Was invited by
Nuffnang, the blog advertising company to a function held at
Modesto's Sri Hartamas on Saturday evening.
Robb Chew of Nuffnang was so busy running around getting things in order for the night. Bravo Robb!

The event was sponsored by
Maxis Broadband.
Maxis Broadband provided laptops and connections for bloggers to blog live from the venue of the event. Some bloggers were going at it.

The bar counter where it served soft drinks / beer throughout the night but ran out of soft drinks towards the end of the function.

Was called to take a family photo with my extended 'family members'. Kimberly asked how come I look different from the three of them. Told her I was a male cow. So, don't tempt me with their presence.
Can't recall Wee Lim's
(next to me) blog name. The person next to him was
Nicholas wherelse the person of the far right,
Christopher Tock, won the best costume award for the night. He made our clan proud!!!!
(picture stolen from Shaolin Tiger)
Nuffnang should have organised an original animal costume.
Simon Seow came with two planks depicting a horse face
(front portion) and a horse backside
(back portion of course) with a tail hanging down his pants. Very original.
Mine was of course trying to emulate a cow. I was still trying to get those black sugar paper
(as cow's black spots) to stick on my white T-shirt and beige pants at 5.30pm Saturday afternoon with by using double-sided tape and staplers to ensure it stick through the night.
(picture stolen from Simon Seow)
David Cheong, we are each other's frequent blog traveller.
Joshua Ong the Lion, one of those guys that I have been chatting with albeit virtually all this while.
Chubby Penguin the Bunny flew all the way back from Moscow on the same day just to attend the function. So, happened back for summer holidays.
She's doing medicine there.
Shad the Elephant was the real cool dude. When he drinks or eat, he needs to lift up his trunk .... haha. Really like your outfit beb. He was nominated as the top 3 best costume nuffnangers.
Kue was there as well and she was there with her sis.
Skyler the Leopard was there too. Long sleeve? I thought it was stuffy in Modesto's.
Vivien the Bee was the first person that saw one of my cow's black spot falling off. She brought along her friend,
Iris the Bunny, to the party.
As a reward for locating my spot, I allowed them to pose with me.
Timothy Tiah the King of the Jungle (aka Boss Stewie), one of the co-founder of Nuffnang. Great work in getting the function to this stage.

Wow, this guy is really superb. He came as a a a a ...... what's your costume
Liang? Anyway he was our emcee and a marvellous one indeed. Gifted emcee.

Kevin Chan the Cat.
Michelle the Bunny successfully made it to the venue as she did tell me that she was not familiar with Sri Hartamas area.
Yee Ming the Monkey. Another up and coming doctor in Malaysia.

These two beautiful ladies
(Germaine and Jessica) were greeters as we enter the venue. They handed out goodies' bags to partygoers. Who hired them? Nuffnang? Maxis?
Su Ann the Ladybird. She was the top 3 nominees for best costume. You did that headgear on your own?
Kimberly the Batgirl. Noticed that she was not wearing that headgear towards the end of the function.
Kelli Goh the Bunny. We didn't get to chat much. We'll catch up another time then.
Hanis Zalikha the Moth.
If you follow the
Malaysian Dreamgirl online reality series, she was one of them.
Pamsong the Catwoman came in her elegant self.
Kelly Tan with her orange Butterfly.
She has to walk sideways like a crab at certain areas as her wingspan was too wide..... LOL! In fact, all the butterflies walked like that in the party.

All the 'animals' enjoying the games organised by the emcee.

Liang asked for Bunnies to appear to play a game where winners received 2 complimentary cinema tickets.

Then came the Bees' turn.

Then the Leopards' turn.
Then the Gorillas' turn.
Then the Zebras, the Butterflies, the Tigers ..........
Liang, why didn't you call the Cows?????
Hwei Ming gave the excuse of being the cameraman for the night, therefore no animal costume.
Samantha the Bunny with superbly big ears.
Adeline Lee the Zebra too???? Another one of the Malaysian Dreamgirl contestant.
Asked her how come you are so tall ...... "I'm wearing high heels today". I thought I shrunk.

Shaolin Tiger that is without his skin.
Caryn Leong the Zebra. Or was it a white tiger in the first place. Another budding doctor-to-be.

The other Ladybird by the name of
Min Li.
Arif in traditional costume that comes with a bow tie. In actual fact, he didn't get to finish his intended costume.
Ringo the Lioness. One of the three Malaysian Dreamgirl contestants that were at the function.
Aronil the Butterfly. A good source in obtaining drama / stage acting info from her. Thanks for that.
Tags: Nuffnang Wild Live Blogging Party, Nuffnang, Wild Live Blogging, Modesto's, Party, Maxis Broadband, Christopher Tock, Simon Seow, David Cheong, Joshua Ong, Chubby Penguin, Shad, Kue, Skyler, Timothy Tiah, Liang, Kevin Chan, Ching Wuen, Yee Ming, Pinkpau, Kimberlycun, Kelli Goh, Hanis Zalikha, Pamsong, Curryegg, Hwei Ming, Wen Qi, Adeline Lee, Shaolin Tiger, Caryn Leong, Min Li, Arif, Ringo, Aronil Low, Malaysian Dreamgirl