Monday, June 18, 2007

Unfortunate Event

Was trying to log in on Friday night (at home) and the laptop suddenly went blank. Unable to get it switched on again.

On Saturday morning, called the office's IT Manager and was hoping there was something up his sleeve but the laptop was not co-operative enough. Sadly, no updates in my blog since Friday night.

Today, when I brought it to the IT Manager, the laptop was ............. IN A NORMAL CONDITION. So, nobody could check what went wrong....... and the joke was on me as the IT Dept guys said that I could have dabbled with the internal system or I downloaded something which I was not supposed to....... hehehehehe (the effect of Wahaha)
Tags: IT Manager, Laptop

Friday, June 15, 2007

Wahaha ...... hahahahaha

Came across this company's products by the name of Wahaha located in Hangzhou, China ..........hahahaha

I would say that the owner, Zong Qinghou, and his wife (former teachers) are laughing all the way to the bank...hahahahaha. From a minnow company selling beverages and ice-creams, they have diversified to many other types of beverages and one of which is Wahaha's Future Coke.

Future Coke, a similar carbonated drink to Coca-Cola, was launched in 1998 and today, it's giving sleepless nights to Coca-Cola and Pepsi in rural China areas. Now, you have to know that the rural areas are definitely much larger than the urban/established areas.

Their business could generate an annual revenue of US$1.37 billion (11.4 billion yuan) and profits of US$162.7 million (1.34 billion yuan) per year.

Seeing this potential, it has prompted Group Danone SA to increase their investment in Wahaha......hahahahahahhaha. Somehow, the investment didn't go as planned and has generated wide protests from the Wahaha local workers.......for once Wahaha staff are not laughing. Their founder, Zong Qinghou, has resigned amidst the takeover by Group Danone SA.

Wahaha is famous enough to attract Wang Lee Hom to become their products' ambassador. So, Lee Hom is also hahahhahahahah all the way to the bank as well.

Guess who's laughing lately ...hahahaha
Reading: Wahaha - Taking the fizz out of the giant cola brands! - Venture Republic

Tags: Wahaha, Hangzhou, China, Zong Qinghou, Future Coke, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Group Danone SA, Wang Lee Hom, Beverage

Jesus Wants You To Drive 4x4

Jesus wants you to drive 4x4 - that was the sermon being preached at the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God ("UCKG") located at Soweto in South Africa. UCKG is now known as the biggest church in Africa where their new cathedral could fit in 8,000 that comes with a large underground car park. Wow!!

UCKG explicitly teaches their worshippers to dream big and that as a christian you should live in a classy house, use the latest cell phone and wear the snappiest designer clothes. The church told their worshippers to dream up money-making schemes ahead of the 2010 soccer World Cup, which South Africa is due to host.
This UCKG is one of Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus' ("IURD") new branches around the world. IURD originated from Rio de Janeiro in 1977.

How influential is IURD and what do they own?
Their presence are felt in Los Angeles, New York, Manila, Tokyo, Paris, Antwerp, Brussels and Rotterdam. It is also active in the England, Switzerland, Spain, Luxembourg, Portugal, Paraguay, USA, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Kenya, Malawi, Congo, Mozambique, Japan, Phillipines and India. Next target - Russia!

The IURD own 2,000 temples, 22 radio stations and 16 television stations around the world. Founded a bank called Banco Credito Metropolitano that has been beset with many financial issues.

What else they do? You have to read the article found in Apologetics Index. Extensive news on IURG's activities throughout the world. The report, in French and Dutch, is available in its entirety online.

What does IURD claims?
That the Kingdom of God is here on earth and that it can offer a solution for all manner of ills, depressions, joblessness, family- and financial problems. Promotes word-faith teachings, with a particular emphasis on the seed-faith doctrine. Since its theology and practices are far outside those of normal, biblical Christianity, this movement is considered to be a cult of Christianity.

Their founder - Edir Macedo, a former lottery worker in Rio de Janeiro, who elected himself bishop and now lives in the United States.

Saggy Trousers

The Mayor of Delcambre town council of Louisiana state will sign a law to make wearing saggy trousers a crime......... my my there must be tons of americans adopting that fashion craze in Delcambre itself until it could prompt the town council declaring it a CRIME????

No more showing your underwear when you walk around the town, get it?
Tags: Delcambre, Louisiana, Saggy Trousers, Crime, Fashion

Registration as Voter

Anyone who is 21 years old and above are eligible to vote at any general elections held in Malaysia. In order for you to vote on that particular day, your name has to be registered with the Election Commission ("EC"). Failure to do so, even though you are aged 99, you can't vote at all.

You could register as a voter at computerised post offices. If possible, do it before 30 June 2007 to stand a chance of being included in the electoral roll. The general election may be held in November, and if so, gives the EC around 4-5 months to update the roll because we all know they're not the most efficient of 'government body'.

There have been regular registration booths at SS2 pasar malam (Monday) and Cheow Yang (Thursday). There is one at Bangsar pasar malam this coming Sunday too.

1. For those of you whose MyKad address is your hometown or old address, you can register and go back to vote at that voting locality.

2. If you are not planning to go back there to vote, then you have to go update to your current address at the IC department (JPN). Next, you have to go to the post office and register there with your new address. Only then can you vote at your new address.

3. If you are already a registered voter, but your current MyKad address is different to the area you previously voted in, then you also have to go to the post office to update to your preferred voting locality (current MyKad address). Only then can you vote using your current address.

4. For registered voters, check your status at If you can, check it every 2 months until the election. In the event you are a registered voter but can't find your details on the EC site, you should lodge a complaint to the EC or any political party. There have been too many instances where people have been voting for decades but have been booted off the electoral roll.

That's all. Thank you. Remember, try to do it before 30 June 2007 to be on the safe side.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Palm Inc Spamming?

* Latest update - received an email response from Palm Inc (in Comments section) confirming that it was not from them. Therefore, it's a spam. Do people check the authenticity of such emails before emailing out. What was in their mindset when they saw such email? Getting that Palm Treo??
Received an email (as below) from a colleague purportedly from Palm Inc. It said that free Palm PDA/Smartphones would be given away free if people would continue to relay the email on their promotion to a minimum number of 15 people. Somehow in their promotion, the Indonesian's Palm's website was quoted instead of Malaysia's website.

Following was extracted from the Palm Malaysian website:-
Special Offers on Palm® Products
current retail promotions

Currently there are no promotions on our range of products and accessories. From time-to-time we run promotions, so bookmark this page and in the near future check again.

Is Palm Inc or Palm Indonesia trying to spam the email system just to have a cheap promotion tactic?

Have emailed to (general email add) and awaiting their response.

-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 3:02 AM
To: xxxxxx
Subject: Fwd: Free PDA+GSM Palm

Dear Friends,
Here is to announce that our company Palm, Inc., headquarter is located in Sunnyvale, California US opens our marketing office in Kuala Lumpur for Asia region.

We are promoting our product and for the detail you can visit:

For first launching of our product in Malaysia, we will give away for free the new product of PDA+GSM Palm Type Treo 650 and Treo 680 and Treo 750. By giving the product of PDA+GSM , we will get valuable feed back from the customers and get the mouth to mouth advertising.

You only have to forward to 15 people. After 2 weeks you will receive a PDA+GSM Palm Type Treo 650. If you forward to 25 people, you will receive a PDA+GSM Handspring Type Treo 680. And if you forward to 40 people you will get a PDA+GSM Palm Type Treo 750.

The only thing to remember is to send cc (copy) to:
Only by sending email to this address, we know you have forwarded this massage to your friends.

Good Luck!!
Louise Jasmine
Executive Promotion
Kuala Lumpur Office
Palm, Inc.
Private :

Kids & Monkeys

All about Peanuts
3 mischievous boys went to the zoo one day for an outing, since they had been at school all week.
They decided to visit the elephant cage, but soon enough, they were picked up by a cop for causing a commotion.
The officer hauled them off to security for questioning. The supervisor in charge asked them to give their name and tell what they were doing at the elephant cage.
The first boy innocently said, “My name is Gary, and I just throwing Peanuts into the elephant cage.”
The second added,” My name is Larry, and all I do was throwing Peanuts into the elephant cage.”
The third boy was a little shaken up and said, “Well, my name is Peter, but my friends call me Peanuts.”
Kids at play
A six year old boy called his mother from his friend Charlie’s house and confessed he had broken a lamp when he threw a football in their living room.
“But, Mom,” he said, brightening, “you don’t have to worry about buying another one. Charlie’s mother said it was irreplaceable.”


Costly Monkeys

Man entered a pet shop, wanting to buy a monkey. The shop owner pointed out three identical monkeys and said, "The monkey to the left costs 500 dollars." Why does that monkey cost so much?" the man wondered. The owner replied, "Well, it knows how to use a computer."

The man asked about the next monkey on the perch. "That one costs 1,000 dollars because it can do everything the other monkey can do, plus it knows how to use the LINUX operating system."

Naturally, the startled customer asked about the third monkey. "That one costs 2,000 dollars." "And what does that one do?" the man asked. The owner replied, "To be honest, I've never seen him doing anything, but the other two calls him boss!"

Tags: Jokes, Funny, Humour, Kids, Peanuts, Zoo, Lamp, Linux Operating System, Monkey, Boss

Pattaya International Fireworks Festival

Pattaya is definitely firing up its presence internationally. Covid19 has hit many nations really hard and Pattaya wasn't exempted from ...