A town in California is up for sale now and you will have full control of the town. Not a bad deal but any catch to it? You get to appoint your own sheriff?
Info on the town called Bridgeville:-
Current population: 30
Market value: US$1.3 million
Land area: 83 acres
Nature: Van Duzen River
Buildings on land: 8 houses, a post office and a cafe.
Previous owners:-
Bruce Krall, a banker, bought for US$700,000 at an eBay auction in 2002
Reason for sale: Couldn't afford the restoration costs
Daniel La Paille, an entertainment manager, bought for US$1.25 million in 2006 from Krall
Reason for sale: Committed suicide (maybe too much stress on the restoration also)
New owner: You?? If you are interested you have to bid for it via eBay's website. You should check how they present the town in the website. Starting bid - US$1.75 million.