Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Safest And Most Dangerous Cities
As per the list, St. Louis and Detroit have been listed as the most dangerous cities in USA. I could have forgiven these 2 cities' folks as it could been their baseball fans who had became a bit rowdy throughout the season as they celebrated their teams' advancements all the way to "world series" as per my earlier blog. Maybe some celebrations got out of hand and so happened, the people conducting the surveys were there ...... hehehe. Anyway, I still don't agree with the words "world series".
Tags: Morgan Quitno, FBI, St. Louis, Detroit, City, Safest, Dangerous
Hong Kong's Robot Staff

Click here to see the video showing a robo waiter at work.
Tags: Hong Kong, Robot, Restaurant, Kitchen, Robot Kitchen
Get Ready to Lead
You might be saying to yourself, wait a minute, I'm not a leader. Well relax, even the great spiritual leader Elijah wasn't perfect. Heaven knows that King David himself had some very serious shortcomings. God will mold you into a leader for use in His purposes.
--Steve Farrar
Tags: Motivation, Leadership, Christianity, Steve Farrar
Clear Colors
"I am part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I have the Holy Spirit's power. I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I won't let up, slow down, back away or be still. My past is redeemed, my present makes sense and my future is secure. I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotion, plaudits, or popularity. I must go until heaven returns, give until I drop, preach and tell all I know and work until He comes. And when He comes to get His own, He won't have any trouble recognizing me. My colors will be clear. "
Gentlemen, the question is this. How clear are your colors?
--Steve Farrar
Tags: Motivation, Christianity, Steve Farrar
Please Do These 3 Things
1. Surround themselves with positive people who believe that this life is not all that there is. Personally, I find this at my local church. This email goes out to thousands of people all over the world. I know we don't share the same faith in all cases. This message is not about my faith. It is about you finding a group of people who regularly meet together and have a belief that there is more to life than what we see. This is the first step to a positive outlook on life.
2. You must exercise weekly in order to stimulate endorphins and maintain an energetic life. The exercise of walking to the kitchen or curling 12 ounces does not count as exercise. I run 1 mile twice a week and 2-3 days a week do strength training. This is nothing difficult but it makes a major difference on my attitude.
3. You MUST educate yourself through reading. The average CEO in America reads 4-5 books per month. The average America reads one book per year and 60% of us don't get past the first chapter! Make a promise to yourself to read at least one book per month. Read anything!
Regardless, of what you read....develop a passion for reading and learning and you will see your attitude and outlook on life begin to change. Any person who faithfully invested their time in these three areas may not break world records in levels of success. However, everything in me believes that they would see dramatic improvements. I believe in those three things so much, I encouraged my family to invest their time in these areas.
-- Ron White
Tags: Motivation, Success, Ron White
Monday, October 30, 2006
Remembering G. W. B.
I have the distinguished honor of being on the committee to raise US$5,000,000 for a monument for George W. Bush. We originally wanted to put him on Mt. Rushmore until we discovered there was not enough room for two more faces.
We then decided to erect a statue of George in Washington DC, in the Congressional Hall Of Fame. We were in a quandary as to where the statue should be placed. It was not proper to place it beside the statue of George Washington, who never told a lie, or beside Dick Cheney, who never told the truth, since George could never tell the difference.
We finally decided to place it beside Christopher Columbus, the greatest Republican of them all. He left not knowing where he was going and when he got there he did not know where he was. He returned not knowing where he had been and did it all on someone else's money.
Thank you.
George W. Bush Monument Committee
P. S. The Committee has raised $1.35 so far
Tags: Jokes, Funny, George Bush, Washington, Dick Cheney, Republicans, Mt. Rushmore, Donation, Humor
MotoGP World Title

Results for Valencia MotoGP Race:-
1. Troy Bayliss (Australia) Ducati 46:55.415
2. Loris Capirossi (Italy) Ducati 46:56.734
3. Nicky Hayden (U.S.) Honda 47:04.645
Tags: Sports, MotoGP, Motorcycle, Nicky Hayden, Valentino Rossi, Troy Bayliss, Ducati, Honda, Valencia
Sunday, October 29, 2006
The Best Bank
One day, three bankers, a Citibanker, one from HSBC and another from Maybank (Malaysia's #1 bank), went for a walk. They were old buddies from school and they were remembering the tough old days they went as students together. For no apparent reason, they went into a zoo and passed an elephant.
Being from the same field and the same school, there is little bit of peer competition going on, so when he saw this elephant, an idea clicked the Citibanker, he said to the others "Why don't we prove who is the best among us?". The others, of course, agreed.
Then the Citibank said "Let's make a test. Whoever can make this elephant laugh, he works for the best Bank". They all agreed and started.
Being a pure logical strategist, the Citibanker tried to make the elephant laugh by telling jokes (In this story, the elephant do understand the language, boleh la). Of course it stayed still. As a more practical guy, the HSBC guy tried to make funny gestures... and the elephant still stood firm. Now, it's the Maybanker turn. Being the tomorrow -can- do- it guy, he whispered something to the elephant, and it laughed at him while pointing its trunk at him. The other two were astonished. How come this Maybanker beat them?
So the HSBC guy said "OK, let's make another test. Let's make this elephant cry". So there they went again. The Citibanker told sad stories. The HSBC guy made sad gestures, and they fail again. Then, the Maybanker whispered something again in the elephant's ear and it just cried, weeping and patting away.
This can't be, thought the other two. So the Citibanker said "OK, you've won twice. If you can win this test, we will bow to you. Let's make this elephant run".
He went and barked to the elephant orders to run. Of course, it stayed still. The HSBC guy pushes the elephant and stabs it with stake to make it run, it stayed still. So...our Maybanker comes to it and whispers something again in its ear and the elephant ran and ran as fast as it could, as if it was scared to death.
The other two surrendered. "OK, you're the best, pal. You work for a very good Bank, not even our global bankers can beat you. Do tell us your secret".
"Well" said the Maybanker "The first time I made it laugh, I said "Maybank is the best bank ". When I made it cry, I told the elephant how much I get paid". "And when I made it run scared to death, I said to it, "Why don't you join Maybank?"
Tags: Jokes, Funny, Humor, Citibank, HSBC, Maybank, Zoo, Bank
Alaskan King Crabs

Crab fishing can be seen at Bristol Bay, the primary area with Dutch Harbour as Alaska’s main crabbing port. Crab fishing in Alaska ranks as the nation's #1 most hazardous job. Then, with the dwindling population of the king crabs, it compelled the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to strictly regulate their harvests. In previous years, fishermen were allowed a mere three to five days to harvest the precious catch, so ships raced against time, nature and each other to capture the most of the fleet-wide quota in 20-hour shifts.

It was, and still is, a race with high stakes. The 2004 season ended after just 80 hours of fishing that hauled in 6.8 million kilogrammes worth US$65.8mil (RM243m). On a successful boat, one fisherman can earn up to US$100,000 (RM367,000) for just five days’ work! Recent changes in the way the fishery is managed have expanded the season to 3 months. The new rules will allow fishermen much more discretion when they catch their allotted crab quota.
More daily news on Alaska at The Anchorage Daily News.
Tags: Alaska, Crab, Fish, Seafood, Dutch Harbour, Bering Sea, Bristol Bay, Fisherman's Express, Anchorage
Saturday, October 28, 2006
MLB World Champions

One thing that I don't get it is why was it called a world series when only clubs in USA participated in this so-called world series. Where are the clubs from China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Netherlands, Italy, Australia, Cuba & Canada where they have professional leagues there too. It should be renamed National Series instead. Or dare not invite other overseas teams? Major League Baseball should seriously re-consider the change of name as it involved clubs from 1 single country only.
Tags: Sports, Baseball, New York Yankees, St Louis Cardinals, Detroit Tigers, World Series, Major League Baseball, USA
Sex Change Registration in China

Tags: Sex Change, Jiangnan, Anhua, Hunan, China
US Couple's Condominium Raided
In Malaysia, under the Islamic syariah law, a muslim person could not have close proximity with a non-muslim in an enclosed place and if caught, could be penalised. In this case, the officials didn't do a good check on who was in the room and raided their unit in the middle of the night.
Though this has happened almost 2 weeks ago (reported on 22 Oct, New Straits Times) the Tourism Minister said that investigation would be taken to find out what happened. Till today, as reported in The Star, both Kedah State Religious and Humanity Development Committee chairman Professor Datuk Wira Dr Othman Ishak and Kedah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid said they will check on the matter with the state Religious Department to find out what really happened. It took 2 weeks to find out????
On behalf of their unwarranted actions, the general public has to apologise to the couple and assure the world that Malaysia is not what it seems to be reported.
Tags: Islam, Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia, Syariah Law, Sarong, Religious, Khalwat

Click here to view HondaJet's introduction movie.
Tags: Jet, Honda, Honda Motor, HondaJet, Garmin
Weather in Khartoum
This winter will go on till February. It will be colder at night and could drop to 19 celcius. Winter in Sudan? Sounds weird in the desert region but it does happen. It's going to be a real dry winter as I could feel that my back is getting itchy daily.
Tags: Journal, Diary, Life, Weather, Khartoum, Sudan
Friday, October 27, 2006
Medical Meccas

Top 10 World Leaders:-
• Bumrungrad International Hospital in Bangkok
• Buchinger Clinic in Germany
• All India Institute of Medical Sciences in Delhi
• The Fyodorov Clinics in Russia
• Denver Health in Colorado
• Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Massachusetts
• Sourasky Medical Center in Tel Aviv
• Hôspital Edouard Herriot in Lyons
• Hospital for Tropical Diseases in London
• Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York
Tags: Hospital, Medical, Clinic, Health, Bumrungrad International Hospital, Bangkok, Buchinger Clinic, Germany, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Delhi, The Fyodorov Clinics, Russia, Denver Health, Colorado, Brigham & Women's Hospital, Massachusetts, Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Hospital Edouard Herriot, Lyons, Hospital for Tropical Diseases, London, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York
Least Expensive City

A survey of 71 cities worldwide by Swiss banking giant UBS found that Malaysia's capital has the most competitive prices when it comes to food, electronic goods, clothes, public transport, hotel rates and entertainment.
* A five-star hotel room in Kuala Lumpur costs an average US$150 (RM551) compared to with US$450 (RM1,647) for a similar room in New York. The most expensive is Tokyo, where the rate is US$510 (RM1,866).
* For a room in a two- or three-star hotel, the rate in Kuala Lumpur is about US$50 (RM183), compared with US$250 (RM915) in New York.
* It found that one only has to pay US$260 (RM951) for the package in Kuala Lumpur compared with US$920 (RM3,367) in New York. The most expensive city in this category is London where the cost is US$1,180 (RM4,318).
* Taxi fares in Kuala Lumpur are also one of the cheapest in the world at US$1.60 (RM5.88) for a 5km trip within the city. A similar trip in New York costs US$11.60 (RM42).
* Food prices in Kuala Lumpur are considerably lower than in other cities, with a three-course meal in a good restaurant costing US$12 (RM44) for one person. (Other sources: City Mayors: Economics)
Tags: UBS, Kuala Lumpur, Travel, Tourist, Hotel, Restaurant, Least Expensive, City Mayors, Economics
Parents' Headache .......
Hello? Is your daddy home?" he asked.
Yes," whispered the small voice.
May I talk with him?"
The child whispered, "No."
Surprised and wanting to talk with an adult, the boss asked, "Is your Mommy there?"
"May I talk with her?"
Again the small voice whispered, "No."
Hoping there was somebody with whom he could leave a message, the boss asked, "Is anybody else there?"
"Yes," whispered the child, "a policeman."
Wondering what a cop would be doing at his employee's home, the boss asked,
"May I speak with the policeman?"
"No, he's busy", whispered the child.
"Busy doing what?"
"Talking to Mommy and Daddy and the Fireman," came the whispered answer.
Growing more worried as he heard what sounded like a helicopter through the ear piece on the phone, the boss asked, "What is that noise?"
"A hello-copper" answered the whispering voice.
"What is going on there?" demanded the boss, now truly apprehensive.
Again, whispering, the child answered, "The search team just landed the hello-copper."
Alarmed, concerned and a little frustrated the boss asked, "What are they searching for?"
Still whispering, the young voice replied with a muffled giggle,
Tags: Jokes, Funny, Humor, Family, Fireman, Boss
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Jesus & Satan
They moused. They faxed. They e-mailed. They e-mailed with attachments. They downloaded. They did spreadsheets! They wrote reports. They created labels and cards. They created charts and graphs. They did some genealogy reports. They did every job known to man.
Jesus worked with heavenly efficiency, and Satan was faster than hell. Then, ten minutes before their time was up, lightning suddenly flashed across the sky, thunder rolled, rain poured, and, of course, the power went off. Satan stared at his blank screen and screamed every curse word known in the underworld. Jesus just sighed.
Finally the electricity came back on, and each of them restarted their computers. Satan started searching frantically, screaming:"It's gone! It's all GONE! "I lost everything when the power went out!" Meanwhile, Jesus quietly started printing out all of his files from the past two hours of work. Satan observed this and became irate."Wait!" he screamed. "That's not fair! He cheated! How come he has all his work and I don't have any?"
God just shrugged and said, "JESUS SAVES"
Tags: Jokes, Funny, Jesus, Religious, Satan
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Living Far Beyond Planet's Means
The Living Planet Index (report can be downloaded here), measures biodiversity, based on trends in more than 3,600 populations of 1,300 vertebrate species around the world. In all, data for 695 terrestrial, 344 freshwater and 274 marine species were analyzed. Terrestrial species declined by 31 per cent, freshwater species by 28 per cent, and marine species by 27 per cent.
- Climate change threatens Latin America and the Caribbean (source: WWF International)
- Climate change, fungal disease threaten frogs (source: Reuters)
- There's more to global warming than heat (source: Science Daily)
- Amazon river 'switched direction' (source: BBC News)
- Scientists raise alarm as man-made deserts spread (source: RadioFreeEurope / RadioLiberty)
- Ozone hole is 'biggest on record' (source: National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration)
Kenya will host the second meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP/MOP 2), in conjunction with the twelfth session of the Conference of the Parties to the Climate Change Convention (COP 12), in Nairobi from 6 to 17 November 2006 (source: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change )
Tags: WWF, WWF International, Weather, Climate, Environment, Global Warming, Ozone, Kyoto Protocol, UNFCCC, Planet, Natural Resources, Climate Change
Firefox's New Browser

You can download Firefox 2 now.
Tags: Firefox 2, Browser, Mozilla, Internet Explorer 7
Tiny Island States Seek International Help

Kiribati, Tuvalu, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands and parts of Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu are considered at greatest risk. A a sea level rise of 30-50 cm would affect hundreds of millions of people across the Asia-Pacific region, slashing economic output, inundating large areas of Bangladesh, India and Vietnam and reducing Kiribati, Fiji and the Maldives to a small fraction of their current land area. A climate change report by Australia's leading scientific research body released two weeks ago found that Micronesia had experienced an annual sea level rise of 21.4 mm since 2001.
Calls have been made to Australia, which is not a signatory to the Kyoto Protocol to cut greenhouse gases, to do more to combat climate change and to be more open to environmental refugees.
Tags: Environmental, Sea Level, Greenhouse, Climate, Kyoto Protocol, Micronesia, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Pacific Ocean, Marshall Islands, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Fiji, Maldives, Asia Pacific, Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, Australia
World's Tallest Buildings

Click the respective pictures to see clearer words at the bottom of it.

Tags: Dubai, Burj Dubai, Skyscraper, Tallest Building
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Football Coach Threatened By Parent
The father of a young football player pulled a gun on his son's coach because he didn't think the boy was getting enough playing time, Philadelphia police said on Monday. Wayne Derkotch, 40, was charged with aggravated assault after getting in a fight with the coach over the amount of time the boy was getting on the field at a game for 6- and 7-year-olds on Sunday morning, said police spokesman Officer Raul Malveiro.
"There was a physical altercation about what child should play or not play and then he pulled the gun," Malveiro said. There were no injuries and Derkotch fled before being arrested after a complaint was made by the coach, whose name was not released, Malveiro said (source: Reuters).
Is it an abundant of parent's love for the son or pride/ego was dented when his son couldn't play in the game?
Tags: Family, Football Coach, Philadelphia, Fight
Hari Raya Aidilfitri or Hari Raya Puasa

Today, it's being celebrated in Malaysia and a public holiday for today & tomorrow. In Sudan where I'm situated now, it has begun since yesterday with a number of Middle East countries too.

A malay colleague of mine told me that on these days, he will have about 50 relatives at his parents' house and frankly said that he wouldn't have known all his cousins. Too many of them but they knew him as they knew he's the son of their grand uncle or grandpa or uncle.
There is a video (meaningful family value) produced by Petronas just for the Hari Raya celebration. Would like to wish all muslims "Selamat Hari Raya" or "Eid Mubarak".
Tags: Eid Mubarak, Hari Raya, Muslim, Festival, Family
Cars - movie review

He got lost and ended up at a sleepy Route 66 town of Radiator Springs. While trying to escape the law without headlights, he damaged the small town's road and was punished to fix the road prior to leaving the town. Finished he did and he made a number of friends from this small town. He discovered later that there was a superb race car (of the 50s) in town too. A beautiful relationship with Sally (a Porsche) developed at the same time. Thereafter, he made his way to California to participate in the final race of 200 laps. He could have won the championship but he stopped just before the finishing line..... why?
Everything in this movie is about cars only ........ and i actually rewind the movie to see it again...see what......even the insects are cars too....almost fainted. Nevertheless, it's a good animated movie with good story line. You can't go wrong with a strong Production Co, Pixar Animation Studios, brought to us by Walt Disney Pictures and had grossed US$244,052,771 in the U.S. Box Office (placing this movie at no. 40 in the All Time Gross chart).
Tags: Movie, Review, Cars, Walt Disney, Pixar, US Box Office, Owen Wilson, Paul Newman
Madeira Island Airport in Portugal

Tags: Airport, Runway, Madeira Island, Portugal
Monday, October 23, 2006
Formula 1

Tags: Fernando Alonso, Renault, Felipe Massa, Ferrari, Jenson Button, Honda, Michael Schumacher, Interlagos, Brazil, Formula 1, McLaren, Sports, Racing
Gandhi, King, Ikeda Award
Mercy Malaysia president Datuk Dr Jemilah Mahmood was conferred the 'Gandhi, King, Ikeda Award' on Thursday, making her the first Malaysian recipient. She was conferred the international award by the Martin Luther King Jr International Chapel at Morehouse College in Atlanta. Dr Jemilah was an exemplary human being who has caught our attention with her undying efforts in providing medical and humanitarian aid through Mercy Malaysia to those suffering, regardless of race, colour and creed," said Dr Lawrence Edward Carter Carter.
On Saturday, Malaysian Interfaith Network chairman Datuk Anwar Fazal has also been conferred of this year’s Gandhi, King, Ikeda Award. Dr Carter described Anwar as the “people’s defender of health and welfare, a fighter of justice and a prince of peace”.
The Gandhi, King, Ikeda Award symbolises the tradition of peace-work based on non-violence that Mahatma Gandhi, Dr Martin Luther King Jr and Dr Daisaku Ikeda shared.
Tags: Awards, Mercy Malaysia, Datuk Dr Jemilah Mahmood, Gandhi, King, Ikeda Award, Martin Luther King Jr International Chapel, Morehouse College, Malaysian Interfaith Network, Datuk Anwar Fazal, Mahatma Gandhi, Dr Martin Luther King Jr, Dr Daisaku Ikeda
Rob B Hood - movie review

Jackie, a bad hat this time and also a gambler. In order to feed his gambling habit, Jackie with Louis and Michael steals at night on whatever stuff they can get their hands on. Then Michael would sell off the next day. Meantime, Louis is a playboy and loves Ferrari (he bought one later). Money was spent that way. While Michael keeps his share in a safe at home.
One night, they barged into a house and kidnap a cute baby and the funny story went from there while they try to amuse the baby to keep him quiet. A dispute between the baby's mommy and her former boyfriend led to the former boyfriend's death. The former boyfriend's dad took revenge by kidnapping the baby too from the hands of our "thieves or kidnappers now". Jackie and Louis tried their best to save the baby as they have grown to like him (even attending classes to take care of newborns). Sadly, they couldn't revive the baby after taking him out from a freezer.
I never miss Jackie's movies as I found his movie interesting with his skills/fighting/humorous scenes. This is an entertaining movie and enjoy the funny scenes with the baby around. Jackie Chan has his own website too.
Tags: Movie, Review, Cinema, Rob B Hood, Jackie Chan, Louis Koo, Michael Hui, Charlene Choi, Comedy
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Another Mansion Without Approval

MPK president said “MPK will investigate how the mansion came to be built up to this stage without the enforcement or planning department imposing a stop-work order or even alerting me. Work should not have gone on until plans submitted are approved." Yeah, should investigate and anyway, I have the answer already why it can be built anyhow ..... I'm sure many people also knew why it could be built no matter what.
The best part was, when contacted by The Star, Mazlynoor claimed that other councillors had also built mansions within the area without building plans. “So, you visited the area. You took a lot of photographs. No reason for you to highlight the matter. Everyone is doing it, but my house is small,” he said. Will this open up a can of worms? I'm sure it will unless the government enforced another gag order on this issue. Your comments?
Tags: Politics, Municipal Councillor, Klang Municipal Council, Selangor, Mansion, Port Klang, Datuk Zakaria Md Deros
Microsoft - New Internet Explorer

Still, a lag of more than five years between official releases has cost the company. Web analysis company WebSideStory estimates that Internet Explorer's U.S. market share is about 86 percent, while Firefox commands about 11 percent of the market and smaller offerings account for the rest. Two years ago, IE had about a 93 percent share.
Microsoft is offering IE7 as a free download now.
Tags: Microsoft Corp, Internet Explorer 7, Web Browser, WebSideStory, Firefox
Most Polluted Places
The Top 5 of the most polluted places on planet earth:-
- Dzerzhinsk in Russia, a Cold War chemical weapons site.
- Linfen, heart of China's coal industry.
- Kabwe in Zambia, site for mining and smelting of metals including lead.
- Haina in the Dominican Republic, where battery recycling and smelting have left huge concentrations of lead in residents.
- Ranipet in India, where more than three million people are affected by tannery waste.
Source (click city's name for other sources too): A New York-based environmental charity, Blacksmith Institute, has documented what it calls the 5 most polluted places on the planet. It is dedicated to monitor pollution related environmental projects in developing countries.
Tags: Environment, Pollution, Blacksmith Institute, Most Polluted, Dzerzhinsk, Russia, Linfen, China, Kabwe, Zambia, Haina, Dominica Republic, Ranipet, India
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Top-notch Swimming Pool - Australia

The centre features a 10-lane, 50m pool with in-built performance analysis and monitoring systems for the training, testing and development of Australia's elite swimmers and teams.
Analysis and monitoring systems packed into the pool walls and blocks, touch pads, magnetic timing gates and 24 fixed cameras will allow coaches and sports scientists to analyse all aspects of the AIS swimmer's performance in training.
The centre will also feature state-of-the art hydrotherapy and recovery facilities – three spa baths, a plunge pool, a cold water walk-through and a river for active recovery and stretching.
Tags: Sports, Technology, Australia, Swimming, Canberra, Australia Institute of Sports, AIS Recovery and Swimming Centre, Sports Scientist
Deepavali or Diwali celebration

There is a video (humorous one!) produced by Petronas just for the Deepavali celebration.
Would like to wish all who celebrate this festival, Happy Diwali.
Tags: Festival, Deepavali, Diwali, Festival of Lights, Hindu, Religion, Celebration
Sexy Education at University of Toronto

The program promises an academic approach to gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and heterosexual issues -- from history and law to the performance of sadomasochism. There are plans for Canada's first undergraduate major in sexual diversity studies, and for master's and doctorate programs from 2008.
The program includes a drama course called "Sexual Performance: Case Studies in S/M (sadomasochism)" and the arts and literature course "Queerly Canadian," for which one student wrote an in-depth review of a male strip show.
But it also focuses on traditional academic discussion -- from Plato to same-sex marriage, with courses like "Theories of Sexuality" and "Sexual Diversity Politics." Canadian provinces were the first jurisdictions in North America to legalise gay marriage -- and Toronto, with one of the largest gay and lesbian communities in the world, is a perfect backdrop for such a program, the university commented.
Very open-minded society indeed!!!
Tags: Sexy, Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, Sexual Diversity Studies, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Heterosexual, Sexual Performance, Sadomasochism
Pattaya International Fireworks Festival
Pattaya is definitely firing up its presence internationally. Covid19 has hit many nations really hard and Pattaya wasn't exempted from ...

News came from Santa Barbara, California — During a search for evidence at the Neverland Valley Ranch , investigators discovered a corpse t...
Hari Raya Puasa is also commonly known as Hari Raya Aidilfitri. In Malay, the word Hari Raya means ‘A Day Of Celebration’ and Puasa derives ...