Sunday, November 09, 2008

New Country to Study Medicine

Two of Romania's universities have been recognised by Malaysia, namely Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest and Petroleum-Gas University in Ploiesti recently. You can't go wrong when MARA is sponsoring local students to study there. So it must be recognised by Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam too.

But why these two universities? Cheaper alternatives compared to those ranked in the THE-QS World University Rankings? These two universities are not even ranked amongst the top European universities or even Top 500 in the world.

Funny thing is it was the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Co-operative Development that executed the memorandums of understanding with these two universities instead of the Ministry of Education.

Reading: MARA Will Sponsor 200 Students To Romania - Bernama
Tags: Romania, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Petroleum-Gas University, THE-QS World University Rankings, MARA, Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam, Ministry of Entrepreneur and Co-operative Development, Ministry of Education


Anonymous said...

cheaper than russia and indonesia/sulawesi?

Drunk On Books And Adventure said...

we will never understand.....

Unknown said...

wtf.. cheaper doesn't mean better man.. someone better clarify this thing because i don't want no noob doctor operating on me and saying stuff like "i'm supposed to suture this thing right?".

bZbee said...

this is one of the many stoopidest thing that the gov can think of ways to spend the rakyats hard earned money....i mean would they care??? after's for the malay bumi's only....

Johnny Ong said...

carrot - that i dont know

blackie - dont need to hehe

simon - hahaha ..... go overseas for operations then

bzbee - well, hopefully they are spending it knowingly what is good, otherwise its wasted

Bernard Chung said...

ROMANIA...they r sending our student to learn vampirerism izzit??

Geek @ Kedai.TV said...

Might as well send them all to IRAQ or IRAN or PALESTINE...cheaper still.

IRAQ best because they all get good education by having a crash course on how to be a doctor tipu MC in 6 mths for dummies and then U work for 3 yrs in an Iraqi hospital w/o stuff...

Johnny Ong said...

bernard - vampirerism is part of the module

geek - must consider their safety man, future doctors u know

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