Monday, July 31, 2006

Condoleezza Rice on the Piano

Wow!!. The US Secretary of State, the next person in command after the USA's President & Vice-President do have a soft spot after all with her piano skills. She's tough/skilfull when it comes to her job and her continued negotiations round the world on behalf of her country but the fondness for music does not stop her from displaying the other side of the skills.

She serenaded the attendees at a dinner hosted by Malaysia during the recent ASEAN meeting held in Kuala Lumpur last weekend.
Tags: Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State, ASEAN


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the brief article about Condoleeza Rice's musical talent. She is a person to be admired for many reasons~ her intelligence, professionalism, and for being a lady in a world full of qustionable female behaviors in politics and the media!

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

Condi, She is just great! So simple
and a professional lady!

Johnny Ong said...

francis - she's a tough lady with that particular position

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