Malaysia

Interesting article that I have found in Asia Sentinel where it published about graft involving Malaysia's Defence Ministry. Next thing that came to my mind was no matter how many types of planes, tanks or submarines we have bought, we have already lost out on the economics side of it e.g.:-
* exorbitant amount has been paid for stuff not in accordance with the specifications (for naval vessels)
* high commission had been paid to Malaysian companies who acted as third party negotiators for both buyer and seller where it involves tax payers money here.

US-based Foreign Policy in Focus and British group Campaign Against the Arms Trade have written that grafts happened frequently in Defence Ministry.

Best part is, the article published a list of armouries owned by both the Royal Malaysian Navy and Royal Malaysian Air Force. After reading the list, was shock to see our Air Force has numerous airplane models of different makes where pilots have to learn different control panels and different spare parts are required. Is it economical?

From this article, I could see purchasing of tanks had erupted into controversies too. My My! I really wonder if we ever go to war, will our armies be confused.
Tags: Graft, Corruption, Asia Sentinel, Malaysian Ministry of Defence, Foreign Policy in Focus, Campaign Against the Arms Trade, Royal Malaysian Navy, Royal Malaysian Air Force

New Extreme Sports at Big Sea

This group of 'flying' fishermen has a new way of pole vaulting hehehe.......
The pole that they are holding is actually a sharp piece of wood at the end used to poke deep into a fish. But what kind of fish that required such a big pole????

That pole is fit to fish or hunt down a big whale...... Quite inhumane to me.
Tags: Extreme Sports, Fishing, Whale, Inhumane

Economic Freedom of the World

Economic Freedom of the World has issued their latest 2007 Annual Report showing Malaysia's position at no. 60 falling from no. 54. Another disgrace for our nation? Well, the government will dispute the findings again and say that even though the ranking has dropped, the individual components that made up the total score has increased (which is a fact) but why did our ranking dropped when our score has increased. One very good reason is that other countries have improved much much more than Malaysia thus leaving Malaysia behind .....

This report measures each country's policies on how it encouraged economic freedom where the publisher, Fraser Institute, an independent think-tank based in Canada, based this report on 42 different measures before releasing an index for 141 countries.

One funny thing about this report. The 2007 Annual Report is actually reporting the situation in year 2005. Next year's report will report 2006's index then. A bit outdated, isn't it?
Tags: Economic Freedom of the World, Economic Freedom, Malaysia, Fraser Institute, Economics

Pattaya International Fireworks Festival

Pattaya is definitely firing up its presence internationally. Covid19 has hit many nations really hard and Pattaya wasn't exempted from ...