Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Have you the seen movie called “Scorpions” starring the The Rock (from the wrestling showbiz)? I’m sure you have noticed in that movie that showed a sandstorm sweeping through the desert. Well, it happened in Khartoum too. How does it look like? Just look at the pictures and all this took places within few minutes only. That’s life in Khartoum. Sometimes, I do ask myself how much of fine sand has gone into my lungs.
We could see it sweeping through quite fast.
As it was approaching our office, we need to get into our car quick.

We managed to get into the car just before it hit us. We made a U-turn going back to our home and this picture was taken just opposite our office building.
In less than 5 minutes, the whole city was in darkness and the dirt it brought along that hit our car's windscreen.

Tags: Khartoum, Sandstorm, Weather

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