A local county in Chengdu of China has set up a Virtual Cop Department just to monitor the citizen's daily internet access to ensure that no dissident group will go against the government or any violation of speech/write up against the constitution or too much of pornography. Below is the
Dujiangyan county 's advertisement in search for Virtual Cops that will sit in front of pc monitors day in day out to catch such people. The respective cop will be known as Skynet Monitory Manager. (source:

Dujiangyan, locatedin Dujiangyan Personnel Bureau
Dujiangyan Public Security Bureau
Notice about recruitment of professional "Skynet" monitoring managers
Work needs require the recruitment of 96 professional "Skynet" monitor manager; pertinent information is included below:-
1. Position nameProfessional 'Skynet' monitoring manager, 96 individuals (10 women)
2. Recruitment scope and targetAny individuals with a vocational diploma or higher (recognized by the State Education Commission), who is a long-term resident of Dujiangyan and who fits the position requirements and the registration conditions may apply.
3. Basic conditions for the candidate(a) Possess PRC citizenship and a citizen's political rights;
(b) Support CPC leaders; love socialism;
(c) Respect the law, have an upright character, dedicated to work, and possessed of a spirit of serving the people;
(d) Men must be at least 1.68 meters tall; women at least 1.55 meters. In good health with all five senses; no communicable diseases; not hard of hearing; no internal hemorrhoids; age between 20 and 30; unassisted vision at least 4.8;
(e) Must know Mandarin, be able to use a calculator;
(f) Individuals who fit any of the following may not apply:-
i. Been subject to criminal punishment, public security penalties, reform through labor, or juvenile discipline;
ii. Been subject to administrative discipline or who have had their status revoked;
iii. Currently the subject of an unresolved criminal investigation;
iv. Immoral, or have engaged in improper acts such as hooliganism or peeping;
v. Have a close relative, or a distant relative who has been a major life influence, who has been sentenced to death or who has engaged in overseas activities to topple the government;
vi. Have a close relative, or a distant relative who has been a major life influence, who is the subject of an unresolved criminal investigation.
4. Registration and review of qualifications(a) Registration time and placeRegistration time: 2007/04/16-20; place: PSB reception room
(b) Registration materialsApplicants must bring their residential ID card, their household registration, their diploma, unemployment card, discharge certificate (original), two photos (bare-headed 1 cm) to the designated place at the designated time and must fill in the Contractual Professional "Skynet" Monitoring Manager Qualification Inspection Form (two copies) for review.
5. Tests and administrative review(a) Recruits should come to the registration location on 24 April 2007 to confirm their review status and obtain a test certificate.
(b) Computer exam will be held on 25 April 2007.
(c) Culture exam will be held on 28 April 2007.
(d) Physical checkup will be held on 8 May 2007.
(e) Interview will be held in one session on 11 May 2007.
(f) Group inspection will be held on 16 May 2007.
(g) Interviews, administrative review, and test results will be announced on 21 May 2007.
6. Contract signing(a) For candidates who pass review by the administrators, the test, and the interview, a contract will be signed between the employer and the recruit.
(b) The probationary contract will last three months. At the end of the three month probation, satisfactory recruits will sign a formal employment contract. If within the probationary period there are violations, the employer may refuse the offer contingent on the specific situation.
(c) The contract comes in three copies and is prepared by the municipal personnel bureau. The contract lasts for one year; at the end of the contract period the employer will determine on the basis of work conditions whether to extend the contract; should the employer decide not to extend the contract, or should the employee wish to resign, then things will be handled according to the contract stipulations. Disputes will be resolved according to state law and relevant departmental regulations.
7. Salary and benefits (interesting part!)Monthly salary; retirement, medical, and unemployment insurance (according to relevant national regulations, paid by the employer).
Salary: wages contingent on performance assessment; holiday and overtime wages; uniform fees.
Total: 1,300 per person per month.
[96 x 1,300 x 12 mths = 1,497,600 yuan per county. If China was to implement this in all their 2,000 counties, it would cost China 1,497,600 x 2,000 = 2,995,200,000 yuan (equivalent to abt US$440.0 million) per annum]For the latest information, please inquire at the Dujiangyan Municipal Personnel Bureau and Public Security Bureau: Tel: 87110896, 87112383, 87132216
2007.04.13 (seals of Dujiangyan Personnel Bureau, Dujiangyan Public Security Bureau)
Tags: China, Chengdu, Dujiangyan, Virtual Cop, Dujiangyan Personnel Bureau, Dujiangyan Public Security Bureau